So last year I had the most beautiful present off my bestie and love Andy ❤️
Not the bestest picture of me but I just wanted to post it as my eyes filled with tears as I unwrapped this gift and realised what it was….
I started this little buisiness around 2 years ago and gained my very first customers (human and fluffy 😄) They took a leap of faith in me not having any reviews and a pretty sparse business page here on Facebook, in time it grew and grew till I’m at this point today where I have a lovely set of regular customers, and gaining new ones all the time!
I started this little adventure up from scratch, with no help and I am unbelievably proud of myself having zero confidence, and now I’m flying high!
So if you’ve read this till the end thankyou so much and this is your sign that anything is possible! So go for it!