Dougal is 2!!! What a time for a hilarious trip down memory lane 🎈
I think the reality is that he will look like a lanky adolescent for the entirety of his life 😂
I love this dog to absolute bits, and I don't really think of him as a pet anymore, more as an extension of my body 😂
He comes to work with me, away on holidays, he sleeps on my feet whilst I'm cooking, or next to me in the evenings when the telly is on. I have to physically allocate times to leave him to make sure we don't end up with separation anxiety 😂 he's probably the only living thing that's actually excited at the prospect of putting up with me for that long 😂
Anyone that has ever met him or seen him would agree that he's certainly not a serious dog, he's just here for a good time, and it's impossible not to love him
So a very happy birthday Wormy, let's go throw you a ball and find you a steak 🪱