They make a house a home, but they also make it very mucky 🤣
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #bordercollie #beardedcollie #doglovers
What a YEAR!!! My year in review looks pretty flipping wonderful 🧡
To all the phenomenal dogs and owners I have had the pleasure of working with this year, thank you so very much and I'm so proud of you all!!
Here's to going out of 2024 on a high, and going into 2025 (eek!!) with a bang!! 💥
*posting a little early because I intend to be in a food coma, watching Wallace and Gromit on the day I probably should actually post this*
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #dogbehaviour #dogtrainingtips #puppy #puppytraining #doglovers
It's a great day to have a great day!!
If on a walk you have an experience with a nice person, and an experience with a not so nice person, which one are you going home and telling people about?
The reality is, the world is a cruel place or a really wonderfully kind place - it just depends on what narrative you are letting yourself feed into!!
I'm under no illusion of bad things happening, annoying disrespectful people popping up; all I'm saying is, put as much or more energy into acknowledging the great people and you're probably going to start having more enjoyable days
Happy walking 🐾🐾
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #dogbehaviour #dogtrainingtips
Scentwork with Dougal!
We have been LOVING doing scentwork classes with @thedogsquadofficial
Watching a dog sniff out something so teeny weeny will never cease to amaze me, aren't dogs clever!!
We need to do a bit more work on a longer indication, but I'm rewarding pretty quickly at the moment as Dougal has a tendency to try and swallow the little bit of Kong 🙄😂
Do you do any scentwork with your dog?
Not surprised Enzo doesn't settle, he has literally been bred to work non-stop full days retrieving birds. But his owners want to be able to take him for a coffee, so we practice!!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogs #looseleashwalking #recalltraining #artemisk9training
It's been a crazy few weeks with little Sonny ☀️
Sonny's owner had been left at her wits end as Sonny was most definitely running the roost. He would bite people if he wasn't happy about something, even after 5 months of trying he still wasn't crate trained, and he would (quite literally) bounce off the walls
We have worked a lot on crate manners, impulse control, appropriate behaviour and play around other dogs and how to switch off
Being 9 months, there is still a long road ahead of him working through those puppy stages, but he's now got some really solid foundations to put him on the right path.
I am incredibly proud of how well he has done and the progress he has made in such a short space of time, he's a little superstar!!
#artemisk9training #puppytraining #puppy #dog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #terrier #reactivedog looseleash #freedom #offleashfreedom #cratetraining #maidstone #maidstonedogs
✨️Using play to teach a new behaviour✨️
Stan has never been a massive fan of loading up into the car, but with the delivery of my new travel crate it felt like the time to fix that
Stan's favorite game is chasing rocks (who knows why) so I've incorporated a little bit of training into the game!
He plays, hops in the car, and the game starts again straight away - no better reinforcement than that!!
Personally I'm not a fan of using play to teach loads of behaviours as I like play to be just crazy no rules fun for the dog, but every now and then there's a place to use it to train!!
#dogtraining #dog #play #artemisk9training #terrier