Misty loves a massage. We are still trying to get her pain meds to the correct dose at the moment. Thankfully, Misty seems to find a lot of comfort and relief from a massage.🥰
She is given the choice of having the massage in the first place. She can also get up and walk away at any time.🐾 ❤️
Today we ended up with about 5 letters through the door. Teaching your dog to bring your post is a great way of providing a bit of mental stimulation during the day.💌
Bonnie is very gentle with the letters (this took a lot of practice). However, accidents do happen. The paper was really thin on this flyer and she brought me it with a small piece missing (you can see at the beginning of the video).🐾
I wanted to see if she could locate and bring me the missing piece. She managed.😍
Dogs are easy to entertain 😆🐾
Sound on 🔊
Bonnie has started pulling just before we arrive at a location where she usually gets off the lead.
I don't want her to think that if she pulls she receives the amazing reward of running free and playing with her ball. Therefore, I am stopping every single time she pulls and waiting for her to release tension.🐕🦺
You can see towards the end of the video that she is stopping herself before she reaches the end of her lead. She is excited so she is going to have a faster pace than normal but I want her to learn to stop herself before she creates tension on the lead.🐾
P.S. Sorry for the bad video quality.
Recall training tips with Bonnie.😍
I often ask Bonnie to come without the intention of keeping her on the lead. A lot of dogs owners put their dog on the lead at the end of the walk. Dogs begin to associate their lead on with the walk ending.
Top Tip: Continue to put your dog on and off lead throughout the walk. 🐾
Recall training tips with my adorable helpers.😍
Misty and I came back to Livingston and reconnected with Bonnie over a year ago. Bonnie's recall needed a bit of work. The first thing I did was change Bonnie's recall cue from "Come" to "Give Me Lead". "Come" had been overused and she didn't have a very positive association with this cue anymore.
Top Tip: Never use your recall cue for anything your dog doesn't like e.g. before a bath or getting their nails done.🐾
Another recall tip will be coming tomorrow. Please follow so you don't miss it.🥰
Practicing in new locations
I train new commands in my home where there are few distractions. Then I practice in the garden where there are a few more distractions. After that, I would practice on one of our regular walks. Finally, I would practice in new locations.🐾😊
Bonnie gets distracted very easily (as you can see) so gradually increasing distractions really helps to set her up for success.❤