Donehogawa Utonagan

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  • Donehogawa Utonagan

Donehogawa Utonagan Health tested Utonagan dogs from the original lines developed by Edwina Harrison

Nikita (Tehya & Alfie girl) had a beautiful litter of 7 Utonagan puppies in the early hours of this morning 🙂 Sire is Dj...

Nikita (Tehya & Alfie girl) had a beautiful litter of 7 Utonagan puppies in the early hours of this morning 🙂
Sire is Django (Bonnie & Harry boy)
Mum and pups are all doing really well and Nikita is being amazing for a first time mum. These lines together have created gorgeous true Utonagan Puppies.
If anyone is interested in a puppy please let me know asap ❤️
2 boys and 5 girls


Are you based in Scotland? Cooper & Co Solicitors are going to look to put on a live, in person, event later this year on Scottish Doglaw. We shall be using a variety of speakers and the content will be a mix of civil and criminal issues that will be of interest to professionals as well as dog owners. It's likely to be a half day (morning) in Edinburgh in November, probably at the beginning of the week and the price will be around £100 per person.

We are trying to gauge interest at this stage. If you might be interested in attending please reply or send us a DM with your email and we shall add you to a spreadsheet to get early notification once it has been confirmed.


WE ALL AGREE WITH NO MORE UNWANTED LITTERS. We should consider newer, safer alternatives than a traditional gonadectomies to prevent long-term health concerns.

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)🏥 has just announced their new spay & neuter guidelines.🙀 Due to growing evidence of adverse health effects of traditional gonadectomy (spay/neuter) and increases in cancers and joint disorders, WSAVA suggest the best practice for RESPONSIBLE pet parents is to leave dogs and cats unaltered (intact). Additionally noting, spaying or neutering a dog younger than 6 months of age is NOT recommended because of an increase of detrimental health risks. Acknowledging in some circumstances, such as rescues and shelters, where leaving an animal intact is not an option, they stress the importance of education and acceptance of newer, alternative sterilization techniques that have less long-term health concerns. 🙌

Discussing these alternative techniques and the pro’s and con’s today, plus much more in the Inside Scoop.

👉Comment SCOOPERS to join our troll-free subscription group and watch today's podcast. Our monthly subscription includes our weekly livestream, plus access to all past content - over 4 years of lives, interviews, ebook downloads and more!



I see another dry pet food factory is under the spotlight for stinky shenanigans. A Pet Food Industry magazine (link in comments) states:

"Several neighbors within a mile radius of Nestle Purina Petcare's plant in Denver claim "noxious odors" have created symptoms including headaches and nausea."

Say no more.

Actually, say a little more...

Stink is the smell of rotting, fermenting, putrifying ingredients. Or the cooking of same. Think about it, when you open your fridge, does it "stink". When you are cooking good food, does it "stink".


If your fridge stinks, you go looking for the out-of-date meat item that eluded you.

And this isn't obviously isn't the first time pet food factories have been caught using rotten, mouldy ingredients.

Remember when employees of a Mars pet "food" factory sued Mars Inc due to the presence of phosphine gas in the factory?!

For those that don't know, phosphine is a HIGHLY poisonous chemical gas used to kill people in WWII.

"According to the lawsuit, the alleged exposure occurred when the fumigant remained in railcars that entered the plant from a location west of Joplin, causing the eight workers to suffer injuries to their eyes, lungs, respiratory system, and internal organs."

The workers weren't even equipped with PPE (allegedly).

But the factory did have phosphine gas alarms in it!

I say factory, they levelled and concreted over that factory soon after the case went to court. Stange that.

Now, you might ask, WHY would a "food" factory have alarms for a highly toxic poisonous gas everywhere, a gas that shouldn't be in the same town as a food factory?!

Well, they spray it on the incoming SUB-PAR grain to kill any MOULD present.


Now, unlike phosphine gas it seems, the mould is REALLY toxic to pets, producing mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, the most carcinogenic natural substance on the planet and which, studies show, is killing pets eating grain-based pet food.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic for the pets consuming the poison.

Sort of reminds me of that bit in the Simpsons when the town gets overrun with tree lizards that risk eating all the local bird eggs but then did something to help Bart and Lisa escape from a bad situation so were now being hailed as heroes by the town.

Skinner: Well, I was wrong; the lizards are a godsend.

Lisa: But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?

Skinner: No problem. We simply release wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.

Lisa: But aren't the snakes even worse?

Skinner: Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.

Lisa: But then we're stuck with gorillas!

Skinner: No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death!

And this mouldy-grain issue persists today in grain-containing pet food. Study after study (see my book Feeding Dogs, for more) reveal completely unacceptable, toxic amounts of mycotoxins present in a large percentage of grain-based pet food.

Again, we have on record that grade 1 grain (for humans, meaning clean, not mouldy) is not used in pet food as it costs more. Grade 2 is, which means less clean, a bit more mouldy, a bit more toxic, so feed it to pets (and the animals we eat).

Nor was this Mars factory the only one up to all sorts in the past.

Remember that time Susan Thixton spoke at the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society conference in 2018? It was quite literally unbelievable. She told a stunned audience of another Mars factory where there were (alleged) documented instances of tularaemia killing staff members.

Again, link in bio if you want to learn more (pic used is Susan's too).

What happened there? Oh, they levelled and concreted over that factory too.


Funny isn't it, with all this going on, and with dry pet food poisoning far more humans and children and, of course, though we rarely mention, killing tens of thousands of pets (compared to less than 10 from complete raw dog food?!), that the veterinary industry, sworn to protect our pets, is telling us to beware of feeding pets fresh food. That is MIGHT harm them or humans or the environment or INSERT FEAR.

Something smells, and it ain't just the Mars and Purina pet food factories...



“My dog is stubborn, doesn’t listen to me, a slow learner, not the smartest, tries to be in control, will only do it at home, will only behave sometimes, is uncontrollable……” – these are comments that are often heard.

Just like us, dogs need the right kind of conditions to either be able to learn something new or to bring about a change in behaviour.

Dogs are not robots that can be programmed by a set of specific inputs that guarantee consistent results. They are individual, sentient beings that need to be understood.

If we’re feeling stressed, anxious, tired, over excited, too distracted, not feeling well, have no motivation etc. we will find it really difficult, if not impossible to learn something new, change our behaviour or change a habit. The same applies to dogs.

A dog’s emotional state, the surrounding environment, motivation, age (pups, adolescents, seniors) or any health issues all have a significant impact on their ability to learn.

If your dog is having a hard time learning something, look at these factors and see if there is a reason that may be preventing progress.

Maybe your dog is just having an “off” day, just like we do.

Try again tomorrow or next week and set your dog up for success by having realistic expectations.

Learning or changing behaviour takes time, patience, consistency, understanding and the right conditions.



Imagine being kept in the same space each and every day. You know every blade of grass, every scent, every brick, every piece of fence. You have no books to read, no TV to watch, no one to talk to, no interaction with the outside world and absolutely nothing to do.

Would this situation begin to affect your behaviour and influence your emotional, mental or physical state? What about our dogs?

Many dogs live in this type of environment and yet we wonder why they develop behaviour problems, bark excessively, destroy the garden, become over excited, over aroused or maybe just shut down or sleep all day having completely lost interest in the world.

Many behaviour problems are caused by boredom, a lack of mental and physical stimulation or being confined to the same space every day.

Providing enrichment for dogs is so important for their wellbeing and really doesn’t require that much effort from us.

There are so many simple ways to provide enrichment. An online search for DIY enrichment ideas will provide lots of ideas.

Older dogs may enjoy a ride in the car, sitting at a window watching the world go by, bringing the outside in – sticks, cones, grass etc. from different areas placed in a box for them to rummage through and smell, dinner in the park, or even just playing some doggie music will make a difference.

“Chronic inescapable boredom can be extremely aversive, and under-stimulation can harm neural, cognitive and behavioral flexibility.” - A biological perspective on animal boredom and suggestions for its scientific investigation by Charlotte Burn - The Royal Veterinary College

Here are some links for enrichment ideas -
Enrichment ideas by Laura Gendron

DIY boredom busting toys by Luke Balsam

Link to a free introduction on ACE free work by Sarah Fisher -



As people, we are likely completely unaware of the actual content and intention of the many messages left by dogs when they urinate.

“Pee mail” messages allow dogs to communicate their size, social status, health, gender, age, reproductive status & even their current emotional state.

This is conveyed through pheromones present in their urine, which other dogs are able to read and interpret.

Urine marking is generally a very “honest” and accurate scent-based message, but little dogs may have found a way to make this less accurate and less honest by aiming much higher than would be expected.

Many male dogs prefer to mark vertical surfaces. Releasing urine as far above ground level as possible allows air currents to carry their “mail” much further.

The higher the marking also makes it less likely that another dog will mark over it and delete or dilute the original message.

Although this is mostly seen in male dogs, I have a female miniature schnauzer that consistently performs really impressive handstands against vertical objects to p*e at the park, often losing her balance and falling flat on her face in the process in her attempt to mark as high as possible.

Maybe her less than trim and slim body shape plays a part in her lack of balance.

She avoids conflict or interaction with any dog that is bigger than her probably due to her being attacked by a big dog some years ago.

I believe she is telling “lies” about her size to avoid conflict, interaction and to tell dogs bigger than her to stay away – “I am bigger and stronger than I look”

Have you noticed your little dog telling “lies”?


We're thrilled to announce a major milestone!

The Nowzad team has just received the first shipment of to our UK office!

While we can't ship the book until the official launch, we're already getting a head start on packing your pre-orders.

Here's what you can expect:
Pen Farthing will sign every book. ️
All shipments will go out after July 8th. ️

This book is the perfect gift (or a treat for yourself!) for a relaxing summer read. ☀️

It will tell the whole story behind Operation Ark.

Pre-order your copy today to be among the first to receive it! Every penny from your purchase will directly support our vital work rescuing animals in Ukraine and Afghanistan. Link to the pre-order in a first comment.


Goose & Yaga in today to begin their ecollar training 🫶🏼





And here we go yet again

And here we go yet again


💌 Dr. Judy's Friday 5:

1. Flea Destroyer Sale
2. Environmental Toxins
3. 20% Off All Courses
4. Quote of the Week
5. Naturally Healthy Pet of the Week

Read here:



To our little pretend-a-wolf from New Orleans, "Choo Choo" aka The Hyena (red Chow mix on the left). Many of you remember his dramatic rescue story on our TV show "Pit Bulls & Parolees," and it took moving him out to our wolfdog sanctuary in Texas to finally see the real dog.

He lived his final years "in the woods" with his new gal pal "She-Wolf" and as you can see by this smile, they were probably the best years of his life.

Sadly this is She-Wolf's second partner who has passed away; The Werewolf being the first and now Choo Choo. At this stage in her life, we are going to bring her inside to live her remaining years as a house dog.

As sad as it was to lose The Hyena, we find comfort in knowing that we took him off the mean streets of New Orleans where he lived for years and gave him love and sanctity up until his final moments.

Keep smilin' Choo!




Recurring skin (including chronic itch), ear and gut conditions (ReSEGs) are the #1, #2 and #3 reasons for visiting the vets today and they make up the lion's share of patients who come to us looking for help.


This is Lucy. Five yrs ago today I rescued her from a cold wet pen with no shelter, blanket, food or water. Wind chill that night was -19.

The guy who had her wasn't concerned. She had been dumped on him. After I saw her, I couldn't get her sad face outta my mind. So, at 1 a.m. I went to get her. I took her. I knew her life depended on it. She was so cold she couldn't stand up.

Now 5 yrs later I've never regretted it. She is the love of my life and has protected me on two scary occasions.


I said goodbye to Mika who spent almost 15 years with me.
We travelled all over Europe together in Van, and from the Caribbean to the South Pacific Ocean by our sailing boat for 4 years.
She had travelled for 19 countries!!
Now she starts on a new adventure trip again.
Bon voyage, Mika. On t’aime beaucoup.



Corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, corn germ meal- Corn is a filler to boost protein level. By-product of human food industry. Corn is a known GMO crop. This is a technique of splitting ingredients into sub-categories to move certain ingredients higher or lower on the ingredient list. This is often used to disguise the amount of lower quality ingredients in the food, such as corn.

Rice- Used as a filler because it is cheap. Can be contaminated with arsenic that is linked to chronic health issues. Most rice is genetically modified (GMO), and GMOs destroy good bacteria in your dog’s gut. .

Fish oil and fish meal are vague, unnamed animal proteins which make it difficult to know the source or quality of these ingredients.

Poultry byproducts - may include (or consist solely of) heads, feet, and viscera (guts).

Excessive synthetic vitamins and minerals added in place of real food nutrition. This is a key indicator of it being of poor nutritional value.

High Carbohydrates- Having too many carbs in dog food is a sign of lower quality since they're often added to cut costs. A surplus of starch can spike insulin, lead to weight gain, diabetes and disrupt the balance in the gut.

Dried Egg Product- usually made by eggs that are not approved for human consumption.

Natural flavor is used to enhance the taste of processed food. But that natural flavor can often consist of either MSG or animal digest.

Animal Digest - Animal digest is a flavor enhancer in pet foods created by processing various animal by-products. Its lack of specificity regarding ingredient sources and quality raises concerns about overall nutritional value. The term "animal digest" can encompass a range of animal-derived components, and the specific composition may vary between pet food brands.

Breeders and veterinarians recommend Purina because they do not know how to read a food label.

Terrible ingredients aside, hundreds of dogs have gotten sick or died over the past 6 months from eating Purina dog food. Check out the facebook group Saving Pets, One Pet At A Time to learn more about this.

It's time to take your dog's nutrition and health into your own hands.

And if you're already a canine nutritionist, holistic healer or other canine professional, let's get you seen by more people who need to learn from you!

Join top leaders in the canine industry at the Canine Leadership Summit virtually June 22nd & 23rd and learn the secrets of their success!

Click the link in the comments to learn more 👇🏻
- .MarleneSiegel



Rest in peace Dingo. Our sweet boy we saved from the streets some 14 years ago. We will miss you 😥😥😥


Hi folks. Jumping on a live today at 5pm over on the membership (link below). It’s just a quick chat on what you can all expect in the coming weeks and months, talk about the schedule of academies and clinics coming up, etc.

Also want to show you all this new page I’ve created - a big list of natural vets you can reach by Zoom and WHO ARE AVAILABLE, some of whom will be joining us in our clinics. Can’t wait to pick their brains.

Our new blog is up and running for members. My first post-with-audio-clip is there should you be on the move. Have to admit, I’m loving this new format. Talking, for a living. The dream achieved. And just me. Which is weird, and a touch lonely, and possibly dangerous as there is no off switch. Initially I’m just reading out posts I create, sort of like critiquing my own work. I have a few more of my own and two of Lisa’s ready to go and will be leaking them out over the coming weeks.

Karen, who is neck deep in Animal Zoo Pharmacognosy for the last year, has just put the wraps on a great new piece “Essential oils and our pets - putting the fear and misinformation to bed once and for all”. I hare to admit I learned a lot from reading that. The force is strong in that one.

Last but not least, we are building the “New to Raw” Academy as we speak. It will be a series of 20 or so short lectures where we can chat about the lesson thereafter, you can ask questions etc. Should be ready in a week or two. This academy will be ideal for newbies who don’t want to be overloaded with info and need that 1-to-1 assistance.

We’re also building an intermediate academy there. Same idea but geared more towards the nerds. There’ll be chunks of my book in there in presentation form but also a whole heap of other stuff. In fact, if members have ideas of what they need us to cover, we would more than happily oblige.

This is the difference with free Facebook and a membership. With a membership (just €9.95 a month) we can commit professional, independent nerds like Lisa, Karen or myself to a day of research for your benefit. We are guns for hire. We will also have income to bring in experts so we can put our dogs issues to them. Access to experts cheap. That’s the idea anyway.

Not enough. OK then, you get 50% off all my courses and 10% off any of our supplements (Canident, Biofunction8, StoolRite, Propythium, etc).

What are you waiting for?!

(DO NOT do your own logo they said, I couldn't resist. Touch naff it turns out. Anyone out there design logos?!)




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