My feet are bruised from walking in ice all week, my nails are none existent due to frozen locks. I have fell over approximately 9464903 time this week!
Praying for normality next week 🤣😅
Merry Christmas from my beautiful mongrels.
The ones that started this wonderful but crazy adventure ❤️
Sliding into the weekend like…
The boys love helping their momma out ❤️ Dog walkers in the making 😍
Even the boys are hard at work today cooling the dogs off 🥰
Owning a Husky can certainly have its challenges but here is our Bee doing his focus training in the woods with lots of distractions. We believe that every walk is a chance for training, engaging and learning!
A massive thanks to one of my much loved customers for gifting these amazing agility jumps. 🙏🏻
Here are some of our boarders trying them out! 😍
Friday fun with the team! 🥳
Sneak peak - the photo shoot for the website 🤩
Amazingly behaved with so many distractions around them. Incredibly proud of our pack 🥰
Saturday morning shenanigans! 🥰
Is Juno trying to be the peacekeeper or is she jealous the big boys are playing without her?🤣