🍾🥳🍾Happy New Year! 🍾🥳🍾
2024 has been filled with so many highs at the stables, with lots of horsey adventures and lorry loads of cake! 🏇🎂
In July Rhiannon got married & Spike stepped up to take her safely there, Nigel was not so helpful and took a distinct dislike to her wedding gown! 😬🤣
In August we welcomed the fabulous Claire & her gorgeous highland, Casper. We also welcomed my second granddaughter, Harriet, to the world and a new pony, Ollie, arrived to have horsey adventures with my granddaughter, Felicity.
This was all sadly countered by the devastating and unexpected loss of one of my closest friends in September. Sue has been our neighbour & riding buddy since 2009, and since 2021 she kept her beautiful boy, Ozzie, with us.
Life is not the same without her, but she’d be so happy to know that Rachel has stepped in to help me give Oz all the scratches and cuddles he deserves ❤️
Bring on 2025 and more horsey adventures (with cake)!🏇🎂