My crazy dog The Mighty Dot have fun with the cushion out of her basket 😂 Just goes to show it’s not always the expensive toys that are the best
Does your pet suffer from Seperation Anxiety ? Why not try a licki mat or pot to keep them occupied while you are leaving. It’s a great training aid so your pet gets treat that lasts a while every time you leave so maybe it’s not as bad as it seems to them. 😁
This is Lily making the most of her likkie pot filled with dog cheese and biscuits … if you have a dog with separation anxiety then a good way to take their mind off you leaving is giving them a pot or a mat to keep them busy. Why not give it a go ? They love them … cats do too 🐶🐱🐶🐱
Arthritis in our feline friends.
If you want to book in to discuss if your cat could have arthritis or how we can help. Call or pop into one of the branches to book an appointment with our vet team.
This video below has a couple of pointers. So get a brew and a biscuit and have a little watch.
Our Paws Christmas raffle has been drawn at Walsden. Due to a technical difficulty the draw wasn’t recorded 🙈
However please enjoy the blooper featuring Mila. As you can see, she’s not a fan of raffle tickets 😂
The winning numbers have been contacted !
Cat raffle was number 121 🐱
Dog raffle number is 480 🐶
We greatly apprecaite all the support and donations given to Paws.
Thankyou all ! And Merry Christmas
This little chap had us wrapped round his little paw ! Wait for the end of the video 😛
This happy lady has learnt vets mean treats ! 😍
Firework tip number 4 - Exercising animals during the day. 😴
As we know when our animals have not had enough excercise or output they can become highly strung. So ideally animals need to have had exercise which should help them to be more relaxed. Around bonfire night we need to ensure our cats are safely indoors before darkness falls. With dogs making sure they have been out for a walk before darkness falls. This will reduce the chances of any fireworks going off during exercise. 🚶♀️🚶🦮🐈🌅🌚
When Diddy met Dotty for the first time and boy can they run fast 😂😂#speedypups
Just 2 of the weeny ones in today and boy are they trouble 😂😂😂
So Sprouts pups have opened their eyes and are doing a lot of moving around now 😁😁😁 good luck Kirsty Baird 😁😁😁
This video shows how the Libra 2 diabetic monitoring system is fitted. So Oscar was clipped and sterilised before Camilla started the procedure…. He is such a good boy and so laid back.
This weeks Sproutdate is that she is now at 6.5 weeks and looking a little portly 😂😂 can you see the puppies little heart beats ? #Pregnantfittoburst
A video of Sprouts ever expanding tummy so you can see the puppies moving ❤️ we are soooooooo excited
We all have our “dog voice” when talking to dogs. You can often hear the team having a conversation with the animals 🙈😂
Laura and Sprout always share watermelon. Sprout knows to be very careful not to eat big pieces. The rind never gets eaten 😆
Dot really doesn’t like wild life programmes especially Chris Packham things apparently 😂
We always know when this little chatter box is here for her injections 😻
And Mum has come to pick her up and she is very excited to go home 😍