Branston Equine Rehab

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Branston Equine Rehab We are a small private yard near Lincoln providing rehab facilities for horses post injury/surgery alongside our new Halotherapy Treatment (Dry Salt Therapy).

Whether you are looking for a place for box rest, intensive physiotherapy post surgery or injury, or a targeted course of Halotherapy, we have packages to suit. We have a small number of stables in our purpose built barn all with rubber matting. Facilities include a 20mx40m floodlit arena, separate lunge pen, individual turnout paddocks, hot horse wash and solarium. On site equine physiotherapist

and access to a range of further professionals to provide a rehabilitation package to suit individual needs.

I have finally moved into the 21st Century and now have a card reader (subject to learning how to use it 🤔😆). Most cards...

I have finally moved into the 21st Century and now have a card reader (subject to learning how to use it 🤔😆). Most cards accepted along with Google pay and Apple pay.

Sat in bed with a cup of tea preparing for the day ahead. Have had a great 3 days out with the Salt Trailer this week. N...

Sat in bed with a cup of tea preparing for the day ahead. Have had a great 3 days out with the Salt Trailer this week. Nice to see some of last years horses for their Spring follow up sessions and some lovely new horses having their initial cleanse. Back to hands on Physio sessions today ....... not feeling inspired by the high winds and rain though 🤔

Striving to raise standards within the industry.

Striving to raise standards within the industry.

We are making the most of the lovely weather at Branston Equine Rehab. Yesterday RSPCA Rebel went out for a walk as part...

We are making the most of the lovely weather at Branston Equine Rehab. Yesterday RSPCA Rebel went out for a walk as part of his rehabilitation programme, with the help of Student Veterinary Physiotherapist Alice, who is with us on a 22 week placement as part of her degree, RSPCA Spencer continued with his return to work training following his winter holiday and on Saturday Tommy enjoyed a gymnastic polework session.

It's that time of year again when the Salt Trailer is coming out to play. Some horses struggle with being in more and wi...

It's that time of year again when the Salt Trailer is coming out to play. Some horses struggle with being in more and with that combined with increased hay consumption some are coughing more. We are also starting to think about the arrival of Spring and with that the flies and midges that cause our beloved horses issues. Halotherapy can be good as part of the management for skin conditions such as sweet itch, seasonal allergies and airway management in cases of equine asthma and COPD. If you would like to know if it is something that may help your horse, please don't hesitate to send me a message. Details of clinic dates will appear on this page and on our website:

Photo of Malibu enjoying his Halotherapy session 😴🐴


I would like to wish all my lovely clients a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Take time to enjoy, family, friends and fur babies and I will see you all in 2022 🎄

It's been a busy weekend here. Sandy from Equine Endo visited us yesterday to weigh and worm count the boys, the Halothe...

It's been a busy weekend here. Sandy from Equine Endo visited us yesterday to weigh and worm count the boys, the Halotherapy trailer got a good clean out, finished weeding the arena and then harrowed it. A little de-thistling in my winter fields this morning and I am feeling quite accomplished. Now .... back to the paperwork 😬 I hope you are all enjoying the weekend!!

Busy morning here at Branston Equine Rehab - dentist time 🦷. For Graham, it was his first appointment, for Spencer it wa...

Busy morning here at Branston Equine Rehab - dentist time 🦷. For Graham, it was his first appointment, for Spencer it was his first without sedation and for Tommy, well just another routine visit. Young Rebel also had his mouth checked as he has an underbite, so it was useful chatting to Martin about the long term management plan for him.

Regular dental visits are really important to make sure horses are happy in their mouths, after all, we ask them to accept the bridle and the contact and have even flexion on both reins which can be hampered with unmanaged dental issues.

Both Tommy and Spencer had dental work early on to correct their jaw misalignment allowing the jaw to operate correctly, although now only require routine management, and it was useful to see how Graham's teeth were doing, being only 4, he still has some baby teeth and some adult teeth are not quite through, so teething consideration is required when I ride. Huge thank you to Martin Brookes Equine Dental Services

I have decided to continue the offer prices through September as we have struggled to fit everyone in for  the July/Aug ...

I have decided to continue the offer prices through September as we have struggled to fit everyone in for the July/Aug offer period. It's been a great start to this additional treatment modality and I am happy to have helped so many horses to date.


If you are considering Halotherapy for your horse, I have some great introductory offers, saving up to 30% on the normal price. These discounts will be applied to all bookings taken in July and August. More treatment information available on our website

Last week Tommy came and spent the week with us here at Branston Equine Rehab (not to be confused with my own - he was f...

Last week Tommy came and spent the week with us here at Branston Equine Rehab (not to be confused with my own - he was fondly titled guest Tommy). He had had an asthma attack a few weeks ago and his owners and vets have been working to get a management plan together for him to try and avoid a reoccurrence. Once his inhalers were sorted, he came for a week of salt therapy to try and restore some equilibrium to his respiratory system. His nose cleared after a single session and by the third session he appeared to be really benefitting. I look forward to getting feedback once he he is under saddle this week.

After a successful first day yesterday, I'm all ready for day 2 of my Halotherapy Clinic. All horses treated yesterday w...

After a successful first day yesterday, I'm all ready for day 2 of my Halotherapy Clinic. All horses treated yesterday were really good and I look forward to seeing them today. Lots of dripping noses ....... and not just the horses 🤣

Rebel has now been with me for a week. There is no immediate hurry to get him "fixed and rehomed", he is a longer term project and so we have a bit of time to play with. The first week has just been about settling in. He has experienced quite a lot in his short life, so time to relax into his surrou...

Did you know we have a blog on our website?

Did you know we have a blog on our website?

Following on from a recent conversation with my contact at the RSPCA about a young miniture horse with stifle issues requiring a bit of rehab before being rehomed, saw the arrival of Rebel. The background of this young man was that he had been recently rescued, was around 12 months old and had been....

Well this week has been a full on week. Not only have I seen my regular equine physio clients but I have had my first we...

Well this week has been a full on week. Not only have I seen my regular equine physio clients but I have had my first week providing my new Halotherapy treatment. I have treated for both skin and respiratory issues, with good results. I am surprised at how many horses I am coming across that have a cough this year, that have never suffered with one in the past. It seems to me that environmental factors among other things appear to be playing havoc with our horses respiratory systems this year more so than previous years. This has been the case with my own horse Tommy, who has been a great candidate for my new treatment! Obviously, it is not a replacement for veterinary treatment, but does provide another option for drug-free support alongside veterinary care as required.

My office today 😁 It's lovely sat in the shade writing reports and booking in clients, with the support of my trusted bu...

My office today 😁 It's lovely sat in the shade writing reports and booking in clients, with the support of my trusted business partners 😂

So to the question, "shall we lunge today Graham?" The answer was ........ well every picture tells a story!! 🤣🤣

So to the question, "shall we lunge today Graham?" The answer was ........ well every picture tells a story!! 🤣🤣

A little more information on what it is, for those who maybe curious.

A little more information on what it is, for those who maybe curious.


Tommy's Impromptu Halotherapy Session

So yesterday I fed dry hay to the boys - I have been steaming the hay, but lack of preparation in the morning meant chucking dry hay in as a one off. In the afternoon I grab Tom out of the stable to do some work in the arena. On the lunge he was continually straining to cough. I carried on for a bit to see if it would clear, but it didn't. I pulled him up and he sounded "raspy", like he had gunk he couldn't shift. My first thoughts were, call the vet, but then I thought I'd give him a quick Halotherapy session first - after all it is supposed to thin mucus in the lungs to make it easier to clear. So in he went, with me and my student for a quick impromptu discussion on the benefits and effects of salt therapy. His breathing was a little more rapid than usual and I must admit I was concerned. A long 20 minutes later and lots of dripping snot on my legs and we were finished. Out he stepped, quick bite of grass, some disgusting gunk snotted onto the lawn, no more rasping and normalised breathing. A sigh of relief from me and the realisation that my "low maintenance" Cob was a very sensitive soul 🙄😄

JULY / AUGUST BOOKING OFFERSIf you are considering Halotherapy for your horse, I have some great introductory offers, sa...


If you are considering Halotherapy for your horse, I have some great introductory offers, saving up to 30% on the normal price. These discounts will be applied to all bookings taken in July and August. More treatment information available on our website

First batch of new t-shirts arrived today 😊

First batch of new t-shirts arrived today 😊


Halotherapy Clinics

For anyone interested in hosting a Halotherapy Clinic, there are a few things to let you know:

I require a minimum of 5 horses to run a clinic, payment for attendees must be received the week before the clinic date and I require a power supply near to the trailer; I have a 45m extension lead if required 😊

If anyone is interested in hosting a clinic either as a one off or becoming a regular venue for treatments, please give me a call for a chat.

I will be taking bookings from July. I am just finalising the introductory offers, so watch this space!!


Halotherapy (Part 3)

Now you have an idea of where it comes from (part 1) and the benefits (part 2), I guess it would be good to give you an idea of the treatment itself.

I currently use a horse trailer to deliver the sessions. The benefit is, that it makes it more accessible to a greater number of horses, than if I simply offered treatments at Branston Equine.

Also, to get the full therapeutic benefit, the trailer needs to sealed during treatment (there are windows, so its not pitch black in there)! If you have a horse that doesn't want to spend time on its own in the trailer, owners are more than welcome to join their trusted steed for a joint session, otherwise I am happy to sit in and keep them company for the duration 😁 The duration of the session is 20 minutes.

The halogenerator grinds the salt into fine microparticles, and disperses them into the air as a dry aerosol which is then inhaled and absorbed by your horse (and you if you are keeping them company). I find my horses will quite often lick me (alot) when we are in there as they take the additional salt off me and keep it for themselves!! The halogenerator does make a gentle noise as the salt is ground, but most horses are not bothered in the slightest.

If your horse sufferers with respiratory issues, time for a little exercise afterwards should be factored in to get the most from the session.

It is recommended that if your horse suffers with a skin or respiratory issue, a course of 3-5 sessions on consecutive days is the best course of initial treatment. After that, it may be a monthly, yearly or seasonal top up session as required or pre-competition treatment.

Oh and as I found out the hard way, halotherapy makes your horses nose run - in a confined area like the trailer my head, face and t-shirt seemed to be the areas of preference to drip over 🤭 but nothing could of prepared me for what Tommy coughed/sneezed down my legs once he came out of the trailer after his treatment 🤢🤣

Halotherapy (Part 2)So, now you have a bit of background (part 1), now its time to share with you the great benefits to ...

Halotherapy (Part 2)

So, now you have a bit of background (part 1), now its time to share with you the great benefits to your horse.

The following list covers some of the main conditions targeted by Halotherapy: Lower Airway Disease (LAD); COPD, Heaves; Equine Asthma, Sweet Itch, Mud Fever and more.

In many respiratory conditions, airways become irritated, sometimes narrowed and a build up of mucus can occur, which is where bacteria flourish. Halotherapy, not only has antibacterial properties, but also helps the bodies own system to expel mucus via its "mucocillary escalator"; basically thinning the mucus in the lungs and allowing the body to move it out of the lungs to the back of the throat either to be swallowed or coughed out.

With more oxygen then able to enter the lungs, transfer into the bloodstream and circulate round the body, not only are there respiratory benefits, but benefits to the whole muscular system as muscles receive more oxygenated blood, supporting work and recovery of those muscles.

For skin conditions, some of the salt that is not inhaled will naturally land on the horses coat and from there will be absorbed by the largest organ - the skin. The antibacterial properties will then go to work on a variety of skin conditions. If your horse doesn't have any skin conditions,, don't worry the salt will help to give a healthy shine to the coat!!

Halotherapy (Part 1)As promised, over the next few days I will be doing a short post about Halotherapy so hopefully you ...

Halotherapy (Part 1)

As promised, over the next few days I will be doing a short post about Halotherapy so hopefully you will all have a better understanding of what it is, where it came from and most importantly, how it can benefit your horse.

The first scientific discovery in relation to the use of salt was back in 1843. It was discovered that salt miners rarely suffered with colds or respiratory problems compared to the general population. From this initial discovery came the birth of Speleotherapy. This was basically the use of natural salt caves to treat respiratory issues. Now, natural salt caves are all very impressive, but not particularly practical for the mainstream population!!, so in 1976 the Russians created the first Halogenerator, which is basically an above-ground alternative to salt caves; Halotherapy was born.

Now the use of pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride (salt) within modern medicine is nothing new. It is used in saline solutions for wound cleaning, in IV infusions and in nebulisers amongst its many other uses. Salt has known antibacterial properties and is also considered to have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties as well.

Therefore Halotherapy can be used as part of a non-invasive, drug free therapy for all horses particularly those with respiratory conditions, seasonal allergies and some skin conditions.


Check out RAF Equitation rider Keeley Martin Eventing in this week’s Horse & Hound

RAF Sports Federation UK Armed Forces Equestrian Association

Had a great afternoon yesterday with George Parish taking some photo's for my marketing materials .......... and some ph...

Had a great afternoon yesterday with George Parish taking some photo's for my marketing materials .......... and some photo's just because! :-) The boys had great fun (especially Graham, who found the whole day rather exciting and was more than happy to show off on cue). A snippet of some of the photo's, can't wait to see the rest. Thank you George




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