We said we would post on the benefits of the natural herbs that we stock
To kick us off this week:
Meadowsweet 🌿
If your looking for a natural way to improve your horse's digestion and overall health? Look no further than Meadowsweet which has numerous health benefits:
1. Digestive Support: Meadowsweet can help to soothe and support the digestive system, aiding in the prevention of digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and colic. Helps maintain a healthy pH balance reduce gastric mucosa inflammation, and help heal ulcers. It can also help firm up loose droppings and soothe the stomach.
2. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Meadowsweet contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and joints, making it a beneficial supplement for those with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.
3. Relief: Meadowsweet has analgesic properties that can help relieve pain and discomfort. It contains small amounts of salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin that reduces pain and inflammation.
Meadowsweet has been known to be a great herb for pain relief without the side effects.
4. Calming Effects: Meadowsweet can have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety, which can be particularly beneficial for those that are prone to nervousness or tension.
5. Immune Support: Meadowsweet contains antioxidants and other immune-boosting compounds that can help support overall health and immunity, making them less susceptible to illness and infections.
Overall, meadowsweet is a versatile and natural supplement that can help improve the health and well-being of your equine in a variety of ways.
*Please note herbs are not a quick fix solution. Time period can vary before results are seen.
**If you have any concerns reguarding your equines health it is advisable to speak to your vet.