Happy Boxing Day!
We hope that you and your pets are enjoying the festive season🎄🎅⛄🎁❄️🔔
We would really like some festive pictures of your pets to put up on our festive pet display board. Please add below to the comments a festive picture if you would like your pets picture to go on the board. 🎅🎄🎁❄🔔🐾
This month, we’re working with the vet sector and the NHS to encourage the return of out-of-date and unused antibiotics to help tackle the growing issue of antimicrobial esistance. During our amnesty, we are asking our clients to return out-of-date and nused medicines to our practices for safe disposal.
Thank you.
Working together on the safe disposal of your pets’ unused antibiotics
Did you know that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a world-wide health threat, as bacteria are becoming resistant to many antibiotics that we use in human and veterinary medicine?
Has your dog got an itch? 👀
Dogs can show signs of being itchy in a number of ways:-
🐾 Excessive Scratching
🐾 Chewing at their skin
🐾 Licking themselves a lot
🐾 Rolling around on the floor excessively
🐾 Head Shaking
Common causes can include:-
🩺 Parasites (such as mites or fleas)
🩺 Skin infections
🩺 Allergies
These symptoms can be very uncomfortable for your pet. Scratching may also lead to secondary infections and the itchiness can affect your pets mood and behaviour. If your dog is showing signs of itchiness please contact us to arrange an appointment with one of our Veterinary Surgeons, there are lots of ways we can help. ☎️
Everyone meet Patch! Patch came in today to visit one of our nurses. Patch was as good as gold and loved our treats. He was such a clever boy and showed us all his tricks. We were very impressed, bearing in mind he isn’t even one year old.
We had this stray black cat handed into us. It’s a boy. He’s very lively and chatty! He has one eye and was found in the Horsham area. No microchip detected.
Please contact our Horsham branch on 01403 252900 if you have any information.