There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes!!
This is certainly true of this morning’s walk, I was not impressed with the rain, nor the bath that followed!!
Mum made me walk in the rain, this was after trying to tell me it was a good idea to go out for a wee!! Do you see how wet it is out there?
Anyway Hearten Soul Coaching Cathrine did her coachy thing while I ran after a few sticks and hightailed it home only to find I was to be given a bath!
Its all Ok though I got chicken after and did my favourite thing of drying myself off on the carpet!!
So, next time you feel reluctant to get your walking shoes because it’s raining on Mum may invite you to see if it’s the weather that’s the problem or if you are wearing the wrong clothes….I, on the other hand, say lets stay inside and sleep for the rest of the morning!