Perfectly Polite Dachshunds

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Perfectly Polite Dachshunds Dachshund specific training and behaviour. See for more!

Reactivity (people/dogs/noises)
Barking (everything)
Separation Related issues
Puppy Training
General life skills
Positive, modern and ethical techniques. Qualifications, post nominals and Professional Memberships include:
LLB (Hons) Open
Level 5 University Diploma Canine Training and Behaviour Management (UDip CTBM)
Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT UK)
Kennel Club Accredited Instru

ctor (KCAI (CD))
Full Member of International Society of Animal Professionals (M.I.S.A.P)
Professional Member of Pet Dog Training Instructors (having achieved Advanced award) (PPDTI) (Tutor on the annual course). International Animal and Behaviour Training College Clicker and Target Training 1 (IABTC C&T1)
Signatory to The Registration Council for Dog Training and Behaviour Practitioners (RCDTBP)(CAWC)


Can you believe the summer holidays are drawing to a close?

We've had the miracles of summers, the northern lights and shooting stars brightening our night skies, the elusive sun has given our dachshunds plenty of sunbathing and hopefully our children have had time to recover charge before returning to school in a few weeks, something I know they are thrilled about!

Next week the next course to help to STOP your daxies need to bark starts and help them learn how to navigate our human world quietly and confidently using fun, kind and effective approaches.

All information is here:

It's rare I'm surprised but the current stop barking course cohort are blowing me away. Their commitment, dedication and...

It's rare I'm surprised but the current stop barking course cohort are blowing me away. Their commitment, dedication and can do this attitudes are AMAZING!

They are smashing it! Well done guys! Keep it up!

The next course is up and listed, can't wait to see if you can raise the bar any higher!

6 week live virtual course focused on reactivity including barking on walks and in the home using positive reinforcement and confidence building (for human and dogs) as the foundations of helping address and overcome the behaviours you are struggling with. During the course I give you the understand...

Online dog show raising funds for our communities most deserving charities The Red Foundation - Emergency Dachshund Resc...

Online dog show raising funds for our communities most deserving charities The Red Foundation - Emergency Dachshund Rescue UK and Dedicated to Dachshunds.

In our angel, Spesh's name. His legacy helps other dachshunds in need and helps to save many lives with your support. Giving light on the darkest of days.

Link to take part and for details:

The other evening I saw a post on one of the dachshund facebook groups that really got to me.  The poster was facing hom...

The other evening I saw a post on one of the dachshund facebook groups that really got to me. The poster was facing homelessness and was seeking some support in finding somewhere for their beloved dachshund whilst they got themselves back on their feet. Thankfully, they got some amazing support and advice and have managed to get some help! However on researching the topic I realised how challenging it was to find support and advice for temporary fostering during a crisis. I've tried to collate some information in this blog to provide a starting point.

If you know of a charity in your country which offers support please comment on the blog itself with the country, link and contact details. Together we can make someone's life a little easier.

Its not something that is talked about, and certainly not something I thought I'd ever write about, but finding information is harder than I thought it would be, and with the cost of living crisis, this is an increasing problem.The other evening I saw a post on one of the dachshund facebook groups t...

Hi everyone,Had some lovely messages asking after Marty after my post last week, so I thought I'd post an update. It mea...

Hi everyone,

Had some lovely messages asking after Marty after my post last week, so I thought I'd post an update. It means so much to me when you reach out and offer your support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you

Sadly, not great news. She has 2 tumours on her liver, one is about 5cm. Due to her age and general health I won't be putting her through surgery or invasive tests to test malignancy. Ultimately the result will be the same. If she was a younger dog, surgery could be an option but its not something at her age and health status I think is an option for the sake of a few more months, maybe a year.

The reason we went to the vets initially was due to excessive (and I do mean excessive) drinking and then of course peeing. Her urine was incredibly dilute, so we were thinking it was most likely kidney failure or cushings disease. An ultrasound located the tumours. Her kidneys are fine,we halted cushings tests on finding the tumours as treatment would be challenging as the liver is implicated. But, me and the vet did a ton of research and separately came up with the possibility of diabetes insipidus, also known as water diabetes as a possible cause or contributor to this much drinking.

With "normal diabetes" there is an issue with the body regulating insulin, with "water diabetes" there is an issue regulating water. They are different issues but annoyingly share the same name. Despite research saying its rare, I've encountered several cases of it over a couple of years, so I don't think it is that rare!

The excessive drinking is a huge risk in itself due to diluting down all the vitamins and causing extensive dehydration. Addressing this was the priority and the immediate threat to her. Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus is challenging, and questions are raised ethically as may involve a water deprivation test, so now they use the medication and a response to the medication is indicative of the disease. Trying to measure a dogs water intake in a multi dog household is challenging. Thankfully I always build in 121 confinement with all my dogs, in preparation for things like this. It has saved her....and me an immense amount of stress!

She has been on the medication since Monday and so far we have had a significant improvement in her drinking and consequently the floods, and where I'd put her generally more chilled than usual behaviour down to her age, shes really bright and almost back to her demanding and bubbly self!
This is a huge win! I really needed that!

We obviously know we have a shortened timeline, but this has given us a bit of extra valuable time together. And selfishly, I wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet. It has been a year of goodbyes and it still doesn't get any easier.

The plus.....usually, people don't know there is a tumour until it presents will nasty symptoms and an immediate goodbye. Knowing it's there means I will hopefully be able to make a decision before it causes her any major problems. We don't know if the diabetes insipidus is a result of the liver tumour, or is a separate thing, although it seems quite likely, but I am grateful as it means I can do my best for her over the next few weeks and if I am lucky months.

Always a reminder to enjoy every single day with them and focus on the good times. Get out there and cherish them! Time passes far too quickly.

Again, thank you all for your support and kindness. You will never know just how much it means to me.

Pic of marty in her younger days.

With rescues overflowing it warms my heart to see so many of you taking on new dogs.  Some of you will be a dab hand at ...

With rescues overflowing it warms my heart to see so many of you taking on new dogs. Some of you will be a dab hand at introducing a new dog to your existing dogs, but some of you may feel a bit apprehensive.

Here's my top 10 tips of how I do it:

This is a common dilemma. Often people are completely confident in the introductions, and sometimes people are less so.Having taken on various rescues with different needs - medical and behavioural over the years, and brought in gorgeous baby puppies I’ve got introducing to my squad down to an art...

Absolutely cracking write up on the recent amazing study into NON SURGUCAL  IVDD recovery by the legend that is Ian Seat...

Absolutely cracking write up on the recent amazing study into NON SURGUCAL IVDD recovery by the legend that is Ian Seath

Bout time we had a win!

Introduction: As Dachshund owners, we’re all too familiar with the dreaded words “intervertebral disc disease” or IVDD. This condition, which can cause paralysis in our dogs, has …

It really is so heart warming receiving updates from those who have completed the reactivity courses I run.  Seeing dach...

It really is so heart warming receiving updates from those who have completed the reactivity courses I run.
Seeing dachshunds that were so scared just stepping out of their door trot happily down the road just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

I especially love those who pre-empt the barking and join with their puppies so they learn how to help their dachshunds navigate the human world BEFORE they get a problem.

There is always a huge variety on the courses, some who run and hide from the lead initially and are honestly terrified of stepping out into the world, and others who are the opposite and charging out of the door screaming with always keeps me on my toes! I love it!

I am particularly in awe of how committed people are to making changes and really working on enhancing everyone's lives together. It is inspiring!

As the next course is nearly full I have listed another for August to start on August 22nd. Those signed up will receive an email from me in a couple of days - please keep an eye on your spam monster.

Here's the link for details and to book:

Session lengths vary as they are bespoke to you and your dachshunds, but they are all recorded and shared in case you need to watch back.

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather, I'd say keep them cool, but we all know the daxies will be out baking in the sun!

6 week live virtual course focused on reactivity including barking on walks and in the home using positive reinforcement and confidence building (for human and dogs) as the foundations of helping address and overcome the behaviours you are struggling with. The aim: to give you the tools, support, me...

Not long now until this unique Zoominar on Separation related issues.Looking at:🐾Why it's happening:🐾What it meansAnd mo...

Not long now until this unique Zoominar on Separation related issues.

Looking at:

🐾Why it's happening:

🐾What it means

And most importantly:

🐾HOW to address the different issues you are experiencing.

We think outside of the box and consider what else we can do to build your steps to freedom.🪜🛖🐕🐾🐾

Session is recorded to watch back later.

There are hundreds of courses out there but how do you know which approach to take? How do you know if its the right approach for your dog? Have you been doing the training for ages and not seeming to get anywhere? When helping your dachshund overcome separation issues, what should you consider? Wha...

Feeling thoughtful and a bit emosh: My oldest of the group is now 13, and as with us, with age comes health issues. I sa...

Feeling thoughtful and a bit emosh:

My oldest of the group is now 13, and as with us, with age comes health issues. I sat in the vets waiting room yesterday watching younger dogs who were very aroused or stressed. Then there's my girl sitting next to me calmly even with a stunning but boisterous GSD insisting on investigating her thoroughly. The only dog in the room (yes a daxie) not barking or launching at others. (Oh the irony!)

We go into the consultation room where age happily accepts being examined. Admittedly she was a wiggly worm for bloods. Her heart rate was calm and steady throughout.

Today, she's gone in for further tests and imaging and my biggest worry was her lack of continence (relating to why she's in the vets in the first place). I know she'll be an easy patient, and because of this will get lots of tlc. This knowledge eases my worry as at least she won't be stressed.

But there's more to it than this, something I'd not considered until I was at a conference last year a lady told us how she had been recruited by a zoo solely to work with a pride of rescued elderly lions. Seeing my old girl so calm brought back the memory of the importance of this story.

This wonderful young lady's purpose.....was to teach the lions to accept veterinary care without fear and coercion. To reduce the stress in being treated.

Why? And this is powerful....and brought tears to my eyes.....
To ensure their last day in this world was just another day of positive interactions with humans and as low stress as possible. To give them dignity to the end.

Whilst none of us like going to the vets, taking the time to teach then the environment is as positive as you can make it, teaching them that being held and handled is OK will make the world of difference to them, and your memories of them.

If they can do it with lions.....we can do it with dogs.

Speak to your vet about popping in to do some training visits when the clinic is closes. It will make their jobs easier too.

Pic of my beautiful Marty. Please send your healing prayers and love to her. My beautiful girl and holds a piece of my soul.

Just a week to go before the next barking (or rather stop barking) course begins.I am so proud of my course graduates, t...

Just a week to go before the next barking (or rather stop barking) course begins.

I am so proud of my course graduates, they really show how putting the time in can make huge differences to everyone's lives.

Here's the link to the details:

6 week live virtual course focused on reactivity including barking on walks and in the home using positive reinforcement and confidence building (for human and dogs) as the foundations of helping address and overcome the behaviours you are struggling with. The aim: to give you the tools, support, me...

My best attempt at simplifying and translating the recent research into Conservative treatment for IVDD for us normal fo...

My best attempt at simplifying and translating the recent research into Conservative treatment for IVDD for us normal folk!

The one or 2 liner: The study demonstrates a high proportion of dogs do recover from IVDD within 12 weeks when treated conservatively. This is more likely if they can feel their toes!

Read the rest on Dachshund Health UK's blog here:

The much-awaited paper from the conservative trial of IVDD has been released. Here's a lay-person's summary.

Its been an interesting month, starting with a podcast (link in the blog) with the fantastic Sarah Roper, fellow dachshu...

Its been an interesting month, starting with a podcast (link in the blog) with the fantastic Sarah Roper, fellow dachshund enthusiast, behaviourist and trainer where we dug (REALLY) deep on our learning of the past followed by a week away tutoring dog training instructors.

Its given me so much to think about, where I started and where I am going, and how much people influenced my journey.

I hope this blog gives us all something to think about, but its a bit of therapy for me.

As teachers, we must do better. Whether you are a dog owner, dog trainer, instructor, behaviourist, mentor or parent. We must do better! DON’T DO THAT! I remember my face going hot, tears coming to my eyes and any confidence I had gained in those few minutes draining out of me as I slowly turned t...


Without question most of us spend a lot of time with our dachshunds.....but how much time do you spend interacting with them?

What is the difference in size between a mini and a standard?Lucky catch on a video I've scheduled this week whilst I'm ...

What is the difference in size between a mini and a standard?

Lucky catch on a video I've scheduled this week whilst I'm away.


Follow up video to the blog I did recently on surviving the summer holidays.

Let the summer fun begin!

2-3 hour Separation "jumpstart" Zoominar on the big hitting issues is Separation related issues and techniques to approa...

2-3 hour Separation "jumpstart" Zoominar on the big hitting issues is Separation related issues and techniques to approach them.

Join me on this standalone session to explore the different elements that may be impacting your dachshunds, issues in regressions and how to approach each issue.

Always think outside of the box.

There are hundreds of courses out there but how do you know which approach to take? How do you know if its the right approach for your dog? Have you been doing the training for ages and not seeming to get anywhere? When helping your dachshund overcome separation issues, what should you consider? Wha...

It has been a few weeks of achieving goals for me.First the big one, I'm thrilled to have passed(well) my first year of ...

It has been a few weeks of achieving goals for me.

First the big one, I'm thrilled to have passed(well) my first year of my MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour. Surpassing my own goals, and realising my own potential.

I was never book smart, I'm still not. I learnt I have significant learning difficulties and with that knowledge have embraced the amazing support I have received from the university and those around me. I have worked exceptionally hard to overcome challenges and am proud to be able to share this with you all. Those who have been my strength, all of you, thank you! Don't ever doubt your abilities. If you want it.....find a way!

I have also completed a Level 3 Award in Education and teaching. Guiding and inspiring others is always my main aim, and I am hoping to develop this is the future.

I am working hard on my thesis, which won't be due for a year, of course, it is dachshund related and I am very privileged to have the professions finest as my supervisors. Watch for me asking for everyone's help with this later in the year.

I will be away for a week next week, giving back to where my academic and training fire was lit with PDTI (Pet Dog Training Instructors) guiding and assessing the next generation of dog training instructors and working with some amazing professionals at the same time.

Of course, I won't be twiddling my thumbs over summer and am currently part way through a very intense course which will benefit all of us, and most importantly our dogs. There's several new courses listed on my website and I've opened up my calendar for my return.

You are all, 2 footed and 4 pawed, my inspiration.

Thank you for driving me to be the best I can be.

Pic is a dachshund of the pony world. Miss Velcro and a little bit Spicy....our new friend after losing our princess Fern a few months ago. This is rescue Inca . ....who loves to blow everyone a big kiss!

Here's to a wonderful summer! The sun will shine.....I hope!


My two favourite charities working together to raise funds for our beloved breed.

Dedicated to Dachshunds and The Red Foundation - Emergency Dachshund Rescue UK

In our boy Spesh's name. Our bright star in the sky.

Please support them.

Getting down and deep on separation related issues in dachshunds.Is it anxiety? Or is it something else?And how on earth...

Getting down and deep on separation related issues in dachshunds.

Is it anxiety? Or is it something else?

And how on earth do you help them and you overcome those obstacles.

Minimum of 2 hr Zoominar on separation related issues to jump start your independence....and theirs!

8th August.

Sessions are recorded to watch back later.

See you there!

There are hundreds of courses out there but how do you know which approach to take? How do you know if its the right approach for your dog? Have you been doing the training for ages and not seeming to get anywhere? When helping your dachshund overcome separation issues, what should you consider? Wha...

The next barking course....or should I say STOP barking course is now listed and available to book.During this live and ...

The next barking course....or should I say STOP barking course is now listed and available to book.

During this live and active course we will look at all the things that are influencing your daxies loud behaviour and put in strategies to make positive changes for a quieter and happier future together.

We often say "I wish they could speak" about our dogs, but many daxie owners, just wish they'd do it more quietly.

Lets work together to understand what they are saying quietly so they don't need to shout to be heard!

Starting on August 7th.

Follow the link for all the information.

6 week live virtual course focused on reactivity including barking on walks and in the home using positive reinforcement and confidence building (for human and dogs) as the foundations of helping address and overcome the behaviours you are struggling with. The aim: to give you the tools, support, me...




Discount code: PERFECTLYPOLITE20 to the end for the typical wire clown factor!

With so much research recently on neutering across all breeds I have updated the blog I wrote on neutering.Where the res...

With so much research recently on neutering across all breeds I have updated the blog I wrote on neutering.

Where the research was once focused on whether or not to neuter, more and more studies are looking at timing - whether it is better to wait. This research is strongly supporting it IS better to wait until after 2 years old.

We know that in dachshunds, or we should, but it is interesting to see what we have been saying for at least 20 years is now being supported by modern research.

The question should not be IF you should neuter, but if you decide to, WHEN should you neuter.

It's always a topic of conversation which causes heated conversations about when or if to do it! Pro's of neutering include:Females: Preventing accidental litters, phantom pregnancies, excessive denning and digging, whining, loss of appetite, or restricted walking when a female is in season. Further...

You asked, I've listened. 👂 Several new services added🐾 Evening and weekend 1-2-1 sessions 🐾1-2-1 reactivity packages.🐾1...

You asked, I've listened. 👂

Several new services added

🐾 Evening and weekend 1-2-1 sessions
🐾1-2-1 reactivity packages.
🐾1-2-1 bespoke puppy training courses
🐾1-2-1 bespoke teenager training courses

And new dates for popular services:


👀Take a peak. 👀

List of current courses and services available to book now

**NEW**- For those of you with young puppies who want to start off on the right paw.Ideal for pups who aren't ready to g...

**NEW**- For those of you with young puppies who want to start off on the right paw.

Ideal for pups who aren't ready to go on walks or are just starting out.

4 x 30 minute zoom sessions to work on puppy basics of your choice in preparation for real life training

Mixture of practical training and discussion depending on what you want and need.

This may include important dachshund life skills such as:

The best ways to socialise your puppy
Recall Training
Toilet Training
Crate training
Separation Confidence
Landshark behaviour
Loose lead walking
Play training
General life skills
and whatever you may want to work on.

This includes guidance and support between each session.

For information and to book your first session please visit:

This new service looks to work on specific puppy activities to support your new puppy (under 4 months) in its training. Sessions will include surrounding support during the 4 weeks and will be geared towards what you want to learn. This may include: The best ways to socialise your puppy Recall Train...



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What do we do?

Firstly, who am I? I am currently a dachshund servant to 9 dachshunds, 1 doberman and a crossbreed.

Seriously, a very brief outline - I grew up with a mini long, then 2 mini smooths. I rebelled and took on several border collies and a great dane. At 19 I took my unruly collies to training classes and found my passion and love for training and behaviour. I studied various trainers, attended various courses until I found Pet Dog Training Instructors who really embraced who I am as a trainer, focusing on our bond and our relationships with our dogs in addition to being a good instructor. Having gained my advanced award with them and my diploma in Canine training and behaviour management with Harper Adams University I am proud to be a tutor on their yearly instructors course and a professional member of the organisation.

Eventually I came back to my beloved breed, they are in my blood after all, even my grandfather had them. I was interested in showing and searched for the right dachshund and was very lucky in finding the perfect dog for me. A beautiful standard smooth, my princess. From here I eventually bred my own beautiful litter and have several generations. I am very proud of my dogs and of their achievements. However, mostly, we all enjoying exploring the Norfolk countryside and snuggling on the sofa. I have taken them tracking, done scent work, fun agility and lots of fun training. I am not competitive by nature, I just enjoy spending time with my pups.

So why did I set up Perfectly Polite Dachshunds?