Canine Scentsory adventures

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Canine Scentsory adventures Investigate. Explore. Discover

Sensory adventure centre for dogs

Wishing you all a very happy ChristmasThis picture is of Dafne-she visited with her mum earlier this year -since then sh...

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas

This picture is of Dafne-she visited with her mum earlier this year -since then she became very unwell and her mum said goodbye to her earlier this month

This is a happy memory of us taking a stroll down the lane during her visit.

Things have changed radically over the last 5 years or so in regard to how we live our lives with our dogsBut too many d...

Things have changed radically over the last 5 years or so in regard to how we live our lives with our dogs

But too many dog owners have no idea (or interest) in the numerous studies and proofs that dogs need far more than is currently provided

It is no longer enough to pop to a supermarket and buy food which fulfils basic nutritional needs or to place a bed on the floor and take a dog out once or twice a day to run around after a ball

Educating people to believe that more is needed than just covering the basics to provide a happy and enjoyable life for a dog is hard

It is an uphill battle to prevent people from thinking that obedience is enough- and taking a puppy to 6 classes as a young dog will provide him with the skills needed to live his life- or adding more corrections when walking will stop a dog pulling or telling a dog off if he doesn't return when off lead are "education"

Let's get real and really think about the fluff bucket that is currently lying on his bed or is dozing on the sofa

Many people have a dawning awareness that they are doing their dogs a disservice and I applaud those who have the realisation that we could provide more and think more carefully about what a dog needs

What exactly is the problem with providing more for our dogs? What do we think is going to happen?

Are they going to commandeer our homes? No, they are not

Are they going to turn aggressive and start biting everyone they meet? No, they are not

Are they going to refuse to let anyone into your house and growl at everyone they meet? No, they are not

Please look at your dog and ask yourself if you could provide more enjoyment -not just for your dog but for yourself too

Why have a dog and create boundaries that are so inflexible that they force a dog to lead a life that has limitations because that is what we were told a dog needs?

Lets face facts-we need to offer more


It is December -I know that but if you are dreading January you might just want to join the group that is affiliated to my dog group Enhancing the Life of Your Hound

There will be weekly tasks to complete at your leisure every week during January just to help banish the January blues!

Call now to connect with business.

If you are looking for a gift for someone I have a dog book which can be bought from Amazon- or directly from me I have ...

If you are looking for a gift for someone I have a dog book which can be bought from Amazon- or directly from me

I have vouchers for Bowen -these are available for people, people who have horses or for dogs

I also have an equine enrichment course available

A Dog For All Seasons: How to keep your dog healthy and happy throughout the year

Look at this fabulous boy! He is 14 years old and although he is that age he clambered on and off things spent ages in b...

Look at this fabulous boy!

He is 14 years old and although he is that age he clambered on and off things spent ages in both the stables and just had the best time

Hos nose didn't stop!

Today at Crabtree Canine Enrichment -a few dogs visited and one of them had a Bowen treatment-he was so funny-and every ...

Today at Crabtree Canine Enrichment -a few dogs visited and one of them had a Bowen treatment-he was so funny-and every time I stepped back to give him a break he tapped me with his paw!

Thank you to Laura Dobb for designing a logo for Crabtree I will be posting news about the next event soon-this one is a...

Thank you to Laura Dobb for designing a logo for Crabtree

I will be posting news about the next event soon-this one is a pre Christmas event which will include LOTS of information about how to entertain and exercise your dogs mind and body over the coming winter months

First aid for firework phobic dogsAromatherapyIt is “that” weekend. If it rains the noise and disruption to many peoples...

First aid for firework phobic dogs


It is “that” weekend. If it rains the noise and disruption to many peoples lives will be at a minimum but we all know this only means that the fireworks will carry on for longer and in sporadic bursts which can be just as horrifying for many dogs and their guardians/ carers

There is a huge amount of advice circulating about how to help dogs through this period, and I outline a lot of new ideas in my book “A Dog For All Seasons” but it is too late to start preparatory work as it needs to be built up over at least 2 weeks before fireworks are let off

Today we are going to talk about first aid for dogs that are terrified about fireworks. Keeping them safe is the main priority, and there are many things on the market that you can try as the weekend approaches including Pet Remedy, Bach Flower remedies, body wraps and many other things

But if we are talking about first aid solutions then keep it simple.
Walk extra early, keep walks calm so there are not high levels of cortisol present in your dogs body.

Draw curtains a little earlier than the normal time, this is to prevent alerting your dog to that there might be bad things coming.

Place wadding/ towels or draught excluders underneath windows and doors to dampen the noise from outside

Settle down for the evening with appropriate music to help absorb the splutters booms, bangs and fizzes-this could be white noise, classical FM or even Gregorian chats which are oddly soothing and non disturbing
and then cook a meal
while you are cooking give your dog a natural chew to chomp on while you are cooking

Cooking at home gives off the best kind of aromatherapy especially for our dogs and the smells stay in the air for hours after a meal. Cook something that is not heavy in carbs and which your dog can share with you too-if he is on a special diet you may have to improvise a little-but have no doubt of the power of food cooking and a full stomach

This might not solve all your problems but it will instil the feeling of safety and has the extra back up of social connections for your dog, and if all else fails pack your lovely meal up, get into your car and drive somewhere quiet

I do have a course running to help firework phobic dogs running-if you are interested in it please message me


You may just want to book a session for your frazzled dog and yourself and relax in a lovely relaxing environment

It's autumn .....but! the dogs have the choice of whether to explore indoors or outdoorsOutdoors has lots of lovely scen...

It's autumn .....but! the dogs have the choice of whether to explore indoors or outdoors
Outdoors has lots of lovely scentsploring opportunities and sometimes the dogs prefer to spend a bit more time in the stables which have all kinds of things to check on and interact with including different surfaces and textures underneath their feet

It may be colder but the dogs don't care!

As the weather changes and the days get increasingly shorter this may trigger an association in your dogs brain and link...

As the weather changes and the days get increasingly shorter this may trigger an association in your dogs brain and link it to fireworks

We can't avoid it -fireworks are the bane of many dogs lives. I have a course running at the moment which looks at why dogs are so fearful and what can be done to alleviate their distress.

You can find all the details below----------

Firework season is rapidly approaching.

While some dogs cope really well with the crashes, bangs fizzes and general mayhem during this time lots time many dogs don't.

I have written a course which aims to help people that struggle with their dogs over this time-the course is a mixture of video and lives which will be held on specific evenings
The videos will be released on specific days -and there is already two ready to watch, the others will be put on the group over the next few days
It includes
Why fear is so crippling to dogs
Practical exercises to help your dog-which can be included on walks
Bodywork exercises to be put in place before, during and after the season
Understanding why dogs can feel so vulnerable

If you would like to join the course there is a fee of £15.00 you can pay via Paypal -you will be admitted to the group once you have paid
If you buy the course please include an email so I can send you an invite

Are you dreading the firework season? The season can be very stressful for many dogs and their carers sowhy not book an ...

Are you dreading the firework season?

The season can be very stressful for many dogs and their carers so
why not book an enrichment session at Crabtree canine enrichment?
Sniffing and exploring is the perfect antidote to anxiety and worry

The area is set away from any disturbances and I can advise on you on some exercises and bodywork which can help both you and your dog over this period
You will also receive a sheet which will provide more suggestions to help you and your dog through what is often a very difficult time of the year
Give me a call if you would like more information 07910 720961 or email [email protected]

Over the last week or so there have been a variety of dogs visiting and enjoying the cool and the peace and exploring!

Over the last week or so there have been a variety of dogs visiting and enjoying the cool and the peace and exploring!

It's a hot day and set to get hotter and we all know that our dogs need extra help and support during these timesIncludi...

It's a hot day and set to get hotter and we all know that our dogs need extra help and support during these times


Lots of cool shady and comfortable places to rest

A few more water bowls spread around

Cool evening walks in shady places

And a few ice cubes placed into water bowls to melt to keep the water cool

or a lovely shady area to do some exploring.......

It's September and with the arrival of this month brings different scents and a different feel and rhythm to lifeDogs ar...

It's September and with the arrival of this month brings different scents and a different feel and rhythm to life

Dogs are ultra aware of these changes and will embrace them if we allow it
This is why we should make use of these slightly gentler months where we still have light, warmth and the days remain easy to navigate

If you would like to book a session-I don't have a fancy appointment app but you can message/ Whatsapp of call me -it is just as easy as clicking on an app
I will give you times and days when sessions are available and check your dog has no allergies or illnesses

It couldn't be much more simple to book a session and bring your dog along to explore the end of season scents and textures

07910 720961

Yesterday was the perfect day. The dogs visited-mooched in and out of the outdoor and indoor areas-took a little nap whe...

Yesterday was the perfect day. The dogs visited-mooched in and out of the outdoor and indoor areas-took a little nap when they got a bit hot and just took their time and the area worked its magic

This was the most apparent with a little terrier that had his first visit yesterday-I didn't get any photos but he had a lovely sleep on the sofa too and a tiny bit of Bowen!

This photo is of my lurcher who loves to have a friend with him when he is on the sofa!

Best friends just hanging out on a summers day

Best friends just hanging out on a summers day

As our dogs move they are picking up a huge amount of information via their sensesThey can't help it-because they like u...

As our dogs move they are picking up a huge amount of information via their senses
They can't help it-because they like us use their senses to tell them about the world and what is useful/ important/ safe to do/ how to respond to what is in the environment and if there are opportunities which are necessary to their wellbeing and which are part of their ethogram

As they get older we can add elements into the environment that can help them to practise these natural behaviours and help them stay mobile-it is very possible to help our dogs as they age


On the way to the bringing your dog for a scentsory adventure area you will pass through lots of nature

It is particularly stunning at the moment-why not book a session and take a slow drive along the lane


People often ask why a canine enrichment area is so far away from the main drag.

Let me explain.....
Dogs can be a bit like us, they can get fed up with the hurly burly of traffic and bumping into other dogs, and can become just as jaded as we get when things are too "peopley"

What better way to destress and take a deep breath than visiting an area that is not only stunning but is away from the madding crowd?

Listen! No traffic. no barking dogs, no voices-just nature doing its thing

Movement is king-unusual movement that is within your dogs range of movement is especially powerful

Movement is king-unusual movement that is within your dogs range of movement is especially powerful

It's lovely in the summerBring a drink with you-or bring a mug and I can fill it up with tea/ coffee, watch as your dog ...

It's lovely in the summer

Bring a drink with you-or bring a mug and I can fill it up with tea/ coffee, watch as your dog mooches, and if you have any queries or problems about your dogs behaviour we can discuss them and I can offer advice as your dog explores-or even as he takes a nap!

Why do I ask people to make sure their dogs are wearing a comfortable harness, a long lead and accompany their dogs when...

Why do I ask people to make sure their dogs are wearing a comfortable harness, a long lead and accompany their dogs when they book an enrichment session?

This is because the area is outdoors and while it is situated in an amazing area that is free from footfall, or cars constantly moving past and all the myriad other things we experience in our lives- at Crabtree Enrichment there is lots of nature.
The nature includes deer, squirrels, birds, mice and horses. These all deserve to be safe when they are in the area- as do any visiting dogs

During a visit many dogs often appreciate their people being close by-and the other end of a long lead is perfect.

Dogs have decisions to make-do they move around the perimeter? Look into the stables? Find a place to relax? Are there places where they might be a little overwhelmed?
We don’t know exactly how our dogs experience their world, but we do know that they find their confidence and build their trust with us alongside them.

Imagine going somewhere with your best friend but they leave you alone as you get to the venue? While you might still enjoy it a shared experience is so much more enjoyable.

Exploring and investigating can still be fulfilled and choices can still be made by your dog but you will be right there supporting them.

This is perfect in an area where everyone can relax. Plus, as you watch your dog making decisions many things will occur to you about their body language, the areas they prefer and how they deal with novel experiences
It is a learning experience and a chance to build a bond.

That’s why.

Posture tells a story. Sometimes a dog will have a specific reaction to a new area or place.If posture is low to the gro...

Posture tells a story.

Sometimes a dog will have a specific reaction to a new area or place.
If posture is low to the ground it can signal that your dog is worried and uncomfortable, and the eyes often reflect the internal struggle.

This is why we need to learn to help and support our dogs-the dogs choice may be to return to the car if out or to freeze, but many dogs pull and whatever you try they continue to rush

This needs careful consideration and we need to be mindful and find ways of relieving anxiety, because let's face it our dogs don't generally get a choice of where to walk.
We are in control of walks and often too focused on where we walk and for how long and we forget to look at how our dogs are reacting

This girl visited yesterday and she was nervous-but she relaxed and started to really enjoy exploring. Offering your dogs choices and including enrichment is so important

If you would like some help and support with your dogs anxiety I am happy to chat on the phone or you can book a session.

It was hot today but it was very cool down in the woods with the breeze and two lovely dogs had their first visit and sp...

It was hot today but it was very cool down in the woods with the breeze and two lovely dogs had their first visit and spent time exploring, investigating and chilling out

The weather is hot-so! why not give you dog and yourself a little treat by visiting Crabtree Canine enrichment?It is coo...

The weather is hot-so! why not give you dog and yourself a little treat by visiting Crabtree Canine enrichment?

It is cool, there are areas of shade and sun which your dog can choose to move in and out of at leisure

You won't find other dogs, or people walking around disturbing your peace and quiet and visits can be arranged for cooler times of the day

There is simply nothing better than arranging a treat for you and your dog during extreme temperatures


A little bit of gentle socialising on a sunny day

There really is nothing better than in person workshops!Yesterday was the Pain In Dogs workshop and we covered the follo...

There really is nothing better than in person workshops!

Yesterday was the Pain In Dogs workshop and we covered the following topics in the sun

An introduction to canine anatomy and looked at some of the most important areas of the dogs anatomy

Definitions of pain/ stiffness/ inflammation

Discussed canine movement

The main causes of injury and why it occurs

How to identify the causes of pain -visual observations and how the conformation of the dog can influence injury

The time went really fast -and it was such a beautiful day!
Thess and Quark were the stars of the show too!

More to come-


There really is nothing better than in person workshops!

Yesterday was the Pain In Dogs workshop and we covered the following topics in the sun

An introduction to canine anatomy and looked at some of the most important areas of the dogs anatomy

Definitions of pain/ stiffness/ inflammation

Discussed canine movement

The main causes of injury and why it occurs

How to identify the causes of pain -visual observations and how the conformation of the dog can influence injury

The time went really fast -and it was such a beautiful day!
Thess and Quark were the stars of the show too

More to come-

The power of movement What happens if your dog repeats the same patterns of movement day after day-week after weekRange ...

The power of movement
What happens if your dog repeats the same patterns of movement day after day-week after week

Range of movement becomes restricted and narrow-and this is likely to result in stiffness-your dog could even feel discomfort and pain if he has a longer walk which combines more diverse exercise

What can be done?
Let your dog explore, let him use his natural instincts and let him decided on the walks you both take.
This will not create a problem for your dog but he will feel more contented and it will allow him to fine tune balance and fulfil natural behaviours

Many people have not considered that their dogs might be in pain-if your dogs behaviour changes please do get him/ her c...

Many people have not considered that their dogs might be in pain-if your dogs behaviour changes please do get him/ her checked over for pain issues

There will be an entire morning on pain issues in dogs at Crabtree canine enrichment on June 4th. If you would like to join us please send a message

Sometimes some very important dogs visit Crabtree canine enrichmentThe ones that arrived yesterday were definitely VIP's...

Sometimes some very important dogs visit Crabtree canine enrichment

The ones that arrived yesterday were definitely VIP's
Older dogs love the area-they may have lost some of the mobility they had and their sight may be impaired but the area is very safe for them to explore and wander about and pick up the scents and sights

They were joined by one of my greyhounds who they hadn't met before and she showed them to ropes too

Stretching and gentle movement is so good for dogs of all ages and breeds

Stretching and gentle movement is so good for dogs of all ages and breeds

Encouraging our dogs to move their bodies in ways that are natural and withing their range of movement is really importa...

Encouraging our dogs to move their bodies in ways that are natural and withing their range of movement is really important.

Neither should it be repetitive or forced by us-natural movement chosen by our dogs is important

This lovely girl came to visit.Even though she is fearful and has had some bad experiences with dogs on walks in the las...

This lovely girl came to visit.

Even though she is fearful and has had some bad experiences with dogs on walks in the last few months she had a glorious time exploring, investigating and hunting down the smells

Welcome to this page. I couldn't think of a better way of putting exclusive information about what I do at Crabtree othe...

Welcome to this page.
I couldn't think of a better way of putting exclusive information about what I do at Crabtree other than creating this page

On here you can find out about the events which are planned and acquaint yourself with why dedicated enrichment areas are so important for dogs and their people
They are different to off lead fields as they exist to teach and educate dog carers about the basic needs of their dogs and open their eyes up as to just how important it is to engage the dogs senses

We may think we are providing everything a dog needs but humans are not good at understanding how important it is for dogs to have places to explore, do a bit of safe scavenging, pick up scents and be curious.
Curiosity is something we should allow our dogs to be. Their lives often adhere to such a strict routing that there is no time for curiosity and if a dog lacks confidence the turning point happens as he or she becomes curious about the world.

This is among the reasons that Crabtree exists. It is am amazingly soothing place-even in the midst of the winter and cool and inviting on the hottest summer days

Bring your dog! All breeds and ages of dog welcome. As you can see it even has a dedicated dog sofa so your dog can relax and take in the sounds and feel of the amazing area that it is set in

Enrichment is so important for dogs. They see the world in a vastly different way to us as their senses, especially thei...

Enrichment is so important for dogs. They see the world in a vastly different way to us as their senses, especially their sense of smell is extremely sensitive compared to our own

By providing enrichment and and by inviting them to use their senses it fulfills important basic needs


Opening Hours

Wednesday 09:00 - 06:00
Sunday 09:00 - 06:00




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