My journey with Molly started last summer. Molly had not been ridden in a while and is 30+, so we would need to take this slow following her pace. First building up strength and then work on balance.
In September I wrote how the training wheels were off, Molly no longer needed my support through reins and legs to stay up and straight.
We had a break due to losing molars, Xmas holiday and a period of frost.
This week Molly and I were back to riding. I got confirmed yet again you do not need to ride daily or weekly to make progress! Because after 2 months off she was better than before.
When I rode a halt, she stopped nice and balanced, no side stepping to regain balance.
Cherry on the cake: Going from A to C in a straight line with square halt, circle left and circle right. The proof is in the pudding watch the video.