Susan Fraser - Independent Ceremonies

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Susan Fraser - Independent Ceremonies Beautiful Words for Special Days. Susan Fraser at Independent Ceremonies offers a range of ceremonies for all the events in your life. Pet Memorials.

For every ceremony, I will take time to meet with you and discuss what will give you the style, tone and content that you want for your event. I will write and deliver a bespoke ceremony that is unique, individual and personal to you. Music, readings and poems really set the emotional heart of a ceremony and I can help you choose the right pieces for your ceremony. I can also suggest and provide a

ll sorts of extra touches to help make your event even more special. With an independent celebrant, there are very few restrictions on what you can do with your event, so I am open to whatever your ideas might be for your event. Services provided include:

Naming and Welcoming Ceremonies for babies and children. Wedding, Handfasting, Partnership and Renewal Celebrations for all sorts of couples. Funerals and Memorial Services. Please drop me an email or send a message and I will call you to talk over what you might like for your own special day.

What do celebrants called Susan from Clackmannanshire do on the weekends? Well there are two of us and we both play in S...

What do celebrants called Susan from Clackmannanshire do on the weekends? Well there are two of us and we both play in Saltire Steel, Scotland's biggest and best Steel band! Loving being out in the sunshine with my dear friend Susan Chown Celebrant playing drums in Bridge of Allan today!

What does Susan Chown Celebrant do at the weekend? She finds another Celebrant called Susan to play with! Here I am with Susan Fraser of Independent Ceremonies ready to play at the second of two gigs today with Saltire Steel band. This was my first experience of playing with the band and it was lovely to have some friendly support in the sunshine! Xx

Very pleased to have been involved in this event for the Scottish Independent Celebrants Association.    I got to be one...

Very pleased to have been involved in this event for the Scottish Independent Celebrants Association. I got to be one of the "family and friends" speaking at one of the staged celebration of life services. I was told I was "very convincing," which is high praise coming from an audience of other celebrants and their friends.

 The initiative Good Life Good Death Good Grief organizes a week of activities each May to raise awareness of issues around end of life, death and funerals. It coincides with Dying Matters Week in England and Wales. This year SICA (Scottish

With a similar scheme being launched in England, a wee reminder for anyone affected here in Scotland that we already hav...

With a similar scheme being launched in England, a wee reminder for anyone affected here in Scotland that we already have a memorial book and certificate available to anyone affected here.

This brings comfort to many who have lost a baby in early pregnancy, just to be recognised as parents to someone who was already so present in their lives, to have their baby's name recorded and known, can mean so much.

What is the Memorial Book? The Memorial Book of Pregnancy and Baby Loss Prior to 24 Weeks (“the Memorial Book”) is a commemorative record held by the National Records of Scotland (NRS). It offers the opportunity to provide recognition and may offer comfort to those who wish to have a record of t...


Emma Johnstone says fraudsters attempted to steal money from mourners via a bogus live stream.

New Year often brings people to thinking about their future and what changes they might like to make, and celebrancy is ...

New Year often brings people to thinking about their future and what changes they might like to make, and celebrancy is something that increase numbers of people are thinking about.

As I have said many times before, celebrancy is the best job in the world, and all of us who have the privilege to do this work would tell you the same.

However, getting started can be a big change and a big committment in your life, so it's important to think it through and find out all the inside information before taking the plunge to go ahead.

With that in mind, a few years ago I started offering Considering Celebrany, a half day workshop to look at what life is really like as a full time celebrant, what it takes to make it work, what the joy and the pitfalls are, allowing you to make an informed choice about whether you take it forward.

I don't run this very often, but after a number of recent enquiries, I have put in a new date for those who are interested.

You can find more details and booking at the Eventbrite link.

A short course for anyone thinking about a career in celebrancy. Find out what it is really like, and whether it is right for you.

Wishing everyone all the best for 2024, with hope that it brings everyone all that their heart desires in the coming mon...

Wishing everyone all the best for 2024, with hope that it brings everyone all that their heart desires in the coming months.

Lang May Yer Lum Reek!

As we get close to Christmas, there are so many families I have met with over this last year who will be facing the cele...

As we get close to Christmas, there are so many families I have met with over this last year who will be facing the celebrations with a little piece of their heart no longer there.
Know that it is OK to feel the sadness of loss, but it is also OK to find ways to feel the joy and hope of Christmas too.
Whether you have a faith based understanding of Christmas, or if you find the meaning of it in the closeness of family and friends, in the turning of the seasons, in the light and warmth that it brings, you can still find a path to hope and love, even as you learn to swim through grief.


Sometimes the lead-up towards days like Mother's Day can feel just as painful as the day itself.

If this is your first Mother's Day or tenth without your person, it's okay that it might still hurt. It is also okay to feel okay too.

Whichever way you choose to spend this Mother's Day weekend, we hope you can find some time to remember and honour your person however you see fit 💜

You can leave a special message for your loved one our Mother's Day dedication page here 👇

This is a wonderful, thoughtful idea.  Over the years I have met many parents who lost a baby early on and the pain of l...

This is a wonderful, thoughtful idea.
Over the years I have met many parents who lost a baby early on and the pain of loss does not notice whether it was this week or that week that it happened.
This will mean such a lot to be able to have your loss recognised and remembered.

The First Minister has announced a Memorial Book for those who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks will launch this summer.

A commemorative certificate recognising the loss will also be available.

Following the announcement, the First Minister said:

“The loss of a pregnancy or a baby is always painful. I have spoken in the past about my personal experience of miscarriage, and I know the sense of grief will stay with me and my husband forever."

Crematorium local to me is hosting a Christmas Service, open to all,  and especially to anyone facing Christmas followin...

Crematorium local to me is hosting a Christmas Service, open to all, and especially to anyone facing Christmas following bereavement.

These are lovely services filled with "tidings of comfort and joy." I'll be there myself.

It's two weeks until our Christmas Carol and Memorial Service on Thursday 15th December at 7pm.

See our poster for more information. We hope to see you on the day.

After more then 10 years as a full time professional celebrant, I know a thing or two about how it all works, about the ...

After more then 10 years as a full time professional celebrant, I know a thing or two about how it all works, about the high points, and the not so high points, about the pitfalls as well as the absolute joys of this very special work that fills my life.

I know there are lots of people out there who would also love to join me in celebrancy, but they aren't too sure what that really means, what to expect from celebrancy as a career, or how to get started.

That's why I created Considering Celebrancy, a half day online of finding out what it's really like to be a celebrant, what to think about when starting out and what to do next. Find out everything you need to know before investing in a full training course, get individual advice and support and ask all the questions you want.

Click on the Eventbrite link if you are interested.

A short course for anyone thinking about a career in celebrancy. Find out what it is really like and whether it is right for you.

"Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;Warm southern wind, blow softly here;Green grass above, lie light, lie light;Good ni...

"Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green grass above, lie light, lie light;
Good night, dear heart, good night, good night"

Mark Twain

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am passionate about what I do, so much so, that I also love passing on what I kn...

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am passionate about what I do, so much so, that I also love passing on what I know to other people who are thinking about becoming celebrants.

The next date for my Considering Celebrancy workshop, is Saturday 30th July, 12pm to 3.30pm.

If you are interested, you can book here:

Anyone that talks to me for any length of time at all would be able to tell you that I am passionate about my work, and that I could talk about celebrancy and what it means to be a celebrant for hours on end if you let m...

Back when I was an Assistant Registrar for the council I conducted some of the first Civil Partnerships and then some of...

Back when I was an Assistant Registrar for the council I conducted some of the first Civil Partnerships and then some of the first same-s*x marriages that we had.

Every single one of them was a complete joy, the couples had each had their own journey to get to that place.

One couple I remember in particular had been waiting decades to marry each other and tears dripped from their chins as they said their long awaited vows in front of all their family and friends. I remember the piper wondering how he was going to play "I Do I Do I Do" by Abba as they went out. It was such an emotional amazing moment for everyone there, me included.

So while I'm not a minister and this doesn't change how I work, it still gives me enormous happiness to know that so many more people will be able to have the wedding and the marriage that means the most to them. It gives me my pride in Scotland and it's institutions too, for continuing to lead the way in being diverse, accepting and open hearted to all kinds of everyone.

Love is Love.

The General Assembly has voted to change church laws and allow gay faith ceremonies to take place in churches.

I spend a lot of my time and all my creativity in writing services and ceremonies. Each one is an individually crafted p...

I spend a lot of my time and all my creativity in writing services and ceremonies. Each one is an individually crafted piece of writing.

I will be spending most of this weekend spinning away on my laptop this so poem by Brian Bilston (an imaginative creation himself), really rings me at home... as it were.

Today’s poem is called ‘How to Avoid Mixing Your Metaphors’.

World Book Day is something I have supported as a parent and as a person for many years.   Books have always been very i...

World Book Day is something I have supported as a parent and as a person for many years. Books have always been very important to me, new worlds and ideas that helped me in hard times and enlightened the good times.

It is no coincidence that understanding, writing and speaking words has become my vocation in life.

But today we find ourselves in troubled times and the wonderful Alexander McCall Smith has the best way possible to mark this day.

In celebration of World Book Day and recognition of those suffering in Eastern Europe, Alexander shares this new poem:

In troubled times

A poem for World Book Day, 2022

Somewhere as I write these lines
Armies clash, the speechless innocent flee,
The rumbling armour and the fire,
And skies, once clear and optimistic,
Darken with intended smoke;
In the classroom, incredulous children,
We sit mute with shock, as history
Wags her firm admonitory finger,
Reminds us of the foolishness
Of forgetting how things
Have a way of being, however much
We think we’ve put all that away,
The past is never far away, she says,
The past recurs, again and then once more.

In shadows and in darkness,
In moments of despair
At how malignant ambition can
Threaten the ordinary lives
Of unexceptional people,
We turn, when we can,
To the things that help,
Of which love and charity,
Are the main foundations;
And seek in books, those universal
Depositaries of human truth,
The things we want and need
To make us strong, the evidence
To prove that light will still exist
The darker it otherwise gets,
And will be there, stubbornly
Glorious on the printed page.

By Alexander McCall Smith

One of the questions that comes up often when I talk to families about a celebration of life service, is whether is is a...

One of the questions that comes up often when I talk to families about a celebration of life service, is whether is is appropriate for children to be there.

The answer is always that it is up to the child, even quite young children. If they want to be there, then their grief at a loss deserves the same recognition, the same chance to be felt, as anyone else's. At the same time, no child should ever be made to go to the service either.

Sometimes children come just to an interment of ashes, or a small family memorial after, a less overwhelming time to have that moment of farewell that we all need in our time of loss.

There are many ways children can be involved too, whether it's wriring letters or drawing pictures to be included in the photos or go beside their loved one. They can paint memory stones to sit by a headstone, or simply place their own flowers to show their love.

The way children and young people grieve and what they understand about death is quite different from adults and often depends on their age.

New Year can be such a time of hope and togetherness, but for those who have lost a loved one, it can be a very tough ti...

New Year can be such a time of hope and togetherness, but for those who have lost a loved one, it can be a very tough time. Whereas some see opportunity and excitement in a new year, for others, it can just make the future seem more empty and uncertain.

For anyone struggling, the excellent people at Cruse Bereavement Care have some wise words for how to look after yourself and your own wellbeing during such a time of heightened emotions.

Information and advice about facing a new year alone, following a bereavement.

I always think to myself every year that this is the season of warmth and light, of logs on the stove, hot chocolates, o...

I always think to myself every year that this is the season of warmth and light, of logs on the stove, hot chocolates, of flickering candles scenting the room and twinkling fairy lights sharing our light with the outside world too.
It also heralds the end of the year, the time we look both forwards and backwards in our lives, a time to take a pause, to sit for a little time and think about where you are in your life now, what the last year brought, what hopes and dreams there are for the year to come.
The New Year always brings plans and changes that go with them, each a mystery today, each unfolding its secrets in time.
I hope that 2022 brings only good things to each of you, wishing you all the very best New Year.

As we approach the start of a New Year, I know this is a time when many of you out there get to thinking about where you...

As we approach the start of a New Year, I know this is a time when many of you out there get to thinking about where you are in your life, and new ideas for directions to take.

As any celebrant will tell you, we have the best job in the world and there are lots of people who wonder if it might be the right choice for them. If you are one of those people, then Considering Celebrancy is for you!

This is a half day course that I run on behalf of the Scottish Independent Celebrants Association, and it is for anyone who is thinking about making the change to become a celebrant.

Celebrancy is a job like no other, and there lots of things to think about before deciding to go ahead with investing in a full training course. So come along for a session packed with lots of information, questions and advice to see if it might be for you.

A short course for anyone thinking about becoming a celebrant. Find out what it is really like day to day, and whether it is right for you


Independent Ceremonies


Scottish Independent Celebrants Association

Even during the current pandemic SICA celebrants are still there working away. Our group meetings might have moved online, but we are still helping and supporting each other through these different times.


On last Sunday's Considering Celebrancy online course, we had a great afternoon talking about everything to do with the realities of life as a celebrant.

There were so many lovely comments from the participants afterwards too. I'm really glad that everyone thought it was worthwhile, and thank you all for being such a good fun group.

Civil partnerships for mixed s*x couples set to be legalised

Very pleased to see this come in. More ways for people to show their commitment and love for each other is always going to be a good thing!

New legislation means all couples will have the same choices should they decide they want a legally recognised relationship.


When I first decided to become an independent celebrant, it during a period of reflection and as I approached a big birthday, thinking that what I really wanted to do with my life was be helpful to people, and thinking too about what I wanted my own future to look like.

This current time of lockdown has lots of people similarly reflecting on what is really important to them in life, and looking for new directions to help them fill that need.

I have seen this happening in the number of people getting in touch in recent weeks to say they too are thinking about becoming celebrants.

Because there have been so many people interested, I have decided to run the Considering Celebrancy course online over Zoom this time around.

I have held this course over the last few years for anyone who isn't sure if celebrancy is for them, to give people a full background to what is involved, what day to day celebrant life is like, and what it takes to get started on a celebrancy career.

It's there so you can find out everything you need to know, before committing to an expensive full training course.

If you think this would be helpful for you, you can book now through eventbrite here.

Covid-19 | Independent Ceremonies

There are many challenges for us all during of this current time of the Covid-19 crisis, and it is particularly hard for those who lose a loved one during this time.
While we celebrants continue to conduct sensitive services for our families, there are many restrictions on what can be done, at present only a few close family members can be there, and sometimes the circumstances mean there is no service at all.
But the process of planning a funeral service, of choosing music and words, of really thinking about your loved one, and taking time to remember than, is still a very important part of grieving.
With this in mind, I have created a free guide with ideas for how you can still find meaningful ways to say goodbye even in these difficult times. That could be by creating space and time to remember at home, or having your service online, or even planning now to have a full memorial service later.
Please have a look on the Independent Ceremonies website for a free download of the guide, and do get in touch if I can help.
Above all, stay safe and look after each other.

As you will be aware, during the current Covid-19 crisis, funeral services have been restricted to just a few close family members only, or in some cases it is more appropriate to have no service at all. 


Celebrants such as myself are still out there working with families and conducting funeral services right though this crisis. Even though there are restrictions put on what we can do, we are still doing our very best to make sure that families can say goodbye to their loved ones with as much love, dignity and respect as always.

Our colleagues in the funerals and bereavement sector are all still there on the frontline for families too, and they deserve our deepest thanks for continuing to provide the best possible service under difficult circumstances for us all.


Independent Ceremonies's cover photo



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