It’s been another great month at Woofie Walks 🐾🐾
Our Oscar turned 8, feel so proud he has been with me from a pup and how privileged I am to share all those years as his dog walker. Can’t imagine how many Oscar cuddles I’ve now had 🥰 precious loving lad that he is.
Exciting news that we will be having a puppy join us at Woofie Walks soon, another ‘Bonnie’ (but this time a cockapoo to join our ‘Bonnie’ cavapoo), so we will be going through the weeks of puppy visits progressing eventually onto group walks. Absolute love sharing those journeys 💞
Been a pleasure to have Rufus back with us for a few weeks to help his Mam out, always a joy to see him!
Scout continues to settle well, loving his adventures exploring new fields and discovering Woofie Walks ball games. Learning all the time, he’s a bright lad and doesn’t take long to figure out what is expected of him 🤩
Jasper and Buddy enjoyed a bit of water play this month, keep telling them it’s a sign of things to come with the fabulous sunny weather coming our way 🤞🤞which we are MORE than overdue (never known such a soggy, muddy few months 😳)
Teddy and Chandler have been so funny this month, now firm besties the excitement levels go through the roof when they see they are together, they love nothing more than some crazy playtime together 🤪
Just all living their best lives 🐾 🐾
Happy Easter everyone 🐣 🐰