When your Equine Touch Addict of a pony has to take a long moment to process her bodywork that she is totally oblivious of her haynet. 🦄😍🦄 I do love these moments when I can just step back with the owner and enjoy the peace and tranquility of just being. #4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #ponyclub #wholehorsehappiness #poniesneedbodyworktoo #equinetouch #lovemyjob
When your Equine Touch Addict of a pony has to take a long moment to process her bodywork that she is totally oblivious of her haynet. 🦄😍🦄 I do love these moments when I can just step back with the owner and enjoy the peace and tranquility of just being. #4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #ponyclub #wholehorsehappiness #poniesneedbodyworktoo #equinetouch #lovemyjob
Introducing BB aka Breaking Bits who is going to be a very interesting addition to the Equine Touch Foundation courses that I am running this year in collaboration with Tacky Central Livery.
BB is an 18yr old 16.1 ex-racehorse and had an operation a few years ago to remove his left eye after a tumour was discovered. He therefore carries a whole lot of compensatory issues throughout his body - not just from his time in racing but also having to utilise his one good eye to check what is going on around him.
Whilst BB is a great example of how the fascial web that covers the whole body can get stuck into a fixed pattern because it is being under utilised on one side and yet over utilised on the other.
Because Equine Touch is an holistic ‘whole horse’ vibrational modality that directly addresses the fascia we are able to help horses like BB using the moves from the Level 1 Equine Touch Foundation Basic Body balance, (which is all I used in his assessment) in order to help stretch, energise and release the adhesions in the fascia. Here he is processing the work on completion of the session.
If you want to learn how to help your horse with Equine Touch then please drop me a message.
#4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #wholehorsehappiness #helpinghorses #horsesforcourses #educatinghumans #exracehorserehab #thoroughbredaftercare #happierhorses #horsewelfare
And it’s a wrap ! Thanks Emma Steels and the Tacky Central Livery Boys for their wonderful cooperation and responses this afternoon. #4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #wholehorsehappiness #horsesforcourses
#lipwobble #4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #wholehorsehappiness #equinebodywork #balancedhorse
Relax - Restore - Rebalance #TheEquineTouch
Very busy week as due to the wet muddy with some sunshine thrown in horses are going a bit crazy. Slipping and sliding to a halt at the gateway or having zoomies chasing geese takes its toll on the body. Crystal was very locked up through her thoracic sling and quite sensitive through her pecs, however after carrying out an Equine Touch Body Balance and using some Area of Concern procedures I stepped back and allowed her to fully process the work. Whilst often bodywork is looked upon as ‘a pamper session’ it is often the key in preventing tight sore muscles, tendons and ligaments becoming injured and is well worth investing in no matter if your horse is competing, a happy hacker or a retired much loved friend. #4countiesequinetouch #4countiesholistics #wholehorsehappiness #horsefirst #winteriscoming
September Highlights .....love my job #newbeginnings2024
Lovely relaxing Equine Touch session today with Bobby at Widmer Livery Stables followed by a VHT session for his owner and rider.
An unbalanced or crooked rider will often lead to an unbalanced or crooked horse and vice versa - one of the reasons why I undertook to qualify as a VHT Practitioner (the human version of Equine Touch) in order that both horse and rider can be balanced and not have to compensate for each other. VHT sessions can be carried out at your yard on the same day that I see your horse for Equine Touch and I offer a discount on horse and rider packages.
Just to recap…
The Equine Touch is a non-diagnostic, non-invasive, hands-on system of bodywork, addressing the whole horse with an organised series of unique, gentle vibrational moves over soft tissue. The same is true of VHT.
Just a few benefits of The Equine Touch / VHT:
🐴 Improves movement and athletic ability
🐴 Balances the musculo-skeletal system
🐴 Reduces joint and muscle pain
🐴 Releases tight and hypertonic muscles
🐴 Helps to reinstate normal joint, muscle and nerve function
🐴 Aids recovery and reduces compensation following injury or surgery
🐴 Induces deep relaxation
🐴 Works on both a physical and emotional level.
Equine Touch is suitable for every horse, young or old, competition horse to happy hacker or retired family pony.
The Equine Touch is not designed or intended in any way in whole or part to be a substitute for orthodox allopathic veterinary practice. If in doubt you should always contact your vet in the first instance.
Feel free to contact me to find out more 🐴🦄
#horseandider #wholehorsehappiness #forthegoodofthehorse #forthegoodoftherider #4countiesholistics #4countiesequinetouch #balancedhorse #balancedrider
Excellent weekend spent with Equine Touch Instructor and Practitioner Helen Choma on the Equine Touch Foundation Course helping new students take their first steps in learning the Basic Body Balance and initial Area of Concern moves. The lovely releases of tension and processing that the students were achieving shows just how effective and powerful the Basic Body Balance of Equine Touch is. The initial two mornings on the Foundation course are spent learning the all important unique Equine Touch move and practicing on each other which meant that we got to feel the benefits ourselves - it also meant that I got some long overdue VHT. #equinetouch #wholehorsehappiness #equinebodywork #tensionrelease #alwayslearning #holistichorse #NewBeginnings2024 #forthegoodofthehorse #helpinghorses #horseandider
Excellent weekend at Potten Farm Equestrian watching Mary Wanless, Ride With Your Mind and her wonderful team of coaches working with horse and riders of various different levels. The improvement in the horse’s way of going after the rider is made to focus on their own bodies and make just the smallest of adjustments instead of the “push, pull, shove, fiddle, kick, hit….do it!” that you so often hear some Instructors yell which just results in frustration in horse and rider is such a refreshing change. I love the analogies and the references to the fascial chains and internal points) as I am rapidly becoming an anatomy geek!) If anyone wants to know more or to be put in touch with a RWYM coach then please give me a shout. Thank you to Elizabeth Cahill Alison Cahill and Sally Cahill for the wonderful hospitality in such a lovely setting and to Hannah Griffiths and Helen Southwell and 10K Training for being wonderful coaches and support to our clients….the horses are so much better for it ! #4countiesholistics #horseandrider #equineimprovement #ridewithyourmind #dressagetv #dressagehorse #dressagetraining #ridingcoach #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
Bea’s First Session
The lovely Bea, who having had quite a bit of trauma in her life can be quite resistant to strangers - but absolutely melted into her first Equine Touch session and found the calm gentle non-invasive hands on approach just what she needed. #4countiesholistics #4countiesequinetouch #exracehorse #equinebodywork #equinemyofascialrelease #holistichorsemanship #alwaysawinner #relaxandrelease #thoroughbredaftercare #thoroughbredsofinstagram #racehorserehabilitation #equinetouch