Canine Troubles

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Canine Troubles Welcome to Canine Troubles. We can help you with a variety of problems. Please get in touch. Certified Canine Behaviourist. Fully insured. Nutritional advice.

Help with all aspects of canine behaviour.

I went to see this little guy yesterday. He is just over a year old and he is ruling the roost, and not very good at it ...

I went to see this little guy yesterday. He is just over a year old and he is ruling the roost, and not very good at it either!
I gave mum and dad lots of advice and tips to rebalance him. I am going back soon to do some lead walking and the start of recall. They have already noticed a few changes in such a short time.

Today I have been to see this little sweetheart. She is a 4 month old JR. The guardians wanted help as she is partially ...

Today I have been to see this little sweetheart. She is a 4 month old JR. The guardians wanted help as she is partially sited and they didn’t know how to start with training. She is a high energy girl and doesn’t have an off switch, and is teething so biting so much.
Lots of advice given and started her training. It has to be a different way of training as she doesn’t look up to you. Everything has to be done with hearing and any dog’s best attribute, which is the nose. I will probably go back in a few weeks or so.

It has taken me nearly 8 months to get Misty to stay in a room while I go to another! Yes I could have done it a lot qui...

It has taken me nearly 8 months to get Misty to stay in a room while I go to another! Yes I could have done it a lot quicker with treats, but I wanted to build her confidence and trust naturally. Everything else that I have taught her, I have done with treats as they don’t involve the confidence. It just goes to show how long it takes to build that all important confidence and trust! I am very proud of how far she has come in such a short time. The photo below is one that Rich took while I put her in the sit, stay position and then walked away. Normally she would have followed me, but this time she allowed me to go quite away from her. Way to go Mist!


I just wanted to let people know that I have decided to do a little bit more of dog behaviour. I have missed it so much, as I love to help balance your fur babies!
I will only be doing 1 or 2 a week though. I will not be doing weekends unless there is no other day that you can do. I will also only be doing assessments as I find that this works much better being able to give dog parents all the advice that they need to turn their fur baby around.


Thank you all for your kind and best wishes for my retirement. I am going to miss the fur babies but will spend a lot more time with ours! X


I’m afraid to say that I will be retiring from my position. Since we moved to our new bungalow, for health reasons, hubby wants me to retire and spend more time together with our dogs!
I really am very sorry, and I will miss it dreadfully, but I have promised him.
I thank you all for making my job a really enjoyable and rewarding experience, I have enjoyed every moment of the many years that I have been a dog behaviourist/trainer.


I just want to let people know that I will be taking some time off. I’ve hurt my back quite badly, and it’s going to take some time to heal. I’m really sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will let you know when I will be up and running again.
Meanwhile let me take this opportunity to thank you very much for letting me help you with your fur babies!


There has been so many dogs lost just lately. I suspect that it’s because they haven’t been taught a 100% recall and cemented it! But I would like to give you the heads up on searching for them. If you have an item of clothing with your smell on it, place it on the ground where they were last seen. If you wait a while they will come back to this spot. It’s pointless sending lots of people to look for them, because if they have been gone for a while, they would have gone into survival mode (hiding) and will not come out!
Please, please teach your dog a perfect recall, it takes a lot of work, but your dog won’t go out of your site…..if you perfect it!! It also stops so many reactive dogs too. You see if you get everything right your dog won’t want to go to other dogs or people ….. it will have everything it needs and wants in YOU!!

I have been to see this sweet little 13mth old Sproodle. She is such a high energy girl, that if she doesn’t learn to be...

I have been to see this sweet little 13mth old Sproodle. She is such a high energy girl, that if she doesn’t learn to be more calm, she is likely to be bitten! Mum and Dad realised that they needed to work with this energy to help and protect her. The more we talked, it was clear that she was definitely making all the rules!
With lots and lots of advice on how to turn her around she will be able to live a happy and healthy life.


Last week took me to see a tiny little black chihuahua named John. Today I went to see a beautiful Leonburger. She was huge!! Both dogs had fearful issues. Sizes of dogs do not make any difference, it’s all down to the energy and temperament of that particular dog. This is what I work with as there is no two dogs alike, no matter what breed or size!



Teaching Minty to sleep after a walk. She is a very needy girl, so I am also teaching her to stay on her own for short p...

Teaching Minty to sleep after a walk.
She is a very needy girl, so I am also teaching her to stay on her own for short periods. She wants to follow me everywhere, but I know as a behaviourist that this will only lead to more issues! She won’t build any confidence and will develop separation anxiety! Separation anxiety builds up even more issues, so I need to work on this big time, she is showing progress though. This is because we have trust and respect already. Soon we will have that love and the ever lasting bond!
I really am enjoying working with her as I can already see the changes and benefits. It is so worth while working hard and consistent with your pup, adult dog or re home dog as soon as you get them. A dog with no issues is an absolute delight to have! You can take them absolutely anywhere. They are also happier and healthier!
I am beginning to start up my work again now, so if you have any problems or issues with your fur baby, just contact me on this site.

I have spent many years working with 100’s and 100’s of different dogs with different issues. Lots and lots involve fear...

I have spent many years working with 100’s and 100’s of different dogs with different issues. Lots and lots involve fearful, anxious dogs. Now I’m working with my own new dog. She has never been on a lead or seen the outside world. So she is nervous and I am desensitising her. She has met people but not outside her last home. Today we have been for a little walk this morning which was very scary for her. This afternoon we went to the park that will be near to us when we move, which is quite soon. I put her on a longline and let her sniff and before I knew it she was walking around sniffing, tail up and enjoying herself. We then went to a little cafe near us, which was a bit harder for her. We sat and had a cup of tea and with treats on the floor she relaxed and coped much better. This is just day two and I am enjoying watching her grow in confidence! Calm, confident energy is key and my other dog Truffle used to work with me because of just that, so she has sprung into action again!

I went to see this lovely GSD today. She is 8 months old, so very much in her adolescence stage. She definitely thought ...

I went to see this lovely GSD today. She is 8 months old, so very much in her adolescence stage. She definitely thought she was in charge! We went for a walk because mum wanted me to see her reactions when she saw cats, birds and small dogs. Lots of advice given on loose lead walking, blocking and distraction. Other work in the home…. jumping up and mouthing etc. Mum can now see a way forward.
This is my last dog for several weeks, as I am getting our new dog for company for Truffle. She will need some work as she has never been on a lead and hasn’t seen the outside world.
We will also be moving house. But I’m sure I will be back.

It is with a very heavy broken heart that I write this message. Today we have had to let our wonderful girl Lulu go. She...

It is with a very heavy broken heart that I write this message. Today we have had to let our wonderful girl Lulu go. She has been very poorly for quite awhile now and today they found out that she had pancreatic cancer! So, so painful and took over her very quickly.
She was the most gentlest, kindest dog you could ever wish to meet. I had to work very hard with her as a young dog as she was quite a fearful, anxious girl. I desensitised her to everything! She came through it all like a super star. Run free little Lulu, you taught me so much.
We have had 13 wonderful years with her, so many happy holidays, even climbing Snowdon twice, and many other mountains and walkways! We are all going to miss her very, very much, but have only wonderful happy memories.
Anyway as of today I am going to stop all appts. with dogs, as I just don’t feel that I will be able to put my heart into it.

I have been to do an assessment with this lovely little Dachshund x Springer, needless to say that it’s hard to see any ...

I have been to do an assessment with this lovely little Dachshund x Springer, needless to say that it’s hard to see any Springer! She was attacked by a GSD when she was only 1yr old, so she now thinks all big dogs are going to attack her. Gave mum and dad lots of advice and the tools to work on this. With consistency and proximity, this will get better and better. Loose lead is key too. This photo taken with a very waggy tail!

I am doing 1 to 1 puppy training with this little one! He is a 3 and a half month old English Cocker Spaniel. Very hyper...

I am doing 1 to 1 puppy training with this little one! He is a 3 and a half month old English Cocker Spaniel. Very hyperactive, which is indicative to the breed. He certainly wanted to learn, and learnt very quickly! The pup’s guardian had already had a trainer but was told that she wouldn’t be able to teach him anything as he was too hyper and he wouldn’t be able to walk on the lead properly! How is it that these people can call themselves dog trainers and behaviourists?!
It makes me so cross.

Went to see this gorgeous girl yesterday evening. She is a 4yr old Visla and has the most adorable eyes. The guardians w...

Went to see this gorgeous girl yesterday evening. She is a 4yr old Visla and has the most adorable eyes. The guardians wanted help with lead walking and a few more tweaks with other things. Such an intelligent girl, she really wants to work! I left them with some work to do, which I know they will do.

This afternoon I went to see this very handsome boy. A 14 month old Saluki X with a tragic background. His new guardians...

This afternoon I went to see this very handsome boy. A 14 month old Saluki X with a tragic background. His new guardians have done so much with him already, but just needed to know that they were going in the right direction. Just a few tweaks needed. They have only had him for one month, but he has definitely landed on all four paws!

I have been to see this 14mth old Cavalier this afternoon. Her issues were barking at the TV and picking up and eating l...

I have been to see this 14mth old Cavalier this afternoon. Her issues were barking at the TV and picking up and eating lots of things when out on walks. It all came down to anxiety and boredom. This little dog either wanted a job to do, or lots of stimulation. She is such a bright little dog, very keen to learn and get things right!

So so true!

So so true!

Just a dog. 🥰

From time to time people tell me “chill out, it’s just a dog” or “it’s a lot of money just for a dog.” They don't understand the distance traveled, the time invested or the costs incurred by "just a dog". Some of my proudest moments have occurred with “just a dog.”
Many hours have passed being my only company "just a dog", but not for one moment did I feel despised. Some of my saddest moments have been because of “just a dog,” and on those gray days, the gentle touch of “just a Dog” gave me comfort and the reason to get through the day.

If you also think “it’s just a dog”, then you’ll probably understand phrases like “just a friend”, “just a sunrise” or “just a promise.” “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust and pure unbridled joy. “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.

For "just a dog" I will get up early, take long walks and look forward to the future. So for me and people like me, it’s not “just a dog,” but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the memories of the past, and the absolute joy of the moment. “Just a dog” brings out the good in me and takes my thoughts away from myself and daily worries.

I hope one day they can understand that it’s not “just a dog”, but the one that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “just a human.” So the next time you hear the phrase “just a dog”, just smile because they “just don’t get it”.

“Just A Dog” by Richard A. Animals.
Watercolor: Marter bedroom. (Main Camera) (1965) Andrew Wyeth.

I have been to see this wonderful boy this evening. He is a 3rd time re homed boy, that has bitten several people. He is...

I have been to see this wonderful boy this evening. He is a 3rd time re homed boy, that has bitten several people. He is 2 1/2 yrs old and would love to stay in a loving home environment. It’s all down to understanding, trust and respect, then you will gain that unconditional love. The guardians certainly don’t want to give up on him, which I am over the moon to hear. There are no vicious dogs, just misunderstood ones.

So true!!

So true!!

I have been to see this gorgeous girl this afternoon. She is a 41/2 yr old Welsh Collie, who is on 3 legs. The guardians...

I have been to see this gorgeous girl this afternoon. She is a 41/2 yr old Welsh Collie, who is on 3 legs. The guardians called me out because she was barking at people that were coming in, post and deliveries etc and the neighbours had complained. She was also resource guarding, and very needy! The more we talked, more issues were coming to light and when we went for a walk, she lunged at bikes and cats, and pulled like a train! Lots of advice given, and lots of work to do with that advice for the guardians.


HELP❗️| Is this your dog? Found near Asda. It is currently being looked after by people at De Koffie Pot.

I have been to see this little 18 month old parsons JR this afternoon. He has bitten his mum a few times. I was greeted ...

I have been to see this little 18 month old parsons JR this afternoon. He has bitten his mum a few times. I was greeted by such high energy, I could see the problem straight away. It was a case of misunderstanding his energy. People had told this poor lady that JR’s do bite! Such misled information. No dog sets out to bite anybody or anything….it’s just circumstances!
He is such a little sweetheart when he is calm.
Lots of advice and information given, but they are definitely going to work with it to get it right.

This afternoon I have been to see this cute little 10 month old French bulldog mix. She has been barking at everybody th...

This afternoon I have been to see this cute little 10 month old French bulldog mix. She has been barking at everybody that comes in the house. Sometimes for several hours. After being there for just a short while and giving mum some advice on how to deal with this unwanted behaviour, she became my best friend and even escorted me to my car when I left. I worked with mum several years ago with her beautiful blue Staffie, so mum had done a grand job with this gorgeous little girl!

There are no bad dogs!

There are no bad dogs!






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