Eric's had a big day! 🥳😻
Our lovely Eric not only got his all important neutering performed today, but he also got reserved for adoption! 🥳❤️🏡 We've had such a lovely day, getting this great news, alongside the fact our lovely Pebbles & Bamm-Bamm (who have also been with us since before Christmas) also bow have a lovely home waiting for them after this pesky storm blows over!
We are so thankfully to everyone who donated to our JustGiving appeal that is helping to fund Eric's care (including his snip today! ✂️). We have reached just over 50% of our fundraising goal!
When Eric arrives at his loving new home, our fundraiser must end - so we'd appreciate anyone who could help us fund Eric's last stretch to the happy ending he deserves! Even just a share is very much appreciated 🙏⬇️
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Santa Paws has been, and our few fantastic fosterers are pampering our remaining cats in care over Christmas! ❤️ We hope you all have a fantastic day, and spoil yourselves and your cats!
It may be the holidays, but as always - we are still full! These lovely souls are already (or if not on the website linked below, they will be soon) seeking their loving families in the new year - perhaps they could be loving life cuddled up on your lap, or in front of your fire, next Christmas? 😉🤗⬇️
We have two very special little survivors in our care this holiday season, who we'll be very pleased to introduce to you properly in the new year! We have to give a very special shout out to all at The Mill Veterinary Clinic and Ballymena Pet Vet, for all they have done for us this year - without their support (and understanding! We know we sometimes have to ask for a lot 🙈) we couldn't have done all the rescue work, and trap neuter return we have this year. We would like to say we'll go easy on you next year... but we think that would probably end up a lie! 🤭😅
Now - go and enjoy yourselves! 🥳😸 We'll keep this lot safe and pampered while you do!
Ohhhhhh to be a kitten fosterer 😍😂
Our Oliver Twist themed gang are getting bigger, and their zooms are getting zoomier! 😂 Good job we have safety corridors on our outdoor foster pens, to contain speedy explorers! 🤭
This fabulous crew are not yet available to apply for adoption, but will be coming up for adoption in the next couple of weeks after getting their big kid vaccines - so they are just saying hello tonight! But watch this space for their little faces popping up sometime soon, as our website updates live!: 🤗
If you have a spare room in your home that could provide safe haven to some kittens or cats in need of temporary shelter like these (or no other pets in your home and would like to foster using your whole home), you might want to have a chat with us about volunteer fosterering! 🏡🤗 You can find some information below, and email [email protected] if interested in having a chat or have any questions! You are not committing to anything just having a quick natter about it! All training and full expenses provided (note our branch does not require fosterers to facilitate visits from members of the public) : 🤗
FINAL CALL - Rinkydink & Ragtag (14 weeks old) 🙏❤️
Look how sweet these boys are, even after receiving the dreaded snip today! 🥰 Lots of kisses! We are making one last ditch effort to see if we could find these lovely boys a home together (before we will have to home them separately)- they have grown closer since their siblings were adopted, and are just so so confident and sweet together! 🥹 Child and animal friendly!
You can apply through the link below if interested ⬇️❤️
Most cats do not get two #homeandhappy posts... But come on, how ADORABLE are these two!? ❤️🥰
Rora & Seelie (prev Ducati & Buddy) 🤗💞
Meet Jimmy Three-Legs 😍😂
Jimmy (est around 3 yrs old) unfortunately had been straying for a while, and had suffered an injury to his back leg. The poor boy had been left untreated for a while, and the break had healed poorly 😞 He was reported as having a bad limp, and so was admitted into the care of our friends at Ballymena Pet Vet. We were able to fund his treatment, and he is now hopping mad 😂❤️ to find for his forever home after recovering brilliantly and coping so well after his amputation.
Jimmy is a very sweet and friendly boy - he's been straying a while, so let's out a little hiss just to say 'Hi, please don't hurt me I'm coming in for my cuddles!' before giving over all his trust, and snuggling up for some love 😚 He loves a good fuss, and has been found in the vets to be very tolerant of with other cats so could be homed alongside other cats. Despite his little hiss, he's a very gentle boy and so would be fine with children. He's been a happy boy in the vets with no issues wanting out, so he would be indoor only suitable or could have very safe low traffic outdoor access to potter about a garden. Jimmy is fully recovered and needs no adjustments to accommodate his tripod status! Cats adapt remarkably well after amputations, and having had no real use of the leg for quite a while he is already a champion on three legs.
If you could give Jimmy Three-Legs his loving new home, please apply through his profile on our website below! ⬇️😸
Poor big Juicy! 😢 After a prolonged reservation, with unfortunate delays (of no fault to his prospective adopter), his adoption has unfortunately in the end fallen through 😔
Big Juicy (est 8 years old) is a giant, Juicy boy! He has grown to show a lot of his personality in our care, and has shown himself to be a very confident, friendly big man that loves a fuss and a bit of fun! Juicy has found his playful side in his time with us, but can be a lazy big lump at times, and loves to chat! Juicy doesn't mind being left alone for a bit, so he'd be a great companion after a day at work ❤️ He loves attention, and the hefty big man loves to be carried about! Juicy would be suitable in a home with other animals, as he had experience with both before, but not too many and they would also need to be quite confident and friendly with other cats to match his newfound energy.
Juicy has a minor allergy issue, which means he requires a hypoallergenic food brand and indoor only living - this is not a prescription diet, there are many hypoallergenic brands eg Lily's Kitchen, AVA, Scrumbles, James Wellbeloved etc.
If you could give Juicy a loving home, please get in touch with us via his profile on our website below ⬇️🤗
@followers please spread the word 🙏
A big welcome to Cassiopeia and her babies! ❤️
Cass and her babies (now 2 weeks old) came into our care a few days after she gave birth, as their lives were being cruelly threatened 😔 She is one of the lucky ones, raising her babies where they are safe, warm and cared for! 😚
If you would like to support our efforts to help cats this kitten season, any donations are greatly appreciated! We never know what's going to come into our care next ⬇️
Or buy them a little treat below on our amazon wishlist! 🤗
Please note that Cass and her four kittens are not yet available for adoption, so you can keep an eye on our page for updates in the coming weeks if interested 😍
Gain experience in social media with Cats Protection
Are you social media savvy and looking to gain experience? Whether you are a seasoned pro or just getting started your passion matters. 💜Does this sound like someone you know?
Tag them below or apply today:
Improving the lives of cats 💜
Be the voice our cat companions need! 💬 If you know your way around social media, you can improve the lives of cats in North Antrim and Glens by becoming a social media volunteer with us. Your time and skills truly make a difference. 💜
Find out more about helping cats in North Antrim and Glens:
Parasites! 😓🙀🤢
Some young kittens have entered our care - from only 1 kitten, over 20 nasty little ticks were removed! These are only some of the nasty little things, plus the hundreds of eggs you can see here! We feel itchy just thinking about it 😬 but they are now parasite free and safe! 🌟
Do you know how to protect your cat from pesky parasites, before the summer arrives and they are at peak activity? 🙀
It's really important to remember to regularly treat your cats for parasites - the easiest way being a flea & worm combination spot on applied to the back of their neck. Summer may be a peak time, but our lovely heated homes make them a pest all year-round!
You should only source this from a vets, as store bought options may be less effective. You should always consult your vet if worried about them having parasites of any kind, for tailored advice as treatment can vary! Some spot ons may not cover certain things, or some (like lice) may be very hardy and require a treatment schedule, or (like fleas) require additional actions within your home to treat.
You can find more information about cat parasites by downloading the Cats Protection essential guide below ⬇️
It's Greg Davies, and Little Alex Horneeee! 🥳
Greg Davies (est 1yr old), you magnificent beast! ❤️ Greg in short is a confident, affectionate and very playful boy! He's a cleaner (though not of crime scenes!), as this handsy (but very gentle) boy loves to grasp and groom your hands! He loves his little bonded charge Alex (est 4-5 months old), and they would be lost without each other (really, if Greg is out of Alex's sight he begins to cry for him! 🥺), so they are seeking a loving home together! We wouldn't leave Greg a 'man down!' 🥰💕 OK we'll stop with the references... Maybe. Alex always looks up to and follows Greg's lead, and he too is an affectionate and playful kitten who loves a good fuss. Greg with his cardboard puzzle 'tasks' prefers, as you can see in the video, a brute force method... and lets Alex have the treats first 🥰
We have a more detailed description of their fantastic personalities on our website - all the details are in the task! Your time starts - now! ⌚😂👇#taskmasteruk