Welcome to The Tiny Vet logo, featuring Rosie, Pip, Prunella Scales and Barbara 💕💕 💕💕
I hope you like it 🤩🤩🤩
#Logo #LittlePets #Creative #StopMotion #SuchFun #IndependentVet
Let's talk about Off Licence Medications📝📝💊💊
👉Outdoor ferrets Tiffany and Kit (seen here enjoying their breakfast this morning 😋) recently received an oral dose of a prescription-only (POMV) cat anti-parasitic to manage the abundance of ticks they were carrying!
👉Under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations, vets legally have to prescribe treatments that are licensed for the species and condition they are treating (or preventing).
👉This presents a particular challenge for exotics vets as there are very few, or no, authorised medicines for the species we treat.
👉In these instances we prescribe off licence medication under the cascade, which is a series of steps we have to follow until we arrive at a clinically justified off licence medication suitable for the animal we are treating.
👉 This often requires literature searches to find suitable evidence on which to base our clinical decision to prescribe a particular medicine, and metabolic scaling calculations may be needed too. We must consider the efficacy, safety, and suitable dose for our patients
👉 All pet parents who register with The Tiny Vet will have a discussion about how I use off licence medication in my patients and will be asked to sign a consent form giving me permission to do so. This is stored digitally and you can request a copy of your form at any time.
#Ferrets #FerretVet #ExoticVet #Ticks #Cascade #Prescription #VeterinaryMedicinesRegulations #OffLicence #IndependentVet #HomeVisitVet #LittlePets
Welcome to my #InHouseLab! Very pleased I did this in one take, ad-libbing and no obvious giggling 😂
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
#LittlePets #MobileVet #ExoticsVet #HomeVisitVet #IndependentVet
🔬Something from a clinical examination I did today... Does anybody know what these little friends are?
And before anyone asks.... No they are not the smallest pets now registered with The Tiny Vet 😂
(But if they were... what would their names be?)
#Microscopy #dermatology #Parasitology #Veterinary #ExoticVet #MobileVet #LittlePets #HomeVisitVet
🙈🙈 There might be a small delay sending out clinical histories from today's appointments.... My assistant is being 0% helpful!
#ekekekkekkek #MobileVet #HomeVisitVet #SelfEmployed #admin #LittlePets #ExoticsVet
Alt text: video of an attention-seeking black and white cat getting in the way of my computer screen.
Noodle the rat 🐀 who was featured on the page yesterday, has asked me to share this video (taken today) with you showing just *how* much fun it is taking his meds 😂😂
Living with a chronic disease can be stressful for both animals and their guardians alike, but Noodle brings such positivity to his daily medication regime it makes it all worthwhile.
We love your vibe, Noodle! 🥰🥰🥰
#BeMoreNoodle #Noodle #NoodleTheRat
#ExoticPet #ExoticVet #TinyVet #LittlePets #MobileVet #IndependentVet #FancyRat
This is more like it 😎🌞😎🌞
So nice for the tortoises to finally get a bit of sun on their backs today 🐢🐢
Anne is munching on yellow (Welsh) poppy flowers 🌼🌿, while Pip positions himself at the optimum angle for soaking up the rays ☀️
Which flowers 💐 and weeds 🌱 are your tortoises enjoying this month?
Please share some pictures in the comments 😊
#tortoise #MeditteraneanSpurThigh #ExoticPet #ExoticVet #MobileVet