Little 5 month old Kiwi the #HorsfieldsTortoise was my last appointment of the week 🤗🐢💕
She has recently developed an eye condition so under local anaesthetic she had the affected eye flushed, a painkiller injection was given and she's having some eyedrops. Unfortunately after the treatment she continued to keep her eye tightly closed; I was hoping for impressive "before and after" pictures🤣 however, I've had an update this evening and it's looking slightly open now. Hopefully it'll continue to improve or we will need to sedate her for a full examination!
While I visited Kiwi, I also carried out a full assessment of her current diet and husbandry and the only recommendation I needed to make was a slight adjustment to the position of her UVB strip light. She is one very well looked after little tortie 💚
Please note all tortoises this size look female... We shall continue to monitor Kiwi's anatomy as she grows!
If you would like a home vet visit for your tortoise, whether they're a little hatchling or a full grown galápagos, please get in touch ☎️😁
#TortoiseVet #TortoisesOfInstagram #ExoticPet #ExoticVet #LittlePets #MobileVet #HomeVisitVet
Back from my first appointment of the day.... "Check Tiger's Mouth" 🤩
Welcome to The Tiny Vet logo, featuring Rosie, Pip, Prunella Scales and Barbara 💕💕 💕💕
I hope you like it 🤩🤩🤩
#Logo #LittlePets #Creative #StopMotion #SuchFun #IndependentVet
Let's talk about Off Licence Medications📝📝💊💊
👉Outdoor ferrets Tiffany and Kit (seen here enjoying their breakfast this morning 😋) recently received an oral dose of a prescription-only (POMV) cat anti-parasitic to manage the abundance of ticks they were carrying!
👉Under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations, vets legally have to prescribe treatments that are licensed for the species and condition they are treating (or preventing).
👉This presents a particular challenge for exotics vets as there are very few, or no, authorised medicines for the species we treat.
👉In these instances we prescribe off licence medication under the cascade, which is a series of steps we have to follow until we arrive at a clinically justified off licence medication suitable for the animal we are treating.
👉 This often requires literature searches to find suitable evidence on which to base our clinical decision to prescribe a particular medicine, and metabolic scaling calculations may be needed too. We must consider the efficacy, safety, and suitable dose for our patients
👉 All pet parents who register with The Tiny Vet will have a discussion about how I use off licence medication in my patients and will be asked to sign a consent form giving me permission to do so. This is stored digitally and you can request a copy of your form at any time.
#Ferrets #FerretVet #ExoticVet #Ticks #Cascade #Prescription #VeterinaryMedicinesRegulations #OffLicence #IndependentVet #HomeVisitVet #LittlePets
Welcome to my #InHouseLab! Very pleased I did this in one take, ad-libbing and no obvious giggling 😂
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
#LittlePets #MobileVet #ExoticsVet #HomeVisitVet #IndependentVet
🔬Something from a clinical examination I did today... Does anybody know what these little friends are?
And before anyone asks.... No they are not the smallest pets now registered with The Tiny Vet 😂
(But if they were... what would their names be?)
#Microscopy #dermatology #Parasitology #Veterinary #ExoticVet #MobileVet #LittlePets #HomeVisitVet
🙈🙈 There might be a small delay sending out clinical histories from today's appointments.... My assistant is being 0% helpful!
#ekekekkekkek #MobileVet #HomeVisitVet #SelfEmployed #admin #LittlePets #ExoticsVet
Alt text: video of an attention-seeking black and white cat getting in the way of my computer screen.