UPDATE - 16 February '25
Meg is safely back home. Her humans are very relieved to see their precious four legged family member.
Stay safe Meg 😽
Pretty little Meg is 2 years old. Her fur is coloured ginger, white and grey and has distinctive stripes within the grey and ginger.
Meg has been missing from her home since 15 February '25. She isn't too sure of people unknown to her so we ask, if sighted, she is approached with extreme gentleness.
Meg is microchipped and neutered.
Could all people who live and work in / around this area please check their properties, outbuildings, under hedgelines and parked cars thoroughly.
🔶 If safe to do so, please leave outbuilding doors open, for an hour or so, so she can escape if she is hiding 🔶
If you think you have seen Meg or you have any information please message us ASAP