Bookings can be made by contacting the reception on 0161 881 6868 during opening hours.
Sunday, Bank and Public holidays 10.00 am – 11.00 am
Address; 55 Ashfield Road,Sale,Cheshire,M33-7DS
Bookings can be made by contacting the reception on 0161 962 8236 during opening hours.
Monday-Friday 8am – 7pm
Saturday 9am – 11am
The practice maintains an out of hours service in case you have any problems outside of the normal hours, exclusively for our clients, from within the Chorlton practice. This means we have a vet on site 24/7, so in an emergency we have all your pets clinical records to hand and you don’t have to travel miles away to a different practice. In addition as this is for our own clients, and not several other practices, you don’t have wait for hours to be seen. The out of hours team of vets and nurses deal solely with emergency and hospitalised cases, meaning we can look after your pet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.
This service can be accessed 24 hours a day via calling 0161 882 6868 or 0161 962 8236
Your call will be diverted to an answer phone that will give you the duty vets number. On speaking to the out of hours Vet you will be given advice and an estimate as to the cost of your pet’s treatment. It is essential that you telephone us before arriving as this allows us to prepare for your pet’s arrival, and ensures we have all the necessary equipment in place to treat, when you arrive. For hospitalised patients please contact the practice during normal opening hours. If there is any significant change in your pet’s condition out of hours you will be contacted directly by the vet on duty (if you have requested this).