Tetra UK

Tetra UK The official Tetra page for the UK and IRE. Tetra is the global number one brand in the aqua

For over 60 years, Tetra has been the leader of the aquatic industry. Being the inventor of the world's first fish food flakes – TetraMin, Tetra has developed for decades by introducing thoughtful, innovative products that make fish keeping easier, safer and more interesting! In order for your fish to be healthy and for you to enjoy the fascinating underwater worlds, we have:

• The largest resear

ch & development department within the industry
• The only independently accredited R&D department
• Hundreds of aquariums in our Quality Assurance department
• More than 300 active and pending patents
• More than 60 years of successful innovation and product development

To learn more about Tetra products to support happy, healthy fish, visit www.tetra.net/en

(Please note that the Tetra page was established to provide a place where all our fans feel comfortable. Therefore, we ask you to keep your comments considerate and productive. With this in mind, please follow the guidelines below when interacting with the page - http://bit.ly/29gm3fD).

Plecos and dwarf catfish like Otos (Otocinclus) benefit a tank, especially the ability to help keep algae at bay. When s...

Plecos and dwarf catfish like Otos (Otocinclus) benefit a tank, especially the ability to help keep algae at bay.

When selecting one for your aquarium, make sure you find out what size it’s going to grow to and whether your aquarium can accommodate it. Some can grow very large!

Otos are a great choice for small tanks as they stay small and won’t outgrow your tank.

You should supplement their diet as algae in the tank is not sufficient nutrition for them on its own. It is vital to feed your plecos or otos sinking plant-rich food such as Pleco Tablets to ensure they have complete nutrition available to them.

👉 Discover more about Tetra Pleco Veggie Wafers:


Goldfish can distinguish between different composers it’s been found.

Goldfish were trained to display different behaviours when listening to the composer Bach compared to Stravinsky.

Do your fish react differently to the music you play at home?

Discover more about the study: https://bit.ly/tetra-goldfish-music

💡 Top tips for preventing your tank from getting as dirty in the first place.🐠 Avoid overfeeding your fish as this will ...

💡 Top tips for preventing your tank from getting as dirty in the first place.

🐠 Avoid overfeeding your fish as this will pollute the water.
🐠 Grow more plants in your tank as they will compete with algae.
🐠 Remove any dead leaves on your plants before they have a chance to rot.
🐠 Don’t overuse your tank lighting as this will encourage algae growth.
🐠 Build a clean-up crew such as a few shrimp or assassin snails. Check they won't be eaten by any fish in your tank before you buy.

👉 What are your top tips for keeping tanks clean?

We’re celebrating what great father’s male betta fish are!The male betta not only builds the nest made of bubbles; he al...

We’re celebrating what great father’s male betta fish are!

The male betta not only builds the nest made of bubbles; he also watches over the eggs until they hatch. The female does not participate and is typically chased away by the male!

As it’s Loneliness Awareness Week it’s time to remind everyone that Goldfish and shoaling fish 🐠 should not be kept alon...

As it’s Loneliness Awareness Week it’s time to remind everyone that Goldfish and shoaling fish 🐠 should not be kept alone.

🤒 They are known to show signs of stress when kept without others of their own kind which can impact their health and make them sick.

📅 When considering keeping Goldfish, you should consider their potential life span of 30+ years and the size they will grow to and whether your tank can accommodate them.

📏 Goldfish grow an inch a year on average during their first few years of life.

Goldfish produce more waste than other smaller fish so they require an efficient filter.

📷 We’d love to see a photo of your Goldfish.


One Ocean,
One Climate,
One Future – Together.

Ocean dead zones have quadrupled since the 1950’s.

These low oxygen levels lead to reduced fish growth, impaired fertility and migration to new habitats where they are more vulnerable.

What can be done? Reduce carbon emissions and pollution.

We have recently installed over 1,000 solar panels at our factory. With our new recycled tubs* for popular products like Pond, TetraMin and Goldfish, we are able to save up to 85 tons of plastic every year.

*excluding lid, label and seal.

Making arrangements for your holiday this year? 🌞🌴All your pond fish will be taken care of with Tetra Pond holiday food,...

Making arrangements for your holiday this year? 🌞🌴

All your pond fish will be taken care of with Tetra Pond holiday food, for a whole 2 weeks!

When using Tetra Holiday food, it’s important to prepare before going away by following the pre-holiday checklist:

🐠 Test water parameters
🐠 Carry out a 30% water change
🐠 Check your filter but don’t clean your filter directly before leaving
🐠 Ensure oxygen supply, ponds are aerated maximally via fountains, waterfalls etc.
🐠 Introduce the fish to the food in a trial feeding a couple of weeks before you leave. It may take them a while to realise the block is food as it presents so differently to flakes, crisps or pellets.
🐠 No additional farewell feeding
🐠 Always read instructions on the pack

Discover more: https://www.tetra.net/en-eu/products/tetra-pond-holiday

We love this dwarf puffer fish, thank you to Matt for sharing on our experts’ group.Show us your fish or tank and we’ll ...

We love this dwarf puffer fish, thank you to Matt for sharing on our experts’ group.

Show us your fish or tank and we’ll share our favourite next month.

It’s Great Outdoors Month 🌿 so let’s celebrate our ponds and the work we’ve put into them by sharing a photo 📷Don’t forg...

It’s Great Outdoors Month 🌿 so let’s celebrate our ponds and the work we’ve put into them by sharing a photo 📷

Don’t forget to check fish 🐟 health and welfare at feeding times, look out for unusual behaviour or markings on your fish. Also, do a head count.

The Rainbow 🌈 Kribensis or Pelvicachromis pulcher, is a beautiful freshwater tropical fish that is suitable for a specia...

The Rainbow 🌈 Kribensis or Pelvicachromis pulcher, is a beautiful freshwater tropical fish that is suitable for a specialised community tank.

The males grow to a maximum size of 12 cm and females 8cm. The minimum size for the aquarium is 80 cm because Kribensis, like most cichlids, can be somewhat aggressive during the period when they have young.

The tank should be dark with dense plants. To provide hiding places you can use driftwood, stones and pots. They need a sandy bottom and dim lighting.

Water temp: 24–28 °C
pH: 5-8
dH: up to 20 degrees
Diet: Flake, granules and frozen foods
Suitable tank mates: small characins, barbs, danios, rasboras, corydoras, gouramis and loricariids.

Pond top tip 💡Complete a 10% water change and cleaning of foams in the filter. (This might simply involve ‘backflushing’...

Pond top tip 💡

Complete a 10% water change and cleaning of foams in the filter. (This might simply involve ‘backflushing’ the filter).

Remember to dechlorinate your tap water with Tetra Pond AquaSafe.

Are you a cory fan too?“I love Corydoras, always kept them and at this stage I don’t have a single tank without some cor...

Are you a cory fan too?

“I love Corydoras, always kept them and at this stage I don’t have a single tank without some corys inside.”
Kerry King

Air-breathing in fish is very common 😲African and South American lungfishes are completely dependent on their lungs for ...

Air-breathing in fish is very common 😲

African and South American lungfishes are completely dependent on their lungs for oxygen but rely on gills for carbon dioxide excretion.

The Australian lungfish by contrast is much less dependent on its lung for gas exchange, when this fish is kept out of water its blood oxygen concentration soon drops whereas its African and American cousins can maintain a healthy blood oxygen concentration out of the water.


Help us shell’ebrate these beautiful creatures on World Turtle Day by showing us your best turtle photos.

ReptoMin is a balanced and nutrient-rich complete food for adult turtles. The food is made with natural ingredients and supports healthy digestion.
🐢 Healthy shells and strong bones through an optimal calcium-phosphorus ratio
🐢 Special worm shape sticks for species-appropriate feeding
🐢 Contains 36% high-quality protein
🐢 Special odour-reducing formula
🐢 No colourants
🐢 Strong immune system and vitality

👉 What does your turtle eat?


Pond top tip 💡

Algae blooms most often occur in spring 🌞 when nutrient levels have increased during winter, but the larger plants haven’t started active growth and are not using these nutrients.

Regular water changes 💧 and healthy plant growth 🌿 are vital to preventing algae.

Use of Tetra Pond PhosphateMinus when indicated can also keep algae-encouraging nutrients at bay.

👉 How do you keep algae at bay?

The official Tetra page for the UK and IRE. Tetra is the global number one brand in the aqua

The Bumblebee 🐝 Goby is perhaps the most adorable little fish with a maximum size of 4cm.🐠 It can be a delicate fish tha...

The Bumblebee 🐝 Goby is perhaps the most adorable little fish with a maximum size of 4cm.

🐠 It can be a delicate fish that needs to be in a species-specific tank or a specialist community tank with Glassfish and various livebearers for example.

💧 It needs a freshwater or brackish tank and 8 or more of them are required in a tank to spread out territorial fighting.

😋 The Bumblebee Goby will eat small, meaty frozen foods.

🧪 It prefers a temp of 22-28 °C, hard & alkaline water: pH: 7.2-8.5, dH: 12-25 degrees.

Danionella cerebrum, one of the smallest fish in the world, can make sounds as loud as a jet plane or a jackhammer 😲Adul...

Danionella cerebrum, one of the smallest fish in the world, can make sounds as loud as a jet plane or a jackhammer 😲

Adult fish measure only 10–13.5 mm in length and have a brain volume of just 0.6 mm3 which is so far the smallest known vertebrate brain.

These fish are found in cloudy, shallow water, making it difficult to see other fish nearby. It’s due to this that the fish have evolved this alternative method of communication.

This species is also unusual because it spends its whole life transparent.

The Bolton Museum Aquarium successfully breed endangered fish.They keep two species of fish which are now extinct in the...

The Bolton Museum Aquarium successfully breed endangered fish.

They keep two species of fish which are now extinct in the wild. The Paretroplus menarambo, or Pinstripe Damba, and the Paretroplus damii.

Both of these fish originated in Madagascar where deforestation caused rains to wash chemicals into the river, killing the wildlife.

In the tank in Bolton, to keep the nitrates at a suitable level the Aquarium team changes a third of the water in every tank once a week; around 2000 out of 6000 gallons of water! 😲

Bolton Library and Museum Services


It’s here and it’s a NutriEvolution! 🎉

The new improved recipe is made with high-quality natural ingredients without colourants or added preservatives. This ensures optimal growth and increased resilience for your fish.

With water temperatures well above 10°C, your fish should be feeding well on their summer diet. Warmer water will have raised the metabolic rate of your fish so they will want much more food than in the winter. Feed your fish as much as they will eat in 2-3 minutes, 2-3 times per day.

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, how does keeping fish have a positive impact on our mental health?🌿 Contact with natu...

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, how does keeping fish have a positive impact on our mental health?

🌿 Contact with nature inside our home
😊 Improves your mood when watching aquatic life in your tank
🧘 The calming effect of the aquarium reduces anxiety

👉 Discover more on our blog: https://blog.tetra.net/en-en/aquariums-are-good-for-the-soul-2/

If you’re struggling with your mental health, please know that help is available https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/your-mental-health/getting-help

Health Foundation


As it’s National Children's Day UK, discover our Tetra Academy website.
👉 www.tetraacademy.co.uk

Specially created for your little learners who can play fun games, learn and earn a Tetra deeploma! 🐟🎓

National Children's Day UK

Going away for the bank holiday or half term? 🚗✈️Stock up on one of our weekend or holiday fish foods.However, it’s very...

Going away for the bank holiday or half term? 🚗✈️

Stock up on one of our weekend or holiday fish foods.

However, it’s very important to follow the pre-holiday checklist of what to do/not do before using Tetra holiday foods:

🐠 Test water parameters
🐠 Carry out a 30% water change
🐠 Check your filter but don’t clean your filter directly before leaving
🐠 Introduce the fish to the food in a trial feeding a couple of weeks before you leave. It may take them a while to realise the block is food as it presents so differently from flakes, crisps or pellets.
🐠 No additional farewell feeding
🐠 Always read instructions on the pack

👉 Discover more:

Pond top tip 💡If your pond is a sun 🌞 trap, it’s worth planting 🌿 well around your pond. Shade in the middle of the day ...

Pond top tip 💡

If your pond is a sun 🌞 trap, it’s worth planting 🌿 well around your pond. Shade in the middle of the day will give fish protection from the sun and prevent algae growth.

❌ Also, make sure that no pond lining is exposed to direct sunlight, or else it will eventually become porous.

Where is your pond located? We’d love to see a photo 📸


As it’s Sun 🌞 Awareness week, just a reminder if you’re a beginner to fishkeeping, your tank should be positioned away from sunlight.

The more sunlight reaches the tank, the quicker algae will grow. Also, sunlight will warm the water in the tank, but the water should be kept at stable temperatures otherwise your fish will suffer from stress and may become ill. This is also the reason tanks should not be kept near radiators or fires.

Where do you keep your tank?

Video of Tetra tank from on Instagram.

What’s your favourite colour 🌈 of betta and do you keep any other aquatic life in your betta tank?We’d love to see a pho...

What’s your favourite colour 🌈 of betta and do you keep any other aquatic life in your betta tank?

We’d love to see a photo or video.

Pond top tip 💡💧 Regular water testing is vital all year round. Most notably as water temperatures rise in spring and sum...

Pond top tip 💡

💧 Regular water testing is vital all year round. Most notably as water temperatures rise in spring and summer.

🌡 Temperature rises cause the metabolic rate of the fish to increase (doubling with every 10°C rise). Hence, the fish eat more food and inevitably excrete more ammonia and solid waste. Placing an increased burden on the pond filter.

🧪 A healthy pond will cope with this and no ammonia or nitrite will be detectable with Tetra Test Water Testing Kits. Additionally, the pH and KH in the pond should be stable.

✔️ For pond keepers in most parts of the UK, the pH and KH should be the same as the value in the tap water.

❗ For pondkeepers in softwater areas of the UK, a pH of greater than 6 is needed and a KH of at least 4°dH. Regular dosing of Tetra Pond Water Stabiliser with elevated values.


Why keep mollies?

🐟 They come in wide selection of colours so can create a stunning display.
🐟 Mollies are on the easier side to keep so suitable for beginners as well as experts.
🐟 They feed readily on a variety of aquarium foods.
🐟 Mollies stay a small size so won’t outgrow your tank like goldfish for example.
🐟 They are energetic so if you are looking for fish with lively behaviour, this could be the fish for you.

As it’s National Share A Story Month we’d love to hear your top successes or top tips from your time as a fishkeeper!   ...

As it’s National Share A Story Month we’d love to hear your top successes or top tips from your time as a fishkeeper!


It’s time to get your pond in shape 🌞

🐟 Preparing and caring for your pond in spring sets you up for a year of ease and enjoyment.

🐟 It's important to check water quality using a test kit such as TetraTest and transition your fish over to a summer-appropriate diet, such as Tetra Pond Sticks.

🐟 Once the pond water is above 10˚C, begin to introduce it until your fish become accustomed to their new diet by mixing it in with their winter Wheatgerm sticks.

👉 Learn more about the benefits of Tetra Pond Sticks:



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