West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue

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West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue Here’s our Amazon wish list! https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3I7P8GHW08HA4?ref_=wl_share WELCOME TO WEST MIDLANDS HEDGEHOG RESCUE.

PHONE NUMBERS 07837 409533 or 01922419532 (8am to 10pm every day)

HAVE YOU FOUND A HEDGEHOG IN DISTRESS? CALL US ASAP if you find a sick or injured hedgehog, an orphaned hedgehog or one that is out in the daytime. Hedgehogs DO NOT sunbathe - if you find one out in the daytime it absolutely needs help. Our opening hours are 8am to 10pm every day. PLEASE DO NOT SEND US AN EMAIL OR A SOCIAL MEDIA ME

SSAGE OR COMMENT ABOUT A HEDGEHOG THAT NEEDS OUR HELP. MESSAGES ARE NOT CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED BUT PHONES ARE MONITORED 8AM to 10PM EVERY DAY (out of hours please contact your local 24hr emergency vet). SENDING US A MESSAGE WILL WASTE VITAL TIME IN GETTING HELP TO THE HEDGEHOG(s) YOU HAVE FOUND - messages are intermittently checked by remote volunteers - Calls go straight to our hedgehog carer Joan. ALWAYS CALL US - this is an emergency situation for the hedgehog(s) ���


Without donations we couldn’t do what we do! If you can spare anything to help us help hedgehogs - no matter how small - it will be very much appreciated and accepted with immense gratitude. OUR AMAZON WISH LIST IS HERE! : https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3I7P8GHW08HA4?ref_=wl_share

We accept cash donations by bank transfer to :

ACCOUNT NAME: West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue
SORT CODE: 30-90-90

For general questions please email or message using the contact details on our website - please check our FAQ section of our website before sending us a message as you may find the info you are looking for there : www.wmhr.org.uk

The founder of WMHR Joan Lockley has been inundated with urgent calls to rescue and collect injured, dehydrated or small weight hedgehogs who will not survive this year’s hibernation without her assistance. You can help in simple ways.

• Leave water in a low heavy dish in a sheltered spot in your garden and top up daily
• Be a ‘stage’ transporter for injured or hedgehogs
• Join, like and share the page with everyone to highlight the cause
• Donate old hutches, small or large, to us as housing for the casualties to be cared for
• Donate ‘puppy pads’ or human incontinence pads (square padded liners) for hygiene in the pens.
• Become a fosterer until hedgehogs can be released.
• Become a fundraiser for WMHR to help Joan, a pensioner who single handed feeds, collects and cares for hundreds of hedgehogs every year. Donate unwanted (in-date) dried dog food (not fish) or wet cat food to help with feeding the hedgehogs. Amazon wish list





They don’t get any younger than this which came in yesterday afternoon after being found on his own on the side of a canal. He weighed just 20 grams and the chance of saving him was almost nil.
In situations like this I try to get some food down them, keep them warm and let them die in peace but even so, I couldn’t resist keep giving him a sip of RC milk a couple of times, fully expecting him to have died in the night, but he didn’t.
With both the phones ringing about other hedgehogs in trouble, I hurriedly mixed some more fresh milk up and went on feeding him.
I was in a mess, I knew I couldn’t possibly keep feeding this tiny mite and deal with all the other hedgehogs that would be coming in so I rang my friend and vet nurse Laura, who is a genius at hand feeding orphaned hoglets.
This was the last time I fed this teeny, (Laura took the video) before she very willingly took him home and into her care.
We both know that his chances of survival at this weight are not good, but if anyone can save him, Laura will.
Thank you Laura ###

The 6th this year. It’s taken me an hour to get this football netting off this big hedgehog. The last piece was tight ar...

The 6th this year. It’s taken me an hour to get this football netting off this big hedgehog. The last piece was tight around its front leg and underneath its belly, the string had blood on it when I finally had to pull hard to free it. Of course, what makes matters worse is that hedgehogs curl up into a ball every time you touch them making removing the stuff even more difficult.
It’s front leg is badly swollen so I’ll get some medication into him/her.
If it’s a her and it has hoglets, well, what has happened to them doesn’t bare thinking about.


It’s just after 10pm and I thought it would be nice for you to see how little Lucky is getting on. (The name Lucky got the most votes from you)
Remember he was found along with his 2 siblings when they were being attacked by crows and magpies?
The other 2 were so badly injured that they had to be put to sleep but tiny Lucky fought a hard battle, it was touch and go for a few days but he won through in the end and my hours without sleep were worth it.
I’m afraid I had to stop videoing abruptly because he was just about to fall over the edge of the settee.



Before the big rush starts all over again for the day, I want to thank my friends the Revolting Animals for their kind d...

Before the big rush starts all over again for the day, I want to thank my friends the Revolting Animals for their kind donation of food for the hedgehogs in my care, and also a cash contribution of £30.
You never fail me, do you mateys?
Thanks also go to the kind volunteers who pick up needy hedgehogs for me with a special thanks going to Anthony once again who travelled from work the other night to pick up an injured hedgehog from Erdington, then went on to Smethwick to collect 3 teeny hoglets lying out in the heavy rain, stone cold, wet through and covered in fly eggs and maggots.
Bless you all, you are worth your weight in gold 🦔❤️


SORRY FOLKS, I won’t be answering any comments or messages now till tomorrow. The Hosprickal is rammed to the rafters, I have more hedgehogs coming in and no where to put them, I haven’t fed them all yet, I need to do all of their records, feed Molly my dog, one of the hoglets has stopped taking its milk from the syringe so I’ve got to find a way of getting it to eat etc, etc, in other words, it’s chaos here, I literally don’t know which way to turn.


This is one of those bittersweet stories folks. Someone found this little boy and his sisters out in the day covered in fly eggs and worse still their little faces and backs had been pecked at by the birds and they were covered in fly eggs. The other twos faces and mouths were so badly damaged that they couldn’t take the milk from the syringe ( not cows milk) and it broke my heart to hear them keep crying for their mum to feed them hour after hour.
I had to have a go with this one even though he had injuries as well but the other 2 had to be put to sleep, I won’t ever forget that particular journey to the vets, it was very upsetting I can tell you.
Anyway it’s now 6 days since I took this only one of the litter, feeding him every 2 hours throughout the day and night for a couple of nights, now he is going 3 hours through the night and still 2 hours during the day.
I think, well, I hope that he is going to make it now because his eyes are just opening, a good sign.
Now for a name. Someone suggested Lucky, what do you think folks?


This is becoming really exciting!! I only have to put an appeal on this, our Facebook, and the phones are red hot. You are little Road Runners, dashing here and there to pick up needy hedgehogs. It’s even more exciting when 2 or more of you are rushing in different directions to pick up the hogs which is what happened the other night when Hero Anthony went diving off to Wolverley to pick up the baby hedgehog that was tied up in netting, (the skin had grown over the netting and hoglet had to be operated on to remove it) whilst a lady I had never met before named Sue, hurried off to Erdington to collect another poor little orphan.
Okay, it’s exciting, but it makes me realise just how many people there are out there who not only love hedgehogs, but also want to help me as a rescue. To all of you, thank you and a big thank you also to Maria and Richard who gave me a lovely card with a donation inside it along with a very flattering compliment. 😇

I found this ages ago on another hedgehog rescue site.It’s well worth reading.

I found this ages ago on another hedgehog rescue site.
It’s well worth reading.


I’ve just glanced at my private messages and there are 3 about sick hedgehogs lying in the open. I keep saying over and over again, and there is a sign there saying that if you find a hedgehog out in the day, RING ME. Do not message. Now someone is going to say I’m aggressive and I need anger management etc, but hedgehogs are suffering and dying because people don’t read the sign and I don’t see the messages till perhaps the evening when it may be too late.


It may seem a long way off to you, 1st September, but it takes a hell of a lot of organiser, mainly by myself,
I want promises of CHAIRS, TABLES AND GAZEBOS for the day. Last year very few stall holders provided their own so Joanne had to rush around at the very last minute actually PAYING for chairs and tables to be delivered when the event had actually opened.
My open day is so stressful for me, remember that I’m also dealing with many needy hedgehogs at the same time, that every year I say “Never again”

But, and it’s a big but, the day is always so successful and so much fun with people really enjoying themselves, that every year I end up doing it all over again. So folks, please try and take some of the tensions out of the day by first of all, making sure that we have the CHAIRS, TABLES AND GAZEBOS.

When we have got that situation sorted, I will then start on the “I want” or “I need” step towards the First of September. Joan 🦔

A lady came to collect two hedgehogs to release tonight, she brought me some little gifts of which this is one.Cant stop...

A lady came to collect two hedgehogs to release tonight, she brought me some little gifts of which this is one.
Cant stop giggling every time I look at it.
I’m going to get some rude comments from you, aren’t I? 😂
PS. It’s a pine cone.


Do you mind if I ask something that’s nothing to do with hedgehogs?
Why, oh why do the press have to grossly exaggerate everything. The latest are headlines that the kings horses have BOLTED through London again, a repetition of the incident a couple of weeks ago.
I’ve just viewed the footage of what occurred when the horses BOLTED through London this morning. They did not bolt, they just trotted in and out of the traffic and were easily caught.
Look up the definition of ‘bolt’.
Lesson number one; whatever you read in the newspapers or see on social media, cut it in half or ignore it altogether.


Thanks go to Nicky and whoever else was helping her look for a hedgehog tonight.
She/they, went searching along the busy A5, looking under cars, in people’s gardens, even knocking on doors asking the general public if they had seen the hog which was in obvious danger being feet away from the fast moving cars on the main road.
You volunteers who pick up needy hedgehogs for me, and the ones who take them to my friends at Cuan are all special people.
Special because your love of animals knows no bounds. You go out all weathers day and night to help these lovely little creatures, you sacrifice your meals, your television programs and heaven knows what else to help them.
I tell people that I run this hedgehog rescue on my own but no I don’t, because I could not do it without all of you out there, so all I can say on behalf of myself and the hedgehogs is,


I’ve been in touch with the Highways Agency, The Rural Police and also our local police officer who is also Wildlife Crime and they all say that it’s a 10 mile stretch of road were the hedgehog has been seen so the chance of finding it is minimal.
Also, the public would not be happy if the police closed both sides of the M6, especially at rush hour, to try and find the unfortunate hoggie.
I guessed that this would be the answer but I’ve tried folks, I’ve really tried.
The one officer told me that he would be happy to go and look, but what could he do with traffic travelling at 70 miles an hour and if he saw it, he could hardly stop and pick it up.
Both the officers I spoke to were very kind and understanding and didn’t belittle the situation in any way.
Thank you all who tried to help. Joan.


CAN I JUST SAY THANK YOU to everyone who drops of stuff on my doorstep for the hedgehogs. All greatly appreciated. Also, a big thank you to Sue and Jon from post code DY8 3TW who sent me, via the post office, not only a box of jar lids, but also a brand new pair of hoggi socks 🧦!!!
Such thoughtfulness, made my day, thank you Sue and Jon, and that you everyone else. 🦔 Joan.

SERIOUS STUFF NOW FOLKS.I desperately need volunteers to take hedgehogs from me here in Cheslyn Hay, down to Cuan Wildli...

I desperately need volunteers to take hedgehogs from me here in Cheslyn Hay, down to Cuan Wildlife in Much Wenlock.
I’m losing the regular friends who have been taking this journey for me for some time now but alas due to illness, operations and moving away, can’t do the trip anymore.
I still have faithful Chris and his wife Bev who have helped me for years but I can’t expect them to keep doing the journey on their own.
The last hedgehog rescue in my area has finally given up so on top of the average 800 sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs that I take in annually, I’m going to have to take the extra hogs from the latest rescue who have given up and because there are only so many animals that I can accommodate, I have to send a lot of overload hedgehogs to my friends at Cuan.
So, this is why I’m appealing for help.
It isn’t a task to be taken lightly friends, you must be punctual and reliable. You won’t be working on your own as I like to space the journey to Much Wenlock between several volunteers.
If you genuinely want to help, and heaven knows our hedgehogs need all the help that they can get, please ring me on 07837. 409533 (leave a message and I’ll get back to you if I can’t answer) or email me on [email protected].
Thank you everyone, Joan. 🦔


I think we can conclude the updates on Gertie now because by the look of her I reckon she is ready to be released into a safe, secure garden once I have had her sight checked at the vets. Go back to that video of when she first came to me to see how she has improved. Well done Gertie.
(You have decided that’s her name, haven’t you folks?)

I would say that this is a definite improvement and I bet she feels better for it so, what about a name for her, and not...

I would say that this is a definite improvement and I bet she feels better for it so, what about a name for her, and not Dirty Gertie as one of my friends suggested.
This is the little girl who came in plastered in mites, fleas and very thin, filthy dirty too.
The lady who found her said that she has foxes coming to her garden so I reckon the foxes had rolled her in the mud.
She is eating really well now and amazingly tame as if she knows that I’m only trying to help her.
PS She is blind in at least one eye.

You know the little baby hedgehog that people were out trying to find walking on the pavement this morning, well here is...

You know the little baby hedgehog that people were out trying to find walking on the pavement this morning, well here is the gentleman who found her and brought her to me.
Many thanks Darren and yes, I’m happy to name her after your wife, Nicky.
By the way, she is taking the milk readily from a syringe now and has perked up considerably.
Thank you also to the other kind people who tried to find her.


Just look at the state of this poor little girl that came in today, she was in such a bad way that I really felt that she was near to death.
She was dirty (still is) her spines were stuck together with mud, (still are) and she was totally exhausted, thin and absolutely plastered with fleas and mites and to top it all she is blind.
The idea was to kill the fleas and mites, get her warm and let her die in peace, but just as I was leaving she dragged herself to the water and started to drink as you can see so as I was due to go to my vets I left her, then when I came back I put some food in her hutch then carried her to it and look what happened.
I’ve a feeling this is one of those miracle hedgehogs, keep your fingers crossed for her folks.


Looking at this I feel there is hope. I haven’t had time to really examine her yet, also I like to let new comers calm down and rest before I start giving them a thorough examination, I find it’s less stressful to them.


A huge, huge thank you goes to Paul who has just rushed over (8-15pm) to take these 3 teeny baby hoglets to my friends at Cuan for me.
Years ago I used to hand feed these little ones, at one time I had 17 of them, but I simply can’t do the 2 hourly feeds anymore which is what these will need, 24 hours of the day.
There aren’t many people who would give up their evening to do the three quarters of an hours journey there then the same back to help me and the hedgehogs, so I’m very grateful to Paul and my other trustworthy friends who will do just that.



A farmer brought me 2 hedgehogs that had fallen in a drain on his farm. When I felt that they were ready to be released ...

A farmer brought me 2 hedgehogs that had fallen in a drain on his farm. When I felt that they were ready to be released he came and collected them to put them back in one of his fields then last night he turned up with this lot for me. Wasn’t that kind of him?
Thank you Farmer Dan 🦔 x


This is blind Rosie in her nest under the rose tree. She seems to think that because her back half is covered up in her nest, no one can see her.




A MILLION THANKS ANTHONY WHO IS GOING TO GET THE HEDGEHOG FROM KINGSTANDING. Now I’ve got to fit In a syringe feed to this teeny and be at vets in half an hour 🤪


Thanks go yet again to my friends Revolting Animals for their donation of pads, cat food and £30. 😘😘😘😘to you all. Joan 🦔.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 20:00




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