Thought this was quite fetching for them strolling along this morning 🐾🐶
These two absolutely love there time at the field.. Meatball&Lara 💙💜
Crazy pooches love playing with there buddy's 🐕🐾🐾🐕
Some wet and windy walks from Tuesday,didn't stop these doggos though 🐾🐶
Just a short one but look at them go 🥰🐾
Nice chilled out video of the pooches 🐾🐶
Jacey had her respite from doing her very important job of being a guide dog.
She just LOVES diving paws first into the biggest dirtiest bog, so we had to give her a clean - all sparkly and ready to go back to work 🥰♥️
🥳 CONGRATS NUMBER 35… Yvonne Rowlan 🥳
✨ George the Prince ✨
What a beautiful dog inside & out! He’s a joy to walk and is very gentle natured 🥰
We look forward to our yearly dosage of George - he’s met loads of new friends this year and has had lots of play time!
We don’t know who enjoys the walk more; us, George or the new friends he’s made this year!!
@blindysbullies (tiktok) was away for the last month getting married in Pakistan. Today was the day he got to pick his 5 Bullies up and I had the pleasure of helping him 😊
The temperature is set to rise, but your dogs still need their exercise & to go to the toilet. Here’s how you can do this safely in the upcoming heat.
* Avoid enclosed & poorly ventilated areas
* avoid strenuous exercise at the hottest time of day, try walk them at cooler times
* walk them somewhere shaded with access to water
* take bottled water on your walks
* provide shade in your garden / outdoor areas
* heavy panting (even when not exercising)
* breathing problems (especially in flat faced breeds)
* tiredness / lethargy
* unwilling to move
* dribbling
* confusion
* vomiting (can contain blood)
* upset stomach
* not walking in a straight line
* collapsing
* fitting
Contact your vet immediately if you think your dog has heat stroke
How we work in hot weather at Treks & Treats :
* walk in areas that provide shade / woodland
* walk where there’s water access
* do shorter walks
* provide chill time during walks
* put dogs in time out / lead walk if they’re getting over excited
If you’re concerned about heatstroke and want more information please contact your vet
Lovely team meeting. It is a great opportunity to touch base and bat around some ideas. But mostly it's having a laugh and doing what we all love to do... talk about dogs!
#dogwalking #dogsofig #keighley #friends #summer #summerdays #gimbal #dji