Busy Bee Dog Training

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Busy Bee Dog Training Positive and reward based dog training covering puppy to advanced, rally and behaviour problems

This is such a brilliant and important asset to our Island so I have decided to join the Whirlybird Walkies and help rai...

This is such a brilliant and important asset to our Island so I have decided to join the Whirlybird Walkies and help raise funds by walking 90 miles over the month of August. Any donation, no matter how small, will help keep this service going


Help raise money to support Great North Air Ambulance Service

This is a must read article for anyone with a collie or other high drive breeds...https://www.facebook.com/share/p/pnza3...

This is a must read article for anyone with a collie or other high drive breeds...


FOR ANYONE WHO MAY HAVE PREVIOUSLY MISSED THIS, our breed expert Carol Price today revisits the subject of more acute or chronic mental over-arousal in Border collies; why it happens, how it may affect their behaviour, and how to better manage it in your dog.


A common concern owners have about their collies is that they appear to have no ‘off’ switch and can find it very difficult to settle or wind down, even after having “loads of exercise”. So I am going to look at this issue in more detail in this feature, as well as what might be done to give people calmer dogs to live with.

First, often what owners may label a ‘crazy’ or ‘hyper’ collie is just a dog who is being more persistently – or even chronically – mentally over-stimulated. It is important to understand that Border collies are dogs with exceptionally sensitive arousal mechanisms. Meaning it takes very little in the way of external sensory stimulation – particularly sound and movement, but also light or a more sudden sense of something ‘crowding’ their personal space – to trigger more active physical responses in them, which will then continue as long as the stimulation sources exist.

This level of sensitivity, in turn, is part and parcel of their whole inner wiring, and more supreme level of responsiveness as sheepdogs. Both mentally and physically, they constantly need to remain one step ahead of the livestock around them, always trying to out-guess, out-think or outmanoeuvre them or anticipate what their next move might be, in order to counter-balance it well in advance with the right response of their own.

And as long as some source of sensory stimulation exists in a collie’s environment, they may feel a need to respond to it in some way. Different dogs may have their own stimulation thresholds, in terms of how little it may take – in the way of sound or movement say – to trigger some physical reaction in them.

However, sometimes owners will not always understand the link between the level of sensory stimulation they are continuing to expose their collie to, and their dog’s resultant inability to better settle or rest. And they may view their dog’s ongoing restlessness or agitation, instead, as a sign that they still need far more exercise to wear them out. So they then try to give them even more physical/mental stimulation in the way of exercise or ball games only to find that at the end of this their dog is even more ‘buzzed’ than before. Because what the dog actually needs is LESS sensory/physical stimulation in order to better wind down and not MORE. (More on this a bit later).

It is also important to understand how quickly collies can become addicted to the state of higher mental arousal, because of all the feelgood neurochemicals that accompany this. So you may find yourself with a dog who is constantly trying to prompt you into giving them more physical/mental stimulation to better maintain this state of arousal.

A typical example of this may be a dog who comes back with you from a long walk, then goes straight to get a toy and wants you to keep throwing it for them. You may read this as a dog who is not yet tired enough, whereas I would read it as a dog trying maintain their higher state of mental arousal.

Conversely, some dogs may become more hardened self-stimulators; seeking out different sources of sensory stimulation for themselves, which is how many more obsessive patterns of behaviour – like constantly eyeing/chasing anything that might move – take off in them, and can then become increasingly more addictive or compulsive.


Border collie puppies can be particularly easily over-stimulated, not just because of their increasingly higher energy levels as they grow, but also because they are yet to learn how to better check their own arousal levels, through more persistent impulse control exercises or training (covered before on this page).

Moreover the ‘over-excited’ mental state in a Border collie puppy is what then also triggers all the other less desirable behaviours like nipping or destroying things, as the pup constantly seeks some outlet or target on which to vent their excitement upon.

It must also be realised that Border collie puppies tend to be at their most ‘manic’ when they are most tired. And when this state is reached in a puppy they must not be stimulated any further. Rather, they should be put in a darker, quieter place until they are finally able to wind down again.

If you are to have a dog with a better ‘off’ switch, in general, then several things need to happen. The first is improved training, as earlier highlighted, which teaches your dog to not only exert better control over their own emotional states/arousal levels, but to also find a more controlled mental state – as opposed to a more aroused one - far more rewarding.

The kind of both Focus and Impulse Control training you need to do with your dog to achieve this – as well as other basic Control exercises – are outlined in my book on training collies at the end of this feature, and have also been covered before on this page.

For if you cannot get your dog to do basic things like lie down and stay down when asked, or go to their bed when asked, or stop doing whatever it is they are doing when asked, or be quiet when asked – instead of barking/whining etc. – you will always struggle to own a calmer dog.

Another crucial factor in owning a calmer collie is establishing a more set routine of ‘up’ and ‘down’ times during the day, from puppyhood onwards. For if your dog learns that at roughly the same times every day there will be physical/mental exercise on offer (e.g., walks, training, play) and at other times there will not, this makes it that much easier for them to train their minds to rest during the non-activity times.

Conversely, greater unpredictably and uncertainty about what will happen and when in their lives makes dogs more restless and stressed, and thus far less likely to settle.

Also get out of arousal-prolonging habits like throwing toys for your dog during periods – such as after a walk, or during the evening – when you really need them to settle instead. It can also help to have a specific area or place set up for your dog, in a quieter part of the home, that your dog comes to associate with ‘rest’.

Some collies are less able to settle because they are carrying particularly high stress loads, which can be common in rescue dogs, or suffering from greater sensory over-loading. The same factors can also make many collies far more phobic or reactive in their daily behaviour. They may also be more likely to indulge in increasingly obsessive behaviour patterns as a coping mechanism.

Dogs like these may need greater time to return their minds to better balance, and dogs suffering from greater stress/sensory overloading may also benefit from a special Sensory Detox programme I have devised for collies with such issues. This appears in BOOK THREE of my BREED APART trilogy on BEHAVIOUR. All you need to know about training collies from puppyhood onwards – including focus, impulse control training and wider control training – appears in BOOK TWO – ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS & LEARNING.
All text © Carol Price 2024
Carol Price collie books: In the UK from: https://performancedog.co.uk/product-category/books-and-dvds/authors/carol-price/ In the USA from: https://www.dogwise.com/ # and https://www.cleanrun.com/product/border_collies_a_breed_apart_book_1_secrets_of_the_working_mind/index.cfm In Canada from https://4mymerles.com/collections/books In Australia from: https://gameondogs.com.au/ And in the Netherlands and Belgium from: https://mediaboek.nl/border-collies-a-breed-apart-book-1.html

Introducing my Crochet Critters and Creations!  Tissue holders, ear bud pockets, wristlets for your phone or keys and so...

Introducing my Crochet Critters and Creations! Tissue holders, ear bud pockets, wristlets for your phone or keys and some that are just cute! I will have these at the Centre, all I'm asking for is a donation that will go to Ainmhithe Animal Rescue, they are a small rescue in County Mayo that have a no kill policy and save many used and abused dogs, of which Flora was one 🥰

For those who would rather try natural ways to deter ticks, this article has some excellent information and suggestions

For those who would rather try natural ways to deter ticks, this article has some excellent information and suggestions

No one wants to deal with toxic flea and tick preventatives on their dog! Be prepared when they strike with a natural tick repellent for dogs that you can make at home.


I’m not sure there is anything good to say about ticks but it is good to know that there are alternatives to using chemicals. I’m currently trialling an EM collar on Ross (Bug Off Collar) so I’ll let you know how well that works. As a general rule I avoid known areas with a high infestation and have some natural sprays if we go anywhere that may have them 😉


Words of Wisdom Wednesday.

A lovely insight from Kamal Fernandez, author of Pathway to Positivity on looking for the perfect dog.

The list of expectations we have for our dogs is huge. And often we forget how un-dog like we are asking an individual to be. Don’t chew the furniture that smells like meat, don’t chase the small, furry thing that runs fast (it happens to be the neighbour’s cat...), don’t bite the strange dog that tries to invade your personal space, don't bite the man that comes to the door to deliver stuff, even though you don’t know him, have never met him and he’s wearing a strange hat.

Personality traits are all interlinked. Fear is linked to aggression, aggression is linked to prey drive, prey drive and herding instinct are twin components, and a biddable temperament is linked to submissiveness.

So when you look for a dog to have a certain quality, the chances of finding one where the needle falls at exactly the right spot on each personality trait barometer, is unlikely. To find one with all the needles falling in exactly the right place on every personality trait barometer, is nearly impossible.

The key is to find the dog that suits you. To adapt and be a better dog trainer, not just someone that can train a certain type. So your perfect dog probably isn’t perfect, but rather he is perfect for you – and that’s the secret.

Happy faces from the weekend...

Happy faces from the weekend...


Two days of great rally with the Dream Team at the helm to keep things running smoothly and to time. Thank you to everyone who helped in whatever capacity (judging, scribing, scoring, organising the raffle, setting up and packing away to name but a few of the jobs involved) and also to everyone who was competing, I hope you enjoyed your time in the ring.
I’ve had the privilege of judging and watching some super rounds over the weekend, seen great progress from a number of teams and commiserated with a few whose time in the ring didn’t quite go to plan. I would like to mention two teams that really stood out for me (although I’m sure there were others 😉) and demonstrated the true spirit of rally:

Karen with Teddy (Kallow Point Ted), his first show and superb handling from Karen helped to build enough confidence to achieve qualifying scores but she was also willing to break off and help him out today when it was needed and that will pay dividends in the future

Jayne and Billy (Illiam Rockhopper), Jayne has worked immensely hard on building his confidence as he has previously had a meltdown in the ring. Her work paid off on Saturday with Billy not only getting past the start sign but successfully completing all the exercises through to the finish and a brilliant bonus to round it off putting them in a well-deserved first place

Fun with this morning’s pet class, building confidence and teamwork

Fun with this morning’s pet class, building confidence and teamwork



Two unexpected spaces available on Dog Club classes at 12.45pm 💪

Starting tomorrow, Monday 10th June, for 8 weeks in Ramsey 😍 a safe, supported and adaptable environment with no judgement and a good dose of humour thrown in 🙏

Ruff Mutt’s Dog Club is made for dogs who don’t suit the mainstream 💔 who may have issues with fear, reactivity, over enthusiasm, aggression to work through their issues whilst building impulse control and stocking up their real-life toolkit 💜

If you are interested, drop us a message 🐾

New in stock - p**p bag holders!  These brilliant holders come with a carabiner clip so you can attach it to your lead o...

New in stock - p**p bag holders! These brilliant holders come with a carabiner clip so you can attach it to your lead or bumbag to save holding the bag itself until you find a bin! Just £2 each 😉

More pictures from pet class on Wednesday!  Fun time playing off lead building on social skills, confidence around other...

More pictures from pet class on Wednesday! Fun time playing off lead building on social skills, confidence around other dogs and also having a great time letting off steam! Then into town to put training into practice in a different environment working on stays, focus and settle. Great work guys!

Another opportunity to enjoy the amazing weather and do some training outdoors in the process!

Another opportunity to enjoy the amazing weather and do some training outdoors in the process!

This evening's Puppy Follow On group heading out on the last training walk of their course.  Four weeks building on the ...

This evening's Puppy Follow On group heading out on the last training walk of their course. Four weeks building on the puppy class and they have wowed me with their achievements!

This evening's training walk - taking the classroom into the world outside and having a bit of off lead fun too

This evening's training walk - taking the classroom into the world outside and having a bit of off lead fun too

Fun with my Friday morning pet class and yes, they really are learning to skateboard 🤣

Fun with my Friday morning pet class and yes, they really are learning to skateboard 🤣

WARNING!  Someone has scattered raisins along the railway line in Ramsey where the sorting office is, presumably for the...

WARNING! Someone has scattered raisins along the railway line in Ramsey where the sorting office is, presumably for the birds but this is potentially a serious hazard to dogs so please keep your dogs away

Better late than never!  Photos of the happy qualifiers from the last rally show ☺️

Better late than never! Photos of the happy qualifiers from the last rally show ☺️


Our staff will be undertaking w**d spraying over the next few weeks. We will update this page with our planned areas of work:

26 July - Mooragh Prom and surrounding area

Ross is checking out the new stock of treats that has just arrived!  New flavours in the Trainers £5.95) include beef, p...

Ross is checking out the new stock of treats that has just arrived! New flavours in the Trainers £5.95) include beef, pheasant and wild boar, these are 100% dried meat so a really healthy treat with no nasties! There are also some new flavours in the Slice 'n' Dice (£9.50) with lamb, beef, venison and fish mix (mackerel, salmon and herring), again 100% natural with no nasty additives and great value as you can freeze in batches 😉


Who says you can't teach an older dog (sorry, Ruby!) new tricks! Ruby has just very precisely placed the disk on the cone, just brilliant to see her work out what was wanted!


🚨 NEWS FLASH! 🚨 Please read & share! 👈

🪺 It’s that special time of year again when beach nesting birds are starting to scout out safe spots to lay their eggs.

🔴 As so many of these birds are very highly endangered, we would kindly like to ask beach and dog walkers to be extra aware of this.

🐶 We have placed signs up around MWT Cronk y Bing Nature Reserve to let walkers know that all dogs must be on a short lead in the area until the 31st of July, but in fact all the beaches in the north of the Island are precious breeding ground for these birds, so please bare this in mind.

🥚 We are asking members of the public to please avoid walking between the high tide mark (seaw**d line) and the start of the dunes as these birds are easily startled and their tiny, camouflaged eggs are often trampled.

🌳 Please consider less sensitive inland areas for walking (especially with dogs) such as the glens and plantations – they are looking great this time of year with the spring flowers and don’t have the same issues with ground nesting birds.

✅ We are so grateful for your cooperation in helping this important issue – please share this post if you can and spread the word!

AD: Image is of an Oystercatcher, a red listed beach nesting bird and it’s chick, both on the beach. The parent Oystercatcher is a stunning bird with striking black and white plumage and bright red legs, beak and eye. The chick is small and fluffy and has the same colouring as beach stones to help keep it hidden from predators.

Just a few of the photos from the Inter-Regional Rally Parade at Crufts last week.  Great rounds from Busy Bee handlers ...

Just a few of the photos from the Inter-Regional Rally Parade at Crufts last week. Great rounds from Busy Bee handlers Paul and Alfie (L4) and Debbie and Ross (L6) along with their NI team members

Thank you to everyone who supported our Music Bingo fundraiser on Saturday night, I am delighted to announce that we wil...

Thank you to everyone who supported our Music Bingo fundraiser on Saturday night, I am delighted to announce that we will have approx £1100 (just got to finalise figures) to add to the NI/IOM Inter-regional crufts Rally Team! Special thanks to Tracy for her support and expertise in getting this organised, you are amazing!




Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00


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Busy Bee Dog Training

Busy Bee Dog Training is run by Debbie Martin and is well established with its own dedicated training centre in Ramsey. Debbie offers a wide range of services to help every dog owner from individual training to classes depending on needs. Classes include puppy courses, pet training and rally; individual help is offered for specific training or behaviour issues by arrangement.