Harvey as happy as a....🐷💩🌞
When you're that age where you think you can zoomie like a two year old but your body tells you different....hence the "Ohh" sound at the end 🤣🤣
Opened prezzies now having a sleep before lunch 😴
It's such a hard life especially when you're wanting to open your prezzies even though there not yours 🤣🤣
I told him I would put it to the committee....he's found out that his Xmas treats are in the bed drawer and is asking me if he can have some of them now 🤔🤔
What dya think 🤔 😅
A morning of enrichment which consisted of a frozen filled bone and a snuffle ball filled with his daily food allowance....I think the boy is content 🤗
Someone is extremely comfortable
Night Night sleep tight 😴
Harvey enjoying the Autumn sun after a long sniffari walk 🌞 ☀️
Well I never thought Harvey would reach the age of 15 plus yrs old and I would need to contemplate re- education with him!!
However he as reached the age of failing eyesight and hearing loss so as a consequence he relies more on his sense of smell....as a result when on our walks he rarely checks in and now is on a mission of discovery which is reinforced by his nose or he is mistaking people at a distance with people he knows, therefore on a mission to get to them as quick as possible and it no longer registers that I am on this mission too as I am no longer in his awareness (it's a good job I have developed self awareness and am no longer defensive or insulted about this) 🤣 which is often what leads to someone dishing out aversive/abusive practice.
Therefore I am open to assessing and observing the underlying cause of change in behaviour, no blaming or punishing just adjusting how I need to respond in order for Harvey to be able to adjust to the next stage of his growth.
Be mindful of who you seek support and guidance from please makesure they view your dog's behaviour from your dog's viewpoint and not their own.
Harvey received a gift from a lovely client this morning.
I think he's pleased 😀