Maidenhead Aquatics Farnham

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Maidenhead Aquatics Farnham Established in 1984, Maidenhead Aquatics is the UK's largest aquatic retailer. This store

🌿🪴🌿 WE ARE ABSOLUTELY BRIMMING WITH FRESH DUTCH AQUARIUM PLANTS! 🌿🪴🌿We’ve just received this week’s delivery of lovely f...


We’ve just received this week’s delivery of lovely fresh Dutch aquarium greenery for your tanks (Wednesday 22nd January)! A whopping 162 pots across 27 species and varieties this time, and you know what that means…we really do have plenty of gorgeous, varied and colourful plants to flesh out your display or just to fill in those annoying spaces and corners at the very least. 😁

Included in this delivery:


- Alternanthera cardinalis
- Alternanthera cardinalis variegata
- Ammania gracilis
- Anubias barteri ‘Nana’
- Anubias nana ‘Mini’
- Cryptocoryne becketti
- Cryptocoryne bullosa
- Cryptocoryne undulatus ‘Kasselman’
- Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’
- Dracaena sanderiana ‘Yellow’
- Echinodorus altlandberg
- Echinodorus decumbens
- Echinodorus martii
- Echonodorus rose
- Echinodorus ‘Red Devil’
- Eleocharis acicularis
- Glossostigma elatinoides
- Hemianthus callitrichoides
- Hygrophila polysperma
- Juncus repens
- Lagenandra meeboldii
- Lilaeopsis mauritiana
- Lobelia cardinalis ‘Dwarf’
- Lobelia cardinalis ‘Wavy’
- Ludwigia palustris ‘Red’
- Micranthemum umbrosum
- Nomaphila stricta fleur
- Pogostomon helferi

So there you have it…all stocked up and literally overflowing with plants (including those that we already had in stock) and ready for the weekend. If you can’t wait that long, why not pay us a visit or call us on 01420-489560.

Be sure to check out this page for the latest posts. We also cater for all your other planting and aquascaping needs too!

See you soon!



🪱🪱🦐🦐 FRESH AQUARIUM LIVE FOODS! 🦐🦐🪱🪱This week’s livefoods have just arrived (Friday 17th January). 😁 Fresh in:- Small Bl...


This week’s livefoods have just arrived (Friday 17th January). 😁

Fresh in:

- Small Bloodworm
- Brineshrimp
- River Shrimp

Unfortunately no fresh Mysis this week but we still have plenty of Daphnia and Copepods looking good from last week. So hopefully we’ll see you very soon, or simply give us a call on 01420-489560 for any info on our livefoods or any of your aquatic queries! 😀


🌿🪴🌿 FRESH AQUARIUM PLANTS! 🌿🪴🌿Yesterday afternoon (Wednesday 15th January) we received this week’s delivery of lovely fr...


Yesterday afternoon (Wednesday 15th January) we received this week’s delivery of lovely fresh aquarium greenery for your tanks! Again we have plenty of gorgeous, varied and colourful plants for your perusal.

Included in this delivery:


- Anubias barteri ‘Nana’
- Anubias heterophylla
- Anubias nana
- Anubias nana ‘Bonzai’
- Cryptocoryne moehlmannii
- Cryptocoryne undulatus ‘Green’
- Echinodorus bleheri
- Echinodorus parviflorus
- Echinodorus ‘Sunset’
- Hygrophila corymbosa
- Hygrophila guanensis
- Hygrophila rosae australis
- Lobelia cardinalis ‘Dwarf’
- Micranthemum micranthemoides
- Microsorium pteropus
- Ophiopogon kyoto
- Rotala ‘Blood Red’


- Egeria najas

So there you have it…all stocked up with plants (well…almost) and ready for the weekend. If you can’t wait that long, why not pay us a visit or call us on 01420-489560.

Be sure to check out this page for the latest posts. We also cater for all your other planting and aquascaping needs too!

See you soon!



🌿🪴🌿 YOU WANT MOSSES, WE GOT ‘EM 🌿🪴🌿It’s Friday 10th January, and we’ve just had our first drop of the year of quality Du...


It’s Friday 10th January, and we’ve just had our first drop of the year of quality Dutch aquarium mosses for your aquascaping needs! These are perfect for attaching to all kinds of wood including mopani root or spider wood using dedicated aquatic planting glue, for that perfectly decorated aquarium. With the right fertiliser and lighting, these mosses will flourish and will need tending to on a regular basis. Even the addition of CO2 will encourage their growth even more.

On this week’s delivery are:

- Monosolenium tenerum (Pelia Moss)
- Versicularia dubyana (Java Moss)
- Versicularia montagnei (Christmas Moss)

So pop on by and pick up a tub or two before it’s too late. Otherwise call one of our team on 01420-489560 for further info. 😀

Be sure to check out this page for the latest posts. We also cater for all your other planting and aquascaping needs too!

See you soon!



🪱🦐🪱 NEW YEAR LIVEFOODS ARE IN! 🪱🦐🪱The wait is over! Our first delivery of aquatic livefoods of 2025 has just arrived (Fr...


The wait is over! Our first delivery of aquatic livefoods of 2025 has just arrived (Friday 10th January). Grab some while you can, as your fish will certainly ❤️ you forever!

Fresh in:

- Daphnia
- Small Bloodworm
- Brineshrimp
- Mysis
- Copepods
- River Shrimp

So hopefully we’ll see you very soon, or simply give us a call on 01420-489560 for any info on our livefoods or any of your aquatic queries! 😀

🐠🪱🐟🦐 🐠


🐠🤩😍 WOW! OUR FIRE DEVIL TETRAS ARE POPPING WITH COLOUR NOW! 😍🤩🐟Check out our Fire Devil Tetras (Hyphessobrycon peugeotor...


Check out our Fire Devil Tetras (Hyphessobrycon peugeotorum)! Among the rarest and most beautiful of Tetras in the hobby, ours are simply beyond words!

Discovered as recently as 2013, and found in only a few locations of the Rio juruena drainage area of the Rio Tapajós Basin in Brazil, this species has been found in sparsely vegetated and swampy areas, nearby to pristine and untouched forest covered areas as well as well vegetated areas that are regularly in flood. This would imply that it is not too fussy and rather adaptable to its surroundings, although like many Tetras, do provide them with enough cover and shaded areas within which to retreat as necessary or when threatened. An aquarium upwards of around 150 litres for a small shoal of these charming characters should suffice.

Males are far richer in colour than the females and tend to grow a little larger. On the males, like many similar Tetras, the dorsal fin becomes more elongated and the a**l fin extends to become more hooked. The male also develops much more intense and stunning orangey-red hues on the pectoral, ventral, dorsal and a**l fins (especially the anterior and trailing edges), spreading with a paler orangey-red glow across the body. When the males are showing off, the caudal peduncle and caudal fin exhibit a rich black colouration, contrasting vividly against the body colour. A paler whitish dot can also be seen above and below the peduncle where it meets the caudal fin, although not always evident in a male in full bloom. Females show some of the colour throughout, but appear more washed out.

They are generally a peaceful shoaling species, reaching around 4cm in length. Keep them in mixed s*x groups of at least six individuals, ideally with a minimum of two females to each male. That way the potential stress is eased on the females and you will get the best colours from the males.

They tolerate a temperature range of around 23-27c and quite a broad PH range of 5.5 to 7.5. They are unfussy omnivores, and will happily dine on a varied diet of dried and frozen foods be it (but not restricted to) protein rich flake, micro pellets or frozen bloodworm or Brineshrimp fortified with vitamins. For balance, make sure that vegetable matter is provided too, by using veggie flake or supplementing the frozen food with frozen spinach or algae. It’s always good to provide a nutritionally varied diet to help them thrive and to get the best colour from those males!

Little is written about the breeding of these Tetras, but captive breeding has certainly been accomplished according to some sources.

Check out the pictures attached and you will see how truly beautiful these guys really are! The landscape picture really shows off the males in their full regalia, and the portrait picture shows a female above with a male below, exhibiting the clear s*xual dimorphism I’ve described herein. To note, the Plec is an L200 Green Phantom Plec (Hemiancistrus subviridis), also a cracking fish itself!

So there you have it. These are pretty rare and who knows when we will see more, so make haste and get down here. If these are the kind of centre piece Tetras you have been yearning for, don’t leave it too long! Alternatively call us on 01420-489560 for more on these little gems!

See you soon!



🌿🪴🌿 FRESH AQUARIUM PLANTS! 🌿🪴🌿It’s Wednesday 8th January and we’ve just received this weeks delivery of lovely fresh aqu...


It’s Wednesday 8th January and we’ve just received this weeks delivery of lovely fresh aquarium greenery for your tanks. Unfortunately the bunched Egeria najas was out of stock so we therefor have no bunched plants this week. However, what we do have is done gorgeous, varied and colourful selection of potted plants for your perusal.

Included in this delivery:


- Alternanthera cardinalis
- Alternanthera cardinalis variegata
- Bacopa amplexicaulis
- Ceratopteris siliquosa
- Ceratopteris thalicroides
- Cryptocoryne balansae
- Cryptocoryne flamingo
- Cyperus helferii
- Echinodorus ‘Red Devil’
- Hemianthus callitrichoides
- Limnophila aromatica
- Limnophila heterophylla
- Pogostemon erectus
- Pogostemon helferi
- Rotala ‘Orange Juice’
- Rotala wallichii

So there you have it…all stocked up with plants (well…almost) and ready for the weekend. If you can’t wait that long, why not pay us a visit or call us on 01420-489560.

Be sure to check out this page for the latest posts. We also cater for all your other planting and aquascaping needs too!

See you soon!



🥂🎉✨Happy New Year!!! ✨🎉🍻We hope you have all had a wonderful ‘Fishmas’ indeed!As this year draws to a ‘Fin’ish (sorry 🤣)...

🥂🎉✨Happy New Year!!! ✨🎉🍻

We hope you have all had a wonderful ‘Fishmas’ indeed!

As this year draws to a ‘Fin’ish (sorry 🤣), myself and all the crew at Maidenhead Aquatics at Farnham would like to wish all of our valued customers a Very Happy New Year and we hope to see you on the ’other side’ once again. Thankyou as ever for all your support over the last twelve months and beyond. We couldn’t do what we do without you, our dedicated and loyal hobbyists! 😁🤞🐠🦞🐟

Just a reminder that we will be closing early at 4.30pm today and will be closed all day tomorrow for New Year’s Day. We will return to normal opening hours on Thursday 2nd January.


🐠🤩🐟 Wichmann’s Mouth Almighty 🐟🤩🐠Yes, you read that right, there really is a fish with that most bizarre name, yes they ...

🐠🤩🐟 Wichmann’s Mouth Almighty 🐟🤩🐠

Yes, you read that right, there really is a fish with that most bizarre name, yes they have a huge mouth, and guess what…we have a couple (almost certainly a male and female) of these rather unique (well…almost) freshwater Cardinalfish in stock for the first time ever. And no, they have nothing to do with the tiny Cardinal Tetra whatsoever…I think the picture speaks a thousand words there 😂!

First scientifically described in 1907, the Wichmann’s Mouth Almighty (Glossamia wichmanni) may look very familiar to those of you that keep marine fish. That’s because they they belong to the family Apogonidae which also contain the more familiar saltwater species such as the Banggai, Pyjama and Candy Stripe Cardinalfishes. If you don’t know these, then check them out online and you’ll see what I mean!

There are around twelve known species of freshwater Cardinalfish, one of which is exclusive to Australia. The rest occur in New Guinea and one of those is also found in Australia too.

Our ones are only known from the Tawarin River in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. From here, they are found eastward to the Bewani Mountains in northern Papua New Guinea.

Little else is written about the species that we can find. What we do know is that they are probably the largest of the species, with a maximum recorded length of 18cm, although they are rarely recorded above 10cm. They are paternal mouthbrooders, with the male being generally the more colourful of the s*xes. I believe the one I’ve photographed here to be a male, which will develop a more golden overall colour.

They are purely freshwater (not even brackish) and, as their name suggests, they are pretty much an ambush predator and can consume prey up to two thirds their own body length! So don’t be putting them with your Guppies and Neon Tetras, as the will be very happy indeed…the Mouth Almighty that is. In short, exercise caution with regards to suitable tankmates, and please ask one of us for advice if you’re unsure. However, with suitably sized and peaceful tankmates such as large Rainbowfish or Tetras, they are generally a very peaceable species, and I would suggest plenty of cover for them too, as the seem to be quite shy too.

Ours are currently accepting and relishing live River Shrimps, but we are hoping to wean them onto frozen foods.

Finally, a little education for you. The genus Glossamia is broken down into ‘Glossa’ is from the Greek meaning ‘tongue’, and ‘amia’ is also from the Greek, meaning ‘a kind of fish’. Everyday is a school day! 😂

So that’s what we know about this unusual, fascinating and characterful fish! I hope that’s enough to peek your interest!

So please do check these curious little guys out when you are in next, or call us on 01420-489560 for prices and anything else you’d like to ask us!

See you soon, and thank you all for your support throughout 2024! Happy New Year!



🐠🤩🐠 HEY DISCUS LOVERS…LOOK WHAT’S BACK IN TOWN! 🐠🤩🐠The long wait is over, the time has finally come. I can announce to y...


The long wait is over, the time has finally come. I can announce to you all that we now have a beautiful, bright and colourful selection of 6-7cm captive bred Discus back in stock! We have just put them up for sale today, as not only are they are looking awesome, they are feeding with great gusto on various dried and frozen foods!

We have the following:

- Blue Diamond
- Pigeon Gold
- Pigeon Panda
- Pigeon Panda Yellow
- Pigeon Red
- Pigeon Red Stone
- Red Marlboro
- Red Tiger

Check out the pictures, I think you’ll agree that we have a fabulous selection to choose from. Some of those markings and colours are simply stunning! We have our favourites, will you have yours and take the plunge?

If you are an experienced keeper or looking to start out fresh with this wonderful species of South American Cichlid, then why not head down and take a look and ask one of our knowledgeable staff anything you need to know. If you can’t get here, please bell us on 01420-489560.

Happy New Year everyone and thank you all as always for your valued support throughout 2024.

🤞See you soon.🤞

🐠🌿🐟 🤩🐟🌿🐠


Merry Fishmas from us all at Maidenhead Aquatics!

With Christmas Day fast approaching, we would like to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a bubbly New Year in 2025! We are truly grateful for your continued support and loyalty throughout our 40th year and we're excited to see what 2025 brings.

All Maidenhead Aquatics stores will be open over the festive period, except for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Please note that some may also be closed on New Year’s Day, so we'd recommend calling the store you plan to visit before leaving home, as some may also be operating on reduced opening hours.

Rest assured, however, that all of our fish and livestock will receive special Christmas feeds and water changes and that we’ll ensure they’re all well and happy over the holidays.

You can also check out our online opening and delivery times over the festive period here.


Please be advised that we do not support the idea of last-minute purchases of aquariums with fish as surprise gifts on Christmas Day.

Whilst we understand the intention to make the holiday special, it is of paramount importance to prioritise the well-being of the fish. We strongly recommend setting up any aquarium well in advance before introducing livestock. Likewise, it is important not to rush filling the aquarium with the maximum capacity of fish. While small aquariums can make great gifts, we would suggest allowing the recipient to set up the tank at their own pace and then consider adding livestock after Christmas. Perhaps, why not give a gift card for that last minute gift so that the recipient can come into store and choose their fish after the festivities are over?

Feel free to reach out to us for any information you may need to ensure a successful and responsible introduction of fish into the tank. The welfare of the livestock is our utmost concern throughout the year.

🎁🎄🐠 FISHMASSY FIGHTERS GALORE! 🐠🎄🎁We have had a whopping 58 fancy male Siamese Fighters delivered this week…just sayin!P...


We have had a whopping 58 fancy male Siamese Fighters delivered this week…just sayin!

Pictured are just three of our staff favourites:

- Koi Gold Copper Galaxy Plakat
- Fancy Colour Plakat
- Dumbo Halfmoon

My favourite the Koi Gold Copper Galaxy Plakat certainly reminds me of twinkling Christmas tree lights! Absolutely stunning. The Fancy Colour Plakat is a particularly unusual and striking gold variation. And as for the Dumbo Halfmoon…wow!

Don’t leave it too long, as many of these will sell quickly over the festive period. For details and pricing, pop on down or call us on 01420-489560

Merry Fishmas everyone and thank you all as always for your valued support throughout 2024.

See you soon!



🌿🎄🌿🎁 DECORATE YOUR TANK FOR CHRISTMAS WITH SOME FRESH PLANTS! 🎁🌿🎄🌿We’ve just received our final delivery of the year (We...


We’ve just received our final delivery of the year (Wednesday 18th December) of premium quality Dutch aquarium plants. There’s an awful lot of them…and coupled with our existing stock, we are literally overflowing with plants! But that’s fine, as of course there will not be a delivery next week. Anyway, here’s the selection, and do check out the photos…and the photo bombing fish! 🤣

Included in this delivery:


- Egeria najas


- Acorus variegatus
- Alternanthera cardinalis
- Alternanthera cardinalis variegata
- Alternanthera reineckii
- Ammania gracilis
- Anubias barteri ‘Nana’
- Anubias heterophylla
- Anubias ‘Nana Coin’
- Bacopa amplexicaulis
- Cryptocoryne balansae
- Cryptocoryne moehlmannii
- Cryptocoryne wendtii ’Brown’
- Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’
- Echinodorus bleheri
- Echinodorus decumbens
- Echinodorus parviflorus
- Hygrophila polysperma
- Hygrophila rosae australis
- Lilaeopsis novea-zealandea
- Limnophila heterophylla
- Micranthemum ’Monte Carlo’
- Microsorium pteropus
- Microsorium pteropus ‘Greens’
- Nymphaea ‘Tiger Lotus - Green’
- Nymphaea ‘Tiger Lotus - Red’
- Vallisneria asiatica
- Vallisneria spiralis

Easy Grow tubs:

- Leptidictyum riparum


- Christmas Moss
- Java Moss

So…you’ve decorated your house for Christmas, but did you remember you fishy friends? Well, we are here to save your day…and bring some Christmas cheer to your tank with our huge selection of greenery (and some lovely red plants too). Who knows, you aquatic buddies may think you’ve transformed your tank into a prize winning Christmassy aquarium display. So pop down now, as I’m sure these will be selling quickly, but If you can’t make it, call us for more info 01420-489560.

Be sure to check out this page for the latest posts. We also cater for all your other planting and aquascaping needs too!

Merry Fishmas everyone and thank you all as always for your valued support throughout 2024.

See you soon!



🪱🎄🦐🎁 FISHMAS LIVEFOODS ARE IN! 🎁🦐🎄🪱We have just taken delivery of ten tonne of livefoods 🤣…well slightly exaggerating…bu...


We have just taken delivery of ten tonne of livefoods 🤣…well slightly exaggerating…but enough to take us through the Christmas period hopefully.

Please note that this will also be the last delivery for three weeks rather than the usual two, so get a wriggle on and stock up now, and give your fishy friends the gift of Christmas they deserve! They sure will appreciate it!

Fresh in:

- Daphnia
- Small Bloodworm
- Brineshrimp
- Mysis
- Copepods
- River Shrimp

So hopefully we’ll see you very soon, or simply give us a call on 01420-489560 for any info on our livefoods or any of your aquatic queries! 😀

Ho ho ho and a very Merry Fishmas to you all!


A nice, simple scape this time 🌱🌱Lic17173

A nice, simple scape this time 🌱🌱

With the arowana in her lovely new home it was finally time for a new set up which I finally finished yesterday 🌱Lic1717...

With the arowana in her lovely new home it was finally time for a new set up which I finally finished yesterday 🌱



Click the image to view in full. Please note that we will be closing an hour and a half earlier than usual at 4.00pm on Christmas Eve, and an hour earlier than usual at 4.30pm from Friday 27th to Tuesday 31st December, aside from Sunday 29th which will be normal Sunday hours.

🎅🧑‍🎄🤶 We would like to wish all of our customers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! 🤶🧑‍🎄🎅



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 17:30
Sunday 10:00 - 16:00




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