MAdcAtz Mobile Cat Groomer

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MAdcAtz Mobile Cat Groomer Mobile cat grooming in the Exeter and East Devon area. Please see the pinned post at the top of th

Hello, I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having and your cats have found places to keep ...

Hello, I hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having and your cats have found places to keep cool.
Ours have found all sorts of funny places to escape the heat!
The photo is of Haru keeping me company whilst I was crocheting in my garden cabin yesterday ❤️

My first knee replacement is doing well and I am working hard at the rehabilitation.
The second knee was due to be replaced next week but unfortunately I had a big drama under a tooth which couldn't be resolved and resulted in extraction which means my surgeon has postponed until October due to the risk of infection to the new joint, this means I won't be back working this year 😕

Please do book in with another groomer (from the contact details I sent) in plenty of time as it's much more difficult for them and your cat if they are overdue and get knotty.

Carolyne. anyone know of someone looking to adopt at the moment?

Does anyone know of someone looking to adopt at the moment?

Great news. Our darling sisters have their ideal home. A match made in heavon. They will be going tomorrow afternoon. We are so very happy for these two sweet girls - I could have wept when Sally gave me the news. They now have the best chance for the long and happy life they deserve. Their new ‘servants’ will give them the time they need to feel safe and secure and We are sure the rewards all round will be great. 😻💕💕. Gill xx thank you so much for spreading the word.

Hi, I am Sally, Lullah and Bluebell’s foster mum. ….
I just wanted to do an appeal really for anyone who might be interested in considering these lovely girls, to get in touch with me. I have had them for about six weeks now, and apart from one home which sadly fell through, no enquires.

They really are the sweetest cats; Lullah is so friendly and loves her cuddles. Bluebell has always been the more timid one, but she is doing so well, and is not so nervous now, and loves to be stroked and purrs. I really feel that they would flourish in the right home, once they have settled in; we have seen this so many times in the past.

I often wonder what they are thinking, all they have known since small kittens was their home, now sadly due to circumstances they are looking for a new home.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you want to know anymore about the girls, or would like to visit them to see if they would be suitable for you. I really feel in the right home they would thrive and flourish, they just need to be given that chance.
Sally 07537 848303 (WhatsApp good, or text)
01626 330624 ( answer phone)

Llullah (B&W) and Bluebell (British Blue) are 13 years old and desperately seeking a kind and loving home with an experienced cat lover/s. We fell confident that they would thrive once settled in a quiet and loving home.

These two sweet-natured beauties are in the care of foster mum Sally. They have been much-loved and given up with sadness. As they have been in their family home since they were kittens it's a big wrench for them and they are understandably timid.

Sally is very experienced with distressed puss cats and will help them to adjust and feel more relaxed. They are responding well to her loving attention.

Sally says Llullah is very friendly, (although not a lap cat). Bluebell has a more timid nature and is slowly coming around. To give you a better idea of their home life we have included some pics taken by their previous owner. We will update with pictures as they settle.

They are a very bonded sisters and will want to remain together in a quiet loving home with experienced adult cat lovers (older gentle children) who will give them time to adjust. They are the kind of puss cats who, with time, will be very loyal and rewarding companions.

Please contact Sally for more info and arrange to meet these two lovelies. Pease text/whatap her on 07537 848303 or leave a message on her landline and she will ring you back: 01626 330624


* first knee done 😊*

Hello, I said I would keep everyone updated....
I had a call today to say the surgeon has had a look at my MRI from last August and is really worried by it so am having my right knee replaced on Saturday and the other approximately 8 weeks later!


I have messaged all of my clients but wanted to post here too.

Next week is my last week grooming until I have my new knees installed and have recovered!
My knees have had enough now.
I have had my pre op assessment and am seeing the surgeon again on 11th May so am really hoping that my first surgery will be soon and the other not too long after.
I can't give any idea at present of how long I will be unable to work for.

Thank you for all the well wishes I have been receiving, you are all so lovely ❤️


Another lovely cat needs rehoming, here   is some info and contact details....Manuka is a golden oldie, she’s in great h...

Another lovely cat needs rehoming, here is some info and contact details....

Manuka is a golden oldie, she’s in great health…she’s circa 15-16 years old…is looking for a retirement home that’s quiet, she likes to interact and go outside but equally happy indoors…eats anything but is currently fed pouches of wet food and uses her litter tray in the house… thrives when she’s given individual attention…not a fan of dogs and is not keen on children.

Katie 07973 340315

I thought I would share this in case any of you know of anyone looking to adopt a cat ❤️

I thought I would share this in case any of you know of anyone looking to adopt a cat ❤️

As lots of my clients now know I am collecting the cat fur (with owners permission) and sending it to a vet who is then ...

As lots of my clients now know I am collecting the cat fur (with owners permission) and sending it to a vet who is then sending it to America to be used in the process of creating vaccines for people who are allergic to cats.
When it reaches a kilo in weight off it goes!
I started collecting 4 weeks ago, the first kilo has gone and this is the next kilo ready to be sent on its way!!

I don't take on new cats anymore but Austin is owned by an existing client and had been waiting for some time for his tu...

I don't take on new cats anymore but Austin is owned by an existing client and had been waiting for some time for his turn, today when I visited for one of the other cats he had his turn, he wasn't very impressed but is loving his new do now that it's over!
His owner just sent me this photo. ❤️


I thought I would write a post to let you all know how things have been going.

Firstly I want to say thank you to everyone for their patience and kind messages whilst I dealt with my most recent body malfunction!
Also I am so grateful to both Ange and Nikkie for stepping in and visiting some of my regular cats in my absence they are both waiting in the wings for when I have my two upcoming surgeries for knee replacements too. 😊

February has been quite a furry challenge following my return and I am now having a week off to recover before getting back to it again.

I visited around 100 cats and have today enjoyed making this little video featuring some of the cats which I captured in photos.


Hello everyone, I am doing so much better, have still not yet had a definitive answer to what's going on in my upper spine but have one more consultation to go.
If I continue to do really well next week then I am hoping to be back to business as usual from 13th February.

I know some people have bookings in place with Ange or Nikkie so for those that do I will see you at our next scheduled visit after that unless I hear otherwise 😊


Hello, I wanted to update you all.

Firstly thank you so much for the very kind wishes in comments and messages, they are much appreciated, am sorry I haven't been able to reply to everyone individually.

I have had a consultation and discussed the results of my MRI scan.
I have a significant disc prolapse again this time in my cervical spine, it's exactly what I told the doctor when in a&e but he wouldn't believe me.
The doctor at the consultation said I shouldn't have been left in the condition that I was for 3 weeks until I saw him and this could result in permanent damage.
He mentioned anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery and passed it on for an urgent meeting with the surgeons.

Yesterday I was told that following that meeting I will see a surgeon to discuss but due to staff shortages and the amount of people waiting urgent is likely to be a 6 month wait.

The longer I wait the more damage will be done so I now have a one off private consultation in Taunton on Thursday which hopefully might get me to move up the list quicker as it did with my hip and knees.
The surgery privately is upward of £14,000 so that isn't an option!!

In the meantime I am not able to do much at all, definitely not driving, working etc. 😢

Ange( mighty fine felines) and Nikkie (kitty glamour) have been doing an amazing job covering some of my grooming appointments after I matched them up with appropriate cats, am so grateful to them both ❤️


Unfortunately I am currently unable to work.
In the week leading up to Christmas whilst working I was in a lot of extra pain and then developed some weakness and altered sensation in my right arm and hand.
Having had the disc prolapse requiring surgery in 2022 and learning after that that I had a condition called Cervical Stenosis I was pretty sure that one of the discs in my upper spine was quickly heading the same way.
To cut a long story short after putting pressure on the RD&E they reluctantly did an MRI scan and I yesterday had the appointment to discuss and yes I have another significant disc prolapse.
I will know more later this week/early next week but will possibly require ACDF surgery.
As most of you know I am already awaiting 2 dates for knee replacements this year so currently this year is uncertain.

There are now 2 lovely ladies who were originally clients of mine who are mobile cat groomers, I will continue to message everyone individually with the details of which groomer meets their needs the best and hopefully you can book in with them to keep your cats comfortable in my absence.
Bear with me as this is quite a task with over 300 cats on my books!
I can also give details of some salons in Devon who accommodate cats if this is your preference.

I am sorry to be letting everyone down, it is causing me a great deal of stress to not be able to work but it is totally unavoidable.

Merry Christmas to all my lovely clients and their furry friends. Also thank you for the very kind gifts I have been ver...

Merry Christmas to all my lovely clients and their furry friends.
Also thank you for the very kind gifts I have been very spoilt ❤️

I hope to see you all in the New Year although am currently awaiting an urgent spinal appointment and MRI scan following a trip to a&e on Friday with a very painful upper spine and losing proper use and feeling in my right hand so things are a bit unknown 😕
And here was me thinking new knees was next!


Thank you everyone for being patient when I request to adjust appointment times.
Now that I am not taking on any new cats when I have spaces in the day I am trying to be kind to myself and shuffle appointments around to make efficient use of my time and fill the gaps to give me earlier finishes when I can. 😻


This post is to provide information as to what cat sitters are available and what areas of Devon they cover.

Please copy the link to your page in a comment and write what area you work in 🙂

I often get asked if I can recommend cats sitters in Exeter and the surrounding areas and now I can ❤️Mighty Fine Feline...

I often get asked if I can recommend cats sitters in Exeter and the surrounding areas and now I can ❤️
Mighty Fine Felines now offer a cat sitting service aswell as grooming.

Also The Crazy cat lady covers the other side of Exeter 🙂


Ahead of my upcoming (no date yet) surgery then the following recovery period I have finally managed to teach myself to crochet 🙂
I am planning to make some cat toys to keep me occupied, if anyone happens to have any balls/oddments of wool lying around that they don't need and would like to rehome there will be a new cat toy in it for you!!



I have previously shared Mighty Fine Felines and I know Ange is doing well and has her own client base but she has also offered to take on some of the easy going of my clients cats whilst I am off for my surgery (whenever that may be!)

New to the scene is Kitty Glamour, Nikki was also one of my clients and has now completed her cat grooming training at Goldies Boutique.
She would also like to help out when I am off, so between them and a few salons I do hope that in my absence all of your cats will be pleased with these options and will keep comfy 🙂

Mighty fine felines (mobile cat grooming)-
07707 037102

Mobile cat groomer, sitter & microchipping, based in Devon

Today I groomed two new cats.The first was totally unexpected as I was expecting to groom two cats in a household I visi...

Today I groomed two new cats.
The first was totally unexpected as I was expecting to groom two cats in a household I visit regularly but one was AWOL so Panda had a surprise first groom in her place!!
Then later Lily had a first groom as her owner is an existing client and sadly Misty is no longer with them.
Both girls were well behaved and lovely, I like the oldies so really fell for Lily.


As lots of my clients know I am struggling with my silly body again!
Already had a hip replacement in 2020 and discectomy 2022 and still struggling with symptoms from my bulging discs in back and neck.

Have just seen the consultant and I need both knees replacing ASAP, could be a wait of 6 months or so then will have one done and the next about 4 weeks after.
He thinks I will be off work for about 6 months.
I am hoping I can keep working for now but each week is getting harder.
Will update everyone if I can't work anymore/when I get a date for surgery.

Thank you to everyone for being so kind and helpful to me, it's much appreciated 😻

I have been busy locating and catching some kittens born to a stray cat and forgotten to post Ozzy!!Ozzy who is now a ye...

I have been busy locating and catching some kittens born to a stray cat and forgotten to post Ozzy!!
Ozzy who is now a year old lives with Mr Bojangles who I have groomed for several years, I have known for some time that he would be likely to need me when he started to get his adult coat so had left a space open for him.
He already knew me from my visits to his big brother but was a little surprised to find out it was his turn!!
Isn't he a cutie ❤️
Below are his before and after pics.

*I am always wary of clicking on any links in comments that are posted over and over on other people's comments, may be legitimate but please be careful*

Here is Harry (lives with Gary who I already groom!)He had been waiting for his 1st grooming appointment to come around ...

Here is Harry (lives with Gary who I already groom!)
He had been waiting for his 1st grooming appointment to come around on the calender.
He's looking a lot sleeker now.
He knew all the words and actions to the anti grooming song 🤣

He is the last new cat that I had booked in.

Teddy had been waiting some time for his first mAdcAtz experience and today it happened!He had a lot to be done but was ...

Teddy had been waiting some time for his first mAdcAtz experience and today it happened!
He had a lot to be done but was very patient and polite 🙂

You know when what you do as a job then gets neglected to be done at home?.....Haru has just been serviced Alfresco afte...

You know when what you do as a job then gets neglected to be done at home?.....
Haru has just been serviced Alfresco after I arrived home and is feeling quite smiley about it!!

Bilbo had been patiently waiting for a mAdcAtz groom and early this morning his wait was over!He was a good boy and will...

Bilbo had been patiently waiting for a mAdcAtz groom and early this morning his wait was over!
He was a good boy and will be feeling a lot cooler with all his old undercoat groomed out 😊

Paddy had his first hairdo on Thursday, he already knows me as I have been trimming his sister's claws for over 5 years ...

Paddy had his first hairdo on Thursday, he already knows me as I have been trimming his sister's claws for over 5 years (she is polydactyl).
It was so refreshing to groom a cat that actually considered it a pamper and sat nicely and enjoyed having it done 😊
What a sensible boy he is. ❤️


This isn't a post looking to rehome a cat.
One of my clients is in a desperate situation which means she will have to move into temporary housing (length of time unknown).
She really really needs to find a foster home for her cat.
She is a well behaved, house trained easy going cat.
Can anyone help with anyone they know that could foster her or with advice?
We only have a small house and so would cause too much stress to her and our cats for her to come here.

Today Felix had his long awaited first groom, he was very pleased with himself at the end 😊

Today Felix had his long awaited first groom, he was very pleased with himself at the end 😊

This might be an option for many people I know!

This might be an option for many people I know!


Opening Hours

Tuesday 07:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 19:30
Thursday 07:30 - 19:30





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