How often should your dog be bathed?
Well that depends on the dog. If you have a smooth haired breed like a whipper, it's a matter of preference. Could be every couple of months, could be once a year.
For double coated breeds that are heavy shedders, it's a good idea to bath when the moult begins, to help loosen dead coat and remove dander. My double coated dogs vary a lot! Some need a bath and groom twice a year, and some need grooming every few weeks. Lula is a mud wallower and gets bathed once a month at least, whereas Root is always pristine and can get away with every 6 months.
If you have a low or none shedding dog, such as a Poodle, Shih Tzu or any of the poodle mixes, they need a bath and trim every 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the thickness of the coat. Many will also need a bath in between trims too.
There's no problem with frequent washing as long as you use a quality shampoo. It should be soap free and natural, these types of dog shampoo won't strip out natural oils or dry the skin. I use For All Dog Kind shampoo, which is gentle on dogs skin and my own hands!