Sunday 12th May 2024 - opening times are 11am to 4pm
Gates open at 11am, please arrive by 9:30am to help us set up if possible
The show ground is at Plough Corner Parish Fields, Harwich Road, Little Clacton, CO16 9ND
There is room for the trailer and some cars, if you are coming along later in the day you will need to find a suitable place to park.
At the grounds you will see the TAG trailer and gazebo. NAWT staff will direct you to where we are.
Please ensure you have your TAG uniform with you so they know you are part of TAG to gain free entry. We need help to set up so please arrive by 9:30am at the ground if possible and help to pack away at the end of the day is also needed and much appreciated.
There are two 30 minute displays, one at 11:15am and one at 1pm. We will also be running ‘Have a go’ between each display, and your help with this would be much appreciated. We will need people to help man the desk and to collect the money and also give out the certificates plus experienced members to also supervise members of the public with their dogs on the equipment. (Please not the time is subject to change if there are any delays)
Your help with this is also much appreciated.
If you have signed up for the display but cannot make it on the day please contact us on 07833246077 or 07967659435. If the event is cancelled please make sure we have your contact information so we can inform you.
We will also post any news regarding this event on our members only Facebook group.
There will be copies of the course map for you to view on the day, if you are not sure of anything just ask one of the display team who will help you.
Dogs must be kept on leads at all times except when it is your turn in the display ring; if you see a dog that needs space please make sure they are given it.
Please ensure you clear up after your dog and, where possible, allow adequate time for your dog to do any business before the displays.
You will need to wear full length black trousers and a TAG branded top. If you do not have a top please speak to Cheryl about purchasing one. A plain red t-shirt can be worn if you do not have a TAG top.
We hope you all have fun !