Flower bouquets make a great Valentine's gift but if the recipient is a cat owner make sure you choose blooms that are safe around cats.
For more information visithttps://www.cats.org.uk/media/vbalhfal/cats_protection_guide_cut_flowers.pdf
Whether it's Halloween, Christmas or National Dress Your Pet Day, it's never a good idea to dress up your cat. Putting a cat in a costume may seem a harmless bit of fun but it can cause our moggies great stress as they can restrict your cat's movement and can make them feel threatened or unsettled.
With temperatures dropping give some thought to keeping your cat safe in cold weather.
Happy New Year to all our followers, both human and feline!
We don't know what challenges we'll face in 2025 but we will continue to help every cat that we possibly can. Many people are facing financial hardship, creating an increased demand for our services. If you are able to support the work we do please donate to our Winter Appeal. Every penny will be used to help local cats.
Keep your cat safe this Christmas 🐈🎄
Well done to our TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) team who have finished their latest project! Cat number 13 was caught this week. After being spayed, vaccinated and treated for fleas/worms our team were happy to release her back with the rest of the colony.
In total there were 6 males and 7 females, and all females would have been ready to breed come the spring. With an average litter being 3 to 4 kittens and feral females likely to have at least 2 litters a year, this was a population explosion waiting to happen! All the cats will benefit healthwise - the females won't be worn down from constantly rearing kittens and the males are far less likely to fight amongst themselves or catch diseases, which is often the case with unneutered males. A brilliant outcome 😻
Thank you to Chris, Kate, Tara and Heather for giving up your time to help these cat live a better, healthier life.
#tnrworks #HereForTheCats #feralcats
We know our cats love a treat and spend much of their time napping, but it’s important to make sure your cat is getting the right nutrition and exercise to keep a healthy weight. Overweight cats are at higher risk of health problems and a cat being underweight is also a sign of health issues. Learn more: http://spr.ly/CatWeight 🐾
Craft for Cats Xmas 2024
Craft for Cats and make a replica of your cat companion to display from your Christmas tree or all year round! Alongside multiple cat-themed designs and festive designs you’ll find everything you need in the craft kit to create six unique baublitos. 🐈
Sign up now to get your ‘cat decoration’ kit: cats.org.uk/embroiderycraft
Help your cat keep calm during fireworks season.