PAWtime Paige

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PAWtime Paige Providing pet services such as
Drop In Visits
Dog Walking
Pet Portraits

Newbies Margot and Moley 💜💙

Newbies Margot and Moley 💜💙

Weekly get to know the crew…This little chap is called Arlo and he has been walking with us since 15th August 2023. This...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This little chap is called Arlo and he has been walking with us since 15th August 2023.
This little dachshund is the smallest dog but the loudest and bravest when he wants to be!😂
He can be slightly dramatic and will scream at the slightest inconvenience for example if we haven’t got him out the van first😂.
Arlo’s best friend is Trixie the staffy; he absolutely loves her and his whole body wags when they see each other.
He has gained so many friends since being with us and loves his walks just as much as we love him🫶🏻.
He will do anything for food and is always looking at you to see if you have the treats so if you don’t DO NOT say the word he will be very disappointed in you🦴.
Arlo you are a brilliant member to the crew and we are so glad we get to see that happy little face💜

Cat visits this weekend for the most prettiest little kitten called Ruby and a beautiful cat called Ozzy💜💜

Cat visits this weekend for the most prettiest little kitten called Ruby and a beautiful cat called Ozzy💜💜

Weekly get to know the crew… This gorgeous girl is Trixie the blue staffie💜Trixie has been walking with us since 1st Nov...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This gorgeous girl is Trixie the blue staffie💜
Trixie has been walking with us since 1st November 2021 and she stole our hearts that day. You will never meet a dog as happy to see you as Trixie is, she literally loses the plot(especially on a Monday after not seeing us for a while) 😂.
She is your typical boisterous staffie which we love and always makes us smile but she does also have such a calm and loving side to her( you get the best of both worlds).
She just loves to be next to you and will actually cuddle you like a person🥹, we get endless kisses from her on our walk and anyone within range will get a cuddle too as she just loves everyone.
Her bestfriend is a tiny dachshund called Arlo;she adores him and also loves Sully the pointer🫶🏻.
Staffs will always have a special place in our hearts being owners of one previously and a staff cross now but Trixie is a dog that makes us want another and we would like it to be like her! 💜
We love you so much beautiful girl and see you Monday for Monday madness 😂

Weekly get to know the crew …This little chap is Brennan and he has been walking with us since 31st March 2021🫶🏻.He is a...

Weekly get to know the crew …
This little chap is Brennan and he has been walking with us since 31st March 2021🫶🏻.

He is a Romanian rescue that his amazing owners adopted from high hopes rescue. When Brennan started with us his owner was told he probably wouldn’t be able to walk with other dogs however she always wanted the chance for him to try and socialise.
So I took on the challenge and started introducing him slowly to dogs who I trusted and who wouldnt bother him too much to start.
Since that with his owners hard work Brennan has come on leaps and bounds; he can go with many dogs and walks past other dogs with ease! He has so many friends like my Lexi and Dora, also the spots and Dug🧡.
He is such a little character and that little tail wag melts our hearts every time🥹. He loves treats and a good sniff on his walks but isn’t too happy when it’s raining☔️
He’s a dog we look at and get emotional at how much different his life is now to what it might have been.
He’s a brilliant member of the crew and is our girls best friend forever!! We love you Brennan 💙

Just a warning to all my clients who have a Monday with us, we won’t be walking tomorrow past 9:30/10 as the weather has...

Just a warning to all my clients who have a
Monday with us, we won’t be walking tomorrow past 9:30/10 as the weather has decided to throw a lovely 30 at us and by 10am you are looking at 24.
We will be doing drop in visits for everyone who needs them so just let us know.
All of you keep safe and cool!💦
Any questions just drop us a message!☀️

Go and give the page a follow and see a perfect example of the XL Bully breed 🧡 The most handsome and loveliest boy with...

Go and give the page a follow and see a perfect example of the XL Bully breed 🧡
The most handsome and loveliest boy with amazing owners 🫶🏻

Field fun to end a Wednesday ⛵️⚓️

Field fun to end a Wednesday ⛵️⚓️

Weekly get to know the crew…This little chap is Dug and he has been walking with us since 6th August 2021🧡Dug is the swe...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This little chap is Dug and he has been walking with us since 6th August 2021🧡
Dug is the sweetest little ball of fluff you’ll ever meet and is just one of them dogs that everyone loves! He is everyone’s friend and is an amazing part of our pack.
He will literally do anything for a tennis ball and sometimes food depends how nice the treats are😂🎾.
We have had him since he was as small as the second photo and he hasn’t changed and is still that small pup full of energy🧡.
Belly rubs are his favourite he will literally drop anywhere so we have to beware of that as no person passing by can just walk past.😂
Duggie we love you lots and lots and you’re amazing, keep being you🫶🏻



Back to work Monday to Thursday this week after a little break see you all tomorrow🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

Only other holidays this year will be
19th August, Lexi is having her ACL op should be working but if I need a day will give as much advance as possible. She will need 5 weeks recovery so will need someone with her most of the time so she isn’t jumping around . Should be able to sort care for her mostly but if I can’t will let you all know.

November 1st -5th (back to work on the 5th break up the 31st oct)

🎄Christmas break up Friday 20th December and back to work Thursday 2nd January


That’s us broke up for a well needed break✌🏻
See you all on 5th August! Thankyou to all our amazing dogs and clients as always, you are the best 🫶🏻

Had the best time on the new play field!A big Happy 3rd Birthday to Ollie boy 💙💙💙

Had the best time on the new play field!
A big Happy 3rd Birthday to Ollie boy 💙💙💙

Lump removed… Lexi is back home and resting and the lump has been removed. While she was under anaesthetic x-ray was don...

Lump removed…
Lexi is back home and resting and the lump has been removed. While she was under anaesthetic x-ray was done and it did show what we knew that she has snapped her ACL. So first operation down and second one pending…
I can never speak highly enough about the staff and vets at Special Friends Animal Medical Centre I don’t know what we would do without you! The fact that no matter how many times she has to visit you she comes in so happy and excited to see you all! You look after her so well and go out of your way for her every time,buying her treats for after her ops and keeping her company as she doesn’t like the kennels. We as a family couldn’t appreciate you more and couldn’t recommend a vets highly enough 💜

Thankyou to all asking about her and how understanding you’ve all been with the little changes I’ve had to make to look after her xx

Weekly get to know the crew…This handsome boy is Thor and he has been walking with us since 19th September 2021 💛.This b...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This handsome boy is Thor and he has been walking with us since 19th September 2021 💛.

This boy is a gem to walk he really is; listens when called, never leaves your side and will do pretty much anything if you have treats🍪.

His nose really is impressive he will literally find a tennis ball anywhere even if I think there aren’t any to find he comes back to me very proud of himself with one in his mouth😂🎾.
He loves running around with his friends and does everything to get as muddy as possible😂 what can I say I think he wishes he was brown😂🤎.
His happy smile when we turn up really makes our day and he always brings us one of his toys to show us at the door but we do have to tell him his little friend can’t come with us🧸.

You just keep being the amazing and gorgeous boy you are Thor Thor, you’re a pleasure to walk and we love you lots and lots💛

She couldn’t make life easily for herself this one… Just over a year from an operation on her back left ACL, we think sh...

She couldn’t make life easily for herself this one…
Just over a year from an operation on her back left ACL, we think she has gone and snapped the back right one just trotting down the garden. It’s a common thing and within the first 18 months the other leg is prone to snapping just because of the pressure on it and of course our Lexi will do it.
Vets today at 11:20 am but will keep everyone updated if she is having another operation. Absolute walking disaster our dog🤦🏻‍♀️💜

Will be an op on her ACL but waiting to see what the lump she had tested Wednesday comes back as just so they could do the two together if the lumps got to be removed too with it being on the same leg.

Happy Friday from us ✌🏻✌🏻  And the dogs all agree “it’s coming home on Sunday”🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Happy Friday from us ✌🏻✌🏻
And the dogs all agree “it’s coming home on Sunday”🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Weekly get to know the crew…This crazy pair is Percy and Walter🖤🤎Percy has been walking with us since 7th July 2021 and ...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This crazy pair is Percy and Walter🖤🤎
Percy has been walking with us since 7th July 2021 and Wally later joined 9th May 2022.
I could really go on all day about these two and how they constantly have us crying in laughter but I’ll try keep it short😂. If you own a cocker spaniel or know the breed,you know the craziness that they have and these two are really the definition of the breed😂.
Percy is the sweetest, most loving boy who loves a good cuddle. He will constantly give you the stare when he wants to play which will then cause zoomies and a “catch me if you can” game.
Wally is such a gorgeous, loving boy but he doesn’t have time in the day to be giving you too many cuddles it’s all go go go with Wally🏎️.
We always say that their humans must be in stitches watching us on the doggy cam trying to get their leads on! The excitement takes over and it’s literally a workout trying to catch them and we have multiple times thought we outsmarted them gone to leave the living room but realised we was holding an empty lead with no dog attached(they really are that quick)😂.
They both are big foodies and are always in hope that you have treats and will check the dog pouch if you say no just to make sure!
They are both the sort of dogs you watch and their non stop energy makes you tired yourself but never change boys because life would really be dull without you😁🤎🖤
We love you lots P+W🫶🏻

Some of the Monday crew 😀😀

Some of the Monday crew 😀😀

Weekly get to know the crew…This handsome boy is Hendrix 🧡Hendrix is the softest,sweetest boy who loves nothing more tha...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This handsome boy is Hendrix 🧡
Hendrix is the softest,sweetest boy who loves nothing more than a big cuddle and will offer you endless kisses. We have been walking Hendrix since 24th November 2020 so he’s another OG. The way to his heart is definitely food if you have treats you have his full attention😂. He loves a good sniff walk and squirrels are the enemy! If we see one we don’t hear the end of it and will watch them for as long as it takes until they’re out if sight😂🐿️.
He really is a beautiful loving dog and us and his doggy friends are so happy we get to see that cute face every week🥹🥹.
We love you lots Hend 💙

I have the most amazing clients… Won’t go into too much detail but last year I got diagnosed with Rosecea which for anyo...

I have the most amazing clients…
Won’t go into too much detail but last year I got diagnosed with Rosecea which for anyone who doesn’t know is redness and sensitivity of my skin on my face. I get quite self conscious about it even though it’s really not the end of the world😂.I went to pick the spotty boys up this morning and received this present of skin care products which are hard to get hold of and brilliant for skin like mine. It’s really touched me that people who really are going through so much in their life at the moment have thought of me, you’re amazing and we love you so much 💜

Weekly get to know the crew… This is Zola the French Bulldog and this little girl a has been with us since 1st October 2...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This is Zola the French Bulldog and this little girl a has been with us since 1st October 2020 when she was as small as the first picture🥹. Zola is another OG and I have got to watch her grow up to be the sassy little diva she is😂.
She really is a little dog with the biggest character, the attitude she has always has us laughing. She loves walks with her best mate Beau but as long as he knows the score that she’s in charge 😂. Before her walk I tend to find her snoring her head off on her beanbag not really prepared for the walk ahead💤. When we come to the end of her walk she will not go into the house until everyone has cuddled and said bye to her (she’s the princess and should always be centre of attention)😂. When we come to see her it’s like the excitement takes over her body and her whole body wiggles it always puts a smile on our face. Zola you are great and we love you lots 💜

Due to the upcoming weather we will be changing things around abit for the safety of your babies…☀️☀️ We will be walking...

Due to the upcoming weather we will be changing things around abit for the safety of your babies…☀️☀️

We will be walking much earlier to get all our walks done before midday when it’s the hottest.
Anyone who needs us after midday will be a drop in visit 🌅

Walks might need to be shortened to keep dogs from over doing it and also to fit everyone in.⏰

Short nose breeds will be changed to drop ins🐽

We will be walking in woodland and shaded areas 🌲.

Thankyou all x

Drop in visits for this gorgeous three 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Drop in visits for this gorgeous three 🫶🏻🫶🏻



Weekly get to know the crew… This is Ben the jug one of our older members but young at heart. We have been walking Benji...

Weekly get to know the crew…
This is Ben the jug one of our older members but young at heart. We have been walking Benji since 17th January 2022 and he joined us because he sadly lost his bestfriend and his mum didn’t want him to feel lonely.
Ben has the biggest character and I could spend all day telling you all about him😂. He loves treats and cuddles and will literally lick you to death. He doesn’t know his age and can definitely keep up with the younger ones especially his favourite playmate Oakley. He is very independent too likes to toddle off on his own sniffing and adventuring. When we pick him up tend to find him cuddled up with his cat friend watching YouTube videos of cats and dogs. Then when we take him home he knows treats are coming his way so will bark as loud as he can until his door is open and he has them😂. He really is a little gem, we love him so much and thank him for always making us laugh 🖤






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