Event Dogs

Event Dogs Dog Trainer

Dog training, dog behaviour, dog obedience, clicker training, agility, HTM, heelwork-to-Music, canine freestyle, mantrailing, dog socials, dog friends and trainers


Ever wonder how dogs really feel about shock collars...?

Dog Parkour, 23rd September (evening) Spilsby, Lincolnshire - Work as a team with your dog to revolutionise your walks t...

Dog Parkour, 23rd September (evening) Spilsby, Lincolnshire - Work as a team with your dog to revolutionise your walks together by learning a brand new way to interact with the environment. (Full details via link)

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

Mantrailing, 21st September, Rayleigh, Essex - Would you like to try something new with your dog? Get a glimpse into the...

Mantrailing, 21st September, Rayleigh, Essex - Would you like to try something new with your dog? Get a glimpse into the wonderful world of scent, with your expert teacher... your dog! Work as a team together to find your 'missing' person. (Full details via link)

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

All of the autumn workshops are now on the web-site and ready for booking (in fact between them being ready last night a...

All of the autumn workshops are now on the web-site and ready for booking (in fact between them being ready last night and now some have already sold out!)

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

Oh, so many things that were NOT said, that should have been. Obviously the dog should never have been outside without i...

Oh, so many things that were NOT said, that should have been. Obviously the dog should never have been outside without its owner, and in this case also on lead. Obviously the owner needs to be accountable for their negligence in allowing this to happen. HOWEVER, because the press likes clear cut 'goodies' and 'baddies' they are painting this in a certain light... which in my mind is both wrong and unhelpful. They have praised the boy's bravery (and he was) in trying to protect his brother and sister... but I would argue that there is a VERY large chance that his actions of running away to 'distract' the dog were what caused it to attack in the first place. The combination of being outside its house (territory) mixed with a child that is running and trying to get its attention is absolutely going to trigger a chase, grab, bite reaction, which is exactly what happened. The wounds look like one single bite, which would go alongside this theory of a chase, grab, bite sequence. Whilst this is sad and never should have happened, just saying the dog 'attacked with no reason' is both wrong and highly unhelpful in further understanding and potentially preventing these sad cases. Also, stopping irresponsible owners from having these dogs would of course have stopped this happening in the first place, but just blaming the dogs really does not help.

Theo, 11, describes the "terrifying" moment he was attacked while protecting his siblings.

If you have one of these breeds you might be able to help understand the genetics behind this horrible disease (idiopath...

If you have one of these breeds you might be able to help understand the genetics behind this horrible disease (idiopathic epilepsy.) If they have the disease OR if they are over 8 years old and DON'T have the disease - Beagles, Border Collies, English Springer Spaniels, Giant Schnauzers, Hungarian Vizslas, Irish Setters, Italian Spinoni and Labrador Retrievers - THANK YOU - https://www.canine-genetics.org.uk/research/epilepsy/?fbclid=IwY2xjawDv51FleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHWWucR6a3xC7KAMiiob973k_olz7R66LbmA26vksPLfgBEk189-F_8bBYw_aem_5fHIxvde0AURlZKkbU2bFA

Epilepsy Epilepsy is the most prevalent chronic neurological disorder found in dogs. There are several different types of epilepsy; our research is primarily focused on idiopathic (cause unknown) epilepsy (IE). Many different dog breeds suffer from IE, although the age of onset and the type and patt...



Is it true that if we use cold water on heat stroke pets they will go into shock?

One of the most common things we still hear is that we can only use tepid water on a pet with heat stroke, incase they get some complications like hypothermic overshoot, peripheral vasoconstriction hindering a cooling response, and cardiogenic shock...

We have heard not to use cold water in case it causes shock... this rarely happens!

But guess what? In a recent study over 26% of dogs presented with heat stroke died, with flat faced breeds making up nearly half of heat stroke cases seen in the study.

You should:

💧Get someone to call the local veterinary practice and tell them you're going to travel down with a heat stroke patient
💧Pour, hose or if possible immerse the pet in very cold water (this should obviously be done under constant supervision, ensuring the head is fully above water and immersion should not be attempted if the animal is too large, or you are unable to do so without hurting yourself)
💧NB: If using a hose pipe, make sure it has run through until cold, as they can often contain water that is extremely hot in the tubing initially
💧Do not drape in towels and leave them in situ. Keep the cold water flowing.
💧Move to a cool, shaded area
💧Prepare to transport to vets in a cold, air conditioned car

In studies they found that:

🌅International consensus from sports medicine organisations supports treating EHS with early rapid cooling by immersing the casualty in cold water.
🌅Ice-water immersion has been shown to be highly effective in exertional heat stroke, with a zero fatality rate in large case series of younger, fit patients.
🌅Hyperthermic individuals were cooled twice as fast by Cold Water Immersion as by passive recovery.
🌅No complications occurred during the treatment of three older patients with severe heat stroke were treated with cold‐water immersion.
🌅Cold water immersion (CWI) is the preferred cooling modality in EHS guidelines and the optimal method applicable to UK Service Personnel
🌅Studies suggest using either ice-water or cold-water immersion

The best intervention is PREVENTION, but if you find yourself with an animal with heat stroke, using cold water either by pouring, hosing or ideally (if safe) immersion then this may help reduce their temperature to safe levels while you transport to a veterinary practice.

Read more below:


HTM Training Show, Saturday 29th June, Spilsby, Lincolnshire - The new car park is now finished meaning that although th...

HTM Training Show, Saturday 29th June, Spilsby, Lincolnshire - The new car park is now finished meaning that although the show was previously full, 2 extra places are now available. Full details about this and the Workshop on the Sunday are here -

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

We have 2 last minute places for Mantrailing in Rayleigh, Essex this coming Saturday. Full details here -

We have 2 last minute places for Mantrailing in Rayleigh, Essex this coming Saturday. Full details here -

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

If anyone near Essex wishes to try 'Mantrailing' with your dog we've got a couple of spaces left next Saturday :) -

If anyone near Essex wishes to try 'Mantrailing' with your dog we've got a couple of spaces left next Saturday :) -

When - Saturday, 27th April, 10am to approx 12pm (exact timings depends upon numbers in the group. Maximum group size is 5 and if the group size is smaller we will make sure each dog works for an appropriate length of time for them as an individual.) 


HTM Training Show - Would anyone be interested in a Training Show on Saturday the 29th June? There's a lovely new training barn with astro turf flooring near Spilsby (Lincolnshire) that I'd like to use and wondered if anyone would find it helpful to get some mid-season rewards and training in the ring? Also, the venue is near a campsite and is just 30 minutes from some fabulous sandy, dog-friendly, quiet beaches. I'll only organise the day if enough people are interested though so please comment below if you'd like to come along. Thanks 😊


This is from THE main dog law specialist in the UK (who does a lot to help dogs and owners.)

It is both sad and ironical that their needs actually ARE like human babies... but for some stupid reason people have th...

It is both sad and ironical that their needs actually ARE like human babies... but for some stupid reason people have the ridiculous notion that they will not have to do any of the same work that is required. For instance human babies and toddlers - bite people and chew things, need potty training (and however long dogs take it surely has to be easier than children!) need a LOT of sleep (and any sensible parent knows that sleep is NOT to be disturbed!) and need careful adult supervision to play nicely with other children and learn manners with adults. And don't even get me started on adolescence... hormones... nightmare! 😉 We understand that isolated human orphans who are tragically abandoned in orphanages and don't have a family to protect and guide them will end up with mental and emotional damage as a result and will need a lot of help to overcome that, and yet somehow expect an animal that is every bit in need of a loving, kind, clearly-defined-boundaries, stable family to be fine with being isolated and abandoned for 8+ hours per day and to be our 'perfect plaything' when we get home and have half an hour to spare for them. Dogs are family... and if you can't treat them as such, then they shouldn't join your family.

I need to write about normal.

An increasing number of people are giving up their dogs because they can't cope. However this seems to be because they do not really have an idea of what "normal" is and have a rather fantasy idea of what a dog should be.

Dogs are not people, however much we love them and it is important that this is realised.

The following things are all normal and any new dog owner needs to understand this:-
Puppies do not come ready trained and it is down to the new owner to work hard for a couple of years to do that training.
Puppies (all breeds) bite - it hurts.
Puppies chew stuff up. If you leave it lying around it will get eaten.
Puppies take a while to get house trained. The owner has to stand shivering in the garden at bedtime until the results happen. This can last for months.
Puppies - and indeed dogs - need to sleep a lot and should be left alone whilst doing so. They are not toys to be constantly carried around and petted.
Brain training toys do not make up for positive interaction and training with their owner.
Dogs rarely need clothes and wearing them indoors (except possibly for very old dogs) will make skin problems more likely.
Dogs don't necessarily like other dogs. They squabble can growl at each other and even fight. This is normal.
Bi***es come in season and have phantom pregnancies. These are normal body functions and should not cause anxiety.
Dogs and bi***es hump each other and objects. Not socially acceptable to humans but perfectly norma.
Dogs do not do spiteful or dominance or deliberate naughty or lots of other emotions people put on them They live for the day and can't differentiate between your new shoes and their toys.
If you spend your money in soft beds they will explode. The dog does not care how much it cost.
If a dog is bored or anxious it will chew stuff - this includes your sofa if you are daft enough to leave him unattended with it.

Dogs need exercise, love and attention and lots of training. They don't always get it right. If you can't accept all these normal things about a dog, please don't get one as the numbers being given up for normal behaviour is heartbreaking.

More details: www.whitebeamwood.co.uk

Last chance to try 'Mantrailing' with us in 2023 - Rayleigh, (Essex) 11th Nov, £29 - If your dog can cope in a public sp...

Last chance to try 'Mantrailing' with us in 2023 - Rayleigh, (Essex) 11th Nov, £29 - If your dog can cope in a public space (with other dogs and people) then you and they are very welcome to join us. We show you how to teach your dog to follow a specific human scent to find their 'missing' person. (All dogs work on a long-line.) See link for full details -

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events

Last place available on our 4th Nov, Freestyle workshop near Rayleigh, Essex

Last place available on our 4th Nov, Freestyle workshop near Rayleigh, Essex

Freestyle - Because there will only be 5 handlers we can tailor some of what we do to cover whatever would be helpful to each dog there (although the venue doesn't allow enough space to run through full routines.) We will definitely be covering creative ideas for props (so if you have any props y...

Want to try something new with your dog? Always wanted to work as a team with your dog and their amazing sense of smell?...

Want to try something new with your dog? Always wanted to work as a team with your dog and their amazing sense of smell? Yes? In that case you'll probably really enjoy mantrailing (teaching your dog to find 'missing' people.) We've got a few places left on our mantrailing workshop on the 7th October and beginners are really welcome (and the cost is only £29) This is the 12:30pm time slot, or the 10am and 3pm times also have a place left. (In Rayleigh, Essex) -

When - Saturday, 7th October, 12:30pm to approx 2:30pm (exact timings depends upon numbers in the group. Maximum group size is 5 and if the group size is smaller we will make sure each dog works for an appropriate length of time for them as an individual.) 

Event Dogs 100% agrees with our friends at Cambridge Dogs... especially their video statement.

Event Dogs 100% agrees with our friends at Cambridge Dogs... especially their video statement.

Your Sunday Pass Notes: The Dog Daddy

Ooh, he sounds nice and cuddly, bet he's kind to dogs!: Actually, no.

Who is he then? American self-proclaimed dog "trainer" with no accreditations or training but massive social media following is due to come over to the UK to tell us how to train our dogs. Sounds familiar so far?

So what's he like? Professional dog trainers and behaviourists have expressed concern over his methods and the Animal Training and Behaviour Council have issued a formal statement here: https://www.facebook.com/ABTCouncil/posts/pfbid0H7HQSvv86zWwjWwnUBcHMVZg76GYyPrggpnjLx51xgMQQm5k4QqnJghPNymC3JFNl

Give me the short version. He abuses dogs to shut them down and stop them being, well, dogs. The methods he uses are described as "outdated, inhumane, and contrary to the principles [the ABTC] uphold". And that's the polite version.

What's the impolite version? Couldn't possibly repeat it here, but if you enjoy reading a string of expletives over your Sunday lunch, go onto a UK dog training forum and ask about him.

What's the Cambridge Dogs statement on all of this: We'd really hope that anyone following our page would not take advice from a TikTok celebrity. Talk to your vet or an ABTC professional if you need help with your pet.

Stop fudging. What do you think of the Dog Daddy? See our video statement in full here. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDGbjLw2dEeUOoGqvoH_EghxZFrBrymt0?si=2LB2qFi0w7A_P118

Happy International Dog Day - from our family to yours 🐾

Happy International Dog Day - from our family to yours 🐾


Grantham / Sleaford Dog Training - Hi, some of you may know me but a lot of you probably don't. In 2004 I founded a loca...

Grantham / Sleaford Dog Training - Hi, some of you may know me but a lot of you probably don't. In 2004 I founded a local dog training centre, and local vets across Grantham, Sleaford and Newark sent their clients to us. I trained up a number of dog training instructors before my husband's job took us out of the area and about 15 years ago we had to move away. Happily we have moved back (trust me we all have the BEST dog walks round here, my dogs LOVE it!) and I'm really happy to be able to offer private lessons. For more info about me, my experience and my training methods (reward-based) feel free to take a look at the web-site, and any questions just ask 🙂 Whether you're a compete beginner with a pet dog or a professional trainer looking to up your own training skills you'd be really welcome. (More 1-2-1 training options will be coming soon)

Dog training and behaviour private lessons in Grantham, Sleaford or on-line.

Have some fun and learn to work with your dog as a team, using their nose to find 'missing' people. Mantrailing Workshop...

Have some fun and learn to work with your dog as a team, using their nose to find 'missing' people. Mantrailing Workshop details via link (in Rayleigh, Essex)

Dog Training and Behaviour Workshops, Courses and Events


Where - White Owl Dog Sports and Activity Centre (purpose built indoor training arena with astroturf flooring) near Crowland, Peterborough. 

We've got the last couple of places left on our Dog Activity Weekend on the 2nd-3rd September. If you enjoy having fun a...

We've got the last couple of places left on our Dog Activity Weekend on the 2nd-3rd September. If you enjoy having fun and learning new things with your dog we'd love you to join us! :)

Where - White Owl Dog Sports and Activity Centre (purpose built indoor training arena with astroturf flooring) near Crowland, Peterborough. 



In a historic moment for animal welfare, we’re welcoming news today that the Government is completely banning the use of remote controlled electric shock collars in England, as of 1 February 2024, following our ten year campaign. To find out more, visit thekennelclub.org.uk/shockcollarsbanned

Due to a dog now being unable to come we have a last minute place on a dog activity weekend (you're welcome to book just...

Due to a dog now being unable to come we have a last minute place on a dog activity weekend (you're welcome to book just part of the weekend if you'd prefer) THIS WEEKEND. Activities include Trick Training, Dog Sports Stylish Heelwork, Fast & Accurate Retrieve, Freestyle, Scent-work, Mantrailing and Parkour. Please follow link for further details :) https://www.eventdogs.co.uk/offers/DEg8sFFL

UPDATE - 1 PARTIAL PLACE NOW AVAILABLE - Although places for the full weekend were sold out, 1 partial place is now available due to one dog unfortunately being unable to come. Options are - 

The Courses page of the web-site has just been updated and all of the workshops for 2023 are now on there - https://www....

The Courses page of the web-site has just been updated and all of the workshops for 2023 are now on there - https://www.eventdogs.co.uk/courses

Event Dogs specialises in In-Person Workshops and (from 2023) On-Line Courses. These include workshops for Dog Trainers / Behaviourists (this will eventually include full teaching, workshops, coaching, encouragement and support,) Pet Dog (people wanting to have fun with their dog, try new activit...

Crufts Rally Obedience Day 1 live link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phr-MLS2_VE

Crufts Rally Obedience Day 1 live link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phr-MLS2_VE

Obedience is BACK! We are once again live from the Obedience Arena at Crufts 2023. Over the next 4 days we'll be streaming the Inter-Regional Rally, Inter-Re...

Crufts Day 1 live link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9P6EOyYMhI

Crufts Day 1 live link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9P6EOyYMhI

Crufts is BACK! We're thrilled to say that Day 1 of Crufts 2023 is finally upon us. We have an action packed first day for you in store at the greatest dog s...

Essex Dog Activity Weekend (click for full details) There's one full place left and one half place (Sunday only) left. T...

Essex Dog Activity Weekend (click for full details) There's one full place left and one half place (Sunday only) left. The Early Bird Discount runs out this Friday https://www.eventdogs.co.uk/offers/nExKuNaT

Discount Code - ESSEX10  - This will give you £10 off for the Early Bird discount and this code will expire on the 10th March. 



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