Westover Vets are one of only a few practices in Norfolk to be able to offer CT scanning to their patients on site. This state of the art equipment enables us to produce 3D images providing far more information than conventional X-rays.
This has huge benefits in:
🩺Orthopaedic disease- we are able to identify joint disease (such as hip and elbow disease in dogs) far earlier than with X-rays alone and in far more detail
🩺Cancer staging/checking for metastasis- this helps us plan and treat our oncology patients
🩺Respiratory disease- CT is the most sensitive way of imaging the lungs and nose
skull and middle ear disease
🩺Small animals such as birds and tortoises
Our state of the art, high resolution scanner allows scans to be performed in a matter of minutes thereby reducing the time our patients are under anaesthetic.
The early diagnosis and intervention resulting from using CT has already been, and will continue to be, a big positive for our patients moving forwards.