In light of today’s Bluetongue news, here is an update on the current situation and some FAQs on vaccination:
Following the identification of further bluetongue BTV-3 cases close to the edge of the Restricted Zones (RZs), the two RZs have now been merged and extended.
The new RZ now also covers all of Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Greater London, Surrey and West Sussex.
Animals must only be moved where it’s absolutely necessary.
More information on the restrictions and licences that apply is available on GOV.UK.
There are 3 Bluetongue vaccines being approved for use within the UK.
They will first only be available to high risk areas and are currently not in the country.
We are taking names, phone numbers and stock types and numbers of clients who would be interested in vaccinating their stock when it does become available.
The decision to vaccinate depends on looking at risks and benefits for your farm.
The data available shows the vaccines will reduce clinical signs in stock but does not stop the spread of disease.
As a reminder clinical signs include lameness, nasal discharge, swelling, crusting/reddening of muzzle, lethargy, milk drop.
There can be side of effects of the vaccine such as transient fever and nodules at vaccine site. There is no particular contraindication of vaccinating pregnant animals, although a fever can potentially cause abortion. It would not be recommended to be used in breeding males at this stage.
Immunity will be sufficient 3-4 weeks post primary course which is likely to be two doses. Animals over 1 month should be able to be vaccinated. The vaccine needs to be kept at 4oC and a vial must be used within 10 hours of opening. Choice of vaccine for your farm may depend on availability, dose route, pack size etc. The price is yet to be confirmed.
Please email [email protected] with name, farm name, mobile number & stock type and numbers you would like to vaccinate.
The Livestock Team