Remember to release after every aid. Releasing aids as soon as the horse gives the desired response is extremely important.
First, the release tells the horse that he did what you wanted. This removal of pressure is what scientists call 'negative reinforcement', because pressure has been removed. It makes the horse more likely to respond next time you give an aid.
Second, the release gives the horse a chance to develop self-carriage (when he maintains tempo, speed and line). This has the added benefit of giving riders the chance to return to their own neutral position (eg, 'quiet' legs and hands).
Third, the release makes it easier for the horse to tell the difference between one aid and another. This improves rider communication and reduces horse confusion.
Note: This particular Training Tuesday tip is about releasing after every aid, which is called 'negative reinforcement'. From the earliest rider Certificate, Pony Club Australia encourages 'positive reinforcement', which involves adding something that a horse finds pleasurable, like a scratch or a food reward.