Fantastic Client Progress Video from our Online Training & Behaviour Programme!
Fantastic Client Progress Video from our Online Training & Behaviour Programme!
Multiple dog households!
If you have multiple dogs in your household, then you might find that your dogs react to whatever the other dog is doing.
Does one of your dogs bark and the other joins in or becomes agitated?
This is because whatever the other dogs do in the household has a HUGE impact on every single one of your dog’s adrenaline and cortisol levels in their brains!
Teaching all dogs the value of settling on their beds and being called off individually for one on one time with their owners has so many benefits!
✔️It creates calmness in the household
✔️Teaches them the value of settling around each other
✔️Can help with resource guarding owners or sofas and beds
✔️Increases their impulse control whilst one of them settles and the other does training
✔️Can help with overstimulation and over arousal behaviours
The benefits are endless and this video shows massive progress with Zeus & Bentley waiting for their turn to be released from their beds to interact with their owner. 🙌
You can join our Online Training & Behaviour Programme for a FREE 14 day trial to transform your dog’s behaviour and receive support and training advice from our Award Winning Dog Trainers!
🔘 Video approved by owner
If your day to day life with your dog is stressful and feels like more of a chore than a joy, then you are not alone.
Over 80% of dog owners struggle with their daily life with their dog.
Do you want your dog to learn crucial life skills such as:
✔️Polite greetings with other dogs and people
✔️Reliable recall
✔️Walk nicely on lead
✔️ Ignore other dogs and people without lunging or barking
✔️ Leave food and other high value items
✔️Settle at home or in busy environments
✔️Advanced obedience
✔️ Or specific training like gun dog training and scent training
Through our 14 day free trial, and then for 9.50 per week you can deep dive into accessing help for all things training and behaviour from our Award Winning Dog Trainers and through our amazing content.
Plus you can cancel at anytime - no strings attached!
✔️Join our weekly support clinics for help and support with a training struggle
✔️Live weekly training classes to tackle behaviour issues with the Head Dog Trainer
✔️Access to 10+ in depth courses and 200+ video tutorials to help support you along your training journey.
✔️Trainer Guru, receive training help anywhere with our instant access online Trainer guru
✔️ Downloadable resources to help keep you on track
✔️ Discount to major dog brands
✔️ Discount to our future courses.
✔️Facebook support group
✔️Training plans and mentoring support
✔️Plus, gain accreditation through our Excellent Dog Awards Programme (EDC) from Bronze to Gold Awards.
✔️Training Trackers
✔️Rosettes (EDC)
✔️Online Video submissions
✔️Online Facebook group
✔️WhatsApp support
✔️Weekly Wednesday zoom calls
Link below to start your 14 day free trial!
The difference between a Therapy Dog and an Assistance dog!
For some; these job roles might be heavily associated with each other! But actually they are completely different job roles!
An assistance dog is trained to support their handler through their every day life whether that be mental or physical health struggles!
Unfortunately in the assistance dog world we see so many (owners) slap on an in training assistance dog harness bought off Amazon!
Their dog probably hasn’t gone through any temperament testing or public access testing through an accredited organisation.
This can massively have an impact on actual temperament tested and public accessed trained assistance dogs!
Assistance dogs are trained to support their handler.
For myself as the head dog trainer I have my own assistance dog who has been temperament assessed and is at gold level for assistance dog training.
Ernie for myself is trained to perform specific tasks to help support me with my everyday life.
However, therapy dog work is a completely different job role!
A therapy dog is trained to give therapy to others such as in hospice setting, residential home, hospital, school you name it.
Therapy dogs are trained to GIVE therapy to others.
My own assistance dog is also an accredited therapy dog that actually gives therapy to others through our animal assisted interventions which is very rare that a dog can do both.
Having a dog that can do both is increibly rare and I am so grateful that Ernie has the skills to support myself and also others when asked.
Please also note;
❗️Assistance temperament tested dogs have public access rights
❗️Therapy dogs do not have access to non dog friendly places and only have access to dog friendly places
Do you have an over friendly dog?
Do you have an over friendly dog?
Do they lunge or bark when they get to the end of the lead?
Do they want to greet everyone and anyone when they’re out and about?
Disengagement is one of the most crucial skills we need to teach our dogs!
Luna is a beautiful 8 month old Labrador and LOVES other dogs!
What we did to set her up for success:
Foundation disengagement skills
✔️Let’s go
✔️Duration cue
✔️Figure of 8 walking
✔️Circle heeling
In her follow up 1:1 we got out our calm demo dog, Lola who isn’t interested in other dogs.
Which is the perfect exposure that you need when you are focusing on disengagement with an over friendly dog.
Luna was interested in Lola to start with, however, she was able to start to disengage quickly, plus recall and walk past her with ease!
This is what dog training should look like!
🔘Training plan
🔘Gradual exposure
🔘Environment Proofing
🔘Demo dog exposure
Well done Luna and handlers!
A fantastic session! 😍
Beau, Level 4 Assistance Dog In Training!
Beau, Level 4 Assistance Dog In Training!
We caught up with Beau to focus on some specific behaviours to work towards her PAT test.
Beau has sailed through all our Assistance dog levels!
There were some slight tweaks we needed to focus on, such as confidence with moving away with a stranger.
In this video you will see Beau demonstrating perfect loose leash walking off leash and also pace changes to match her handler.
This is exactly what we are looking for when we are assessing an assistance dog with their loose leash walking and engagement.
We want the assistance dog to be focused and to be able to change pace and stop when she notices the handler stops or moves without becoming distracted around people, other dogs and smells.
Well done Beau and her awesome handler! 🐾
Benji the ‘In Training Assistance Dog!’ Benji the Border Terrier is awaiting his mock PAT test and he is going from strength to strength!
Benji the ‘In Training Assistance Dog!’
Benji the Border Terrier is awaiting his mock PAT test and he is going from strength to strength!
These are the videos of Benji that have been sent to us of him supporting his handler at a choir group.
This is the beauty of having an assistance dog, as Benji’s handler wouldn’t have had the confidence to go out in a group setting without Benji’s support.
We are supper proud of them both and this is why our passion is always about helping handlers achieve their goals with their assistance dogs.
Info; Benji’s handler has approved this video on social media.
How Storms Affects Your Dog! ⛈️
⛈️ How Storms Affect Your Dog! ⛈️
Our Saturday classes and 1:1’s are cancelled today due to Storm Darragh.
We will be monitoring the weather and keeping you updated about tomorrow’s classes.
Please keep all your dogs safe and be aware of how storms can potentially cause trigger stacking in our dogs.
Why dogs are more sensitive to storms:
🤯 Scent will be blowing everywhere causing some dogs to feel confused and overwhelmed. This is because they will find it harder to process information. This can also cause sensory overload.
⚡️There is more electricity in the air which can cause static to build up in your dog’s fur which can cause static shock.
➖ Our dogs are more sensitive to changes in the weather, they can feel changes in the static electric field that occur in the air, especially as a strong storm approaches!
🌬Random objects can be blown, creating noise and sudden movement which can startle dogs and create a flight response.
🛑 Changes in barometric pressure can cause behaviour changes…
As the pressure gets lower, it causes a change to how scent travels.
➖ Sometimes dogs can become overstimulated and curious, and interested about picking up scents in the air and some might be interested about following the scents and to go exploring!
You might see your dog sniffing the air as a storm approaches, that can be to do with monitoring incoming weather change. As pressure in the air gets lower, the way odors travel changes. Your dog can notice these changes!
🤯 All of these things can cause trigger stacking!
How you can help your dog:
✖️ Make sure all garden gates are locked
🔴 Make sure all threshold points (back door and front doors are locked at all times)
⚫️ Always have your dog on a lead even if they have good recall!!
🛑 Ditch the walks
🚽 Supervised visits to the garden for toileting
👃 Indoor Scent Training
💤 Enrichment activities
📺 Block out noise by putting TV or calm music on
Jump No More Course
Jump No More Course! LIMITED SPACES!
❓Does your dog jump up at everyone and anyone?
❓Does your dog bark when the door bell goes?
❓Does your dog find it hard to settle when visitors come into the home?
Join our ‘Jump No More’ online training course where we teach:
🔘Greeting to people and dogs calmly
🔘Not reacting to the door bell
🔘Threshold point training (front or back door)
🔘Settling on cue
🔘Teaching and proof settling when visitors come round
🔘Duration settle
🔘Duration greeting with strangers
🔘Polite greeting with dogs
🔘Teaching send to bed
Bonuses through our online course:
✔️25 Videos
✔️WhatsApp support from Head Trainer
✔️Bonus videos
✔️Online support group
💰 £21 for the entire Jump No More Course!
To book your space for our enrolment date on Monday 9th December, please send us a message with your email address!
Watch Our Dogs Train!
Watch Our 7 Dogs Train!
Do you give your dog a job to do?
Studies have shown that giving your dog a job to do or an outlet can prevent and also help behavioural struggles!
Our dogs (no matter the breed) are bred to do so much more than just to be content with a few walks around the neighbourhood each day.
Or are you finding that letting your dog off lead in rural locations - only for them to go (self employed) and not check in with you, chase wild life and run up to every dog and person!
Our Dogs all have different jobs and outlets:
Marley: 13 year old Labrador (Retired demo dog) still loves to do small tasks, tricks and scent work!
Lola: 11 year old Cockapoo (Retired demo dog) still loves to do scent work and is amazing at it - watch her go in the video! 😍
Bella: 7 year old Cockapoo - LOVES trick training and obedience training!
Winnie: Gun dog training, scent work and tasks and trick training!
Ernie: 4 year old Golden Retriever - Therapy & Assistance Dog!
Nobbies: 2 year old Golden Retriever - Water retrieval, canicross and scent work!
Tom: 1 year old Golden Retriever - Water retrieval, therapy dog training, canicross and scent work!
All of our dogs no matter their age or breed have a job or outlet!
This is so important for their well being and they thrive with all of the jobs and outlets that they’re able to do!
Did you know that as an Academy we train dogs for:
🔘Gun Dog Training
🔘Water Retrieval
🔘Scent Work
🔘Obedience Training
🔘Therapy Dog Training
🔘Assistance Dog Training
🔘Tasks & Tricks
🔘Puppy Training
🔘Adolescence Training
Find out what your dog would love to do by sending us a message and starting your training journey with us!
Digging enrichment after puppy field trip class… 😍
Digging enrichment time after puppy class!
Can your dog recall away from birds?
Can your dog recall away from birds?
Building a reliable recall is one of the most important life skills you can teach your dog… it can also save your dog’s life!
Here is Nelly practicing her whistle recall mid chase from birds…
We teach whistle training through our Gun Dog & Adolescence course!
‘Bull Dogs Are Stubborn!!’
‘Bull Dogs Are Stubborn!!’
Has anyone told you that you your Bull Dog is stubborn, and do people stereotype your bully breed?
Well, let us tell you that Bull dogs are amazing to train, as with all dogs their reinforcers to do certain behaviours can be different! And it’s up to us to find out each dog’s highest value reward!
We have been training Reggie since he was a puppy and when he first came to our Puppy Classes.
Reggie is a fantastic example of his breed and has gone from strength to strength with his training.
During our adolescence course we went through different reward motivators (mainly treat based as he is a big foodie) and started building a reliable whistle recall and emergency stop.
Here he is practicing his whistle recall around wildlife!! 👏👏
Reggie has successfully completed:
☑️ Puppy Class Course
☑️ Adolescence Course
☑️ And is now enrolled to start his Therapy Dog journey with us!