Bluey and Ciara going through the bridge, cones and jumps..great work! IF YOU FANCY TRYING A SIMILAR WORKSHOP, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH
Xi and Leanne doing a great job on the course yesterday..after getting used to each section, all dogs went through the whole course
Koko enjoying her recall training on Sunday. Use of a lure tug toy acts as a different reward than food and can be higher value to the dog
Thought i would show you the HUGE range of dog goodies available at Garners garden centre! So much choice plus dog food..recommend you visit and support a local business..
combo trick vids from the BBasics dogs..1st up is Gordon...
lots of work on building a great recall last night...heres Ralph recalling to a tug toy!
IMPROVERS COURSE - places available to book! TUES 7-8PM, starting soon. Contact Kate to book: 07962 034342
Obi doing a brill middle trick too with eye contact..fab work!!
Nanook doing a cracking middle trick!
george and bear tug of war!
Great outside session for the Beginners/ Improver dogs today..with beans poppy jasper arlo and kobi exploring town and some stayed for a short offlead session too!
lab play between arlo and on really well!
great walk earlier with arlo george nova koda and bear!
vid of the Beginners Tues class practicing handling routines
pup wind down routine to finish a fun session..all pups worn out at the end of a fun filled session incl some basic training too!