Naked Sphynx Cat Hampshire

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Naked Sphynx Cat Hampshire Naked Sphynx Cat Hampshire is the page dedicated to my Sphynx cats and the kittens born to them.

Sphynx Cat Club Approved & TICA Registered Cattery: NakedSphynxCat

This HAS to be addressed. We’ve finally turned from blue to red. It’s taken them 14 years of poor leadership & cutting f...

This HAS to be addressed. We’ve finally turned from blue to red. It’s taken them 14 years of poor leadership & cutting funding spent in social & public health with all warnings totally ignored.

We all KNOW that it’s going to take time & money to fix this horrid mess. This programme is absolutely right in what was said, that people will put off seeking the care they need, particularly those who are clinically vulnerable who would be so at risk in a crowded and unhygienic “fit to sit” or corridors Ward scenario. None of this is acceptable . We must repair our most precious service. Pay the doctors, nurses and hospital staff well, train & recruit more of every job that’s required from the bottom upwards. Make wanting to train & to remain in the industry something that people can and will want to do. Look after our NHS, allow it to look after us.

There is so much to fix, let’s start right here. Let’s support our new government in doing this work.

Over three months, Dispatches has filmed undercover in a busy NHS A&E department


Happy birthday Noodle. I miss you sooooo much darling girl


Mating Day for Prune
After a long wait, and a year off while I had a surgery, and having attained all of her FELV/FIV and HCM heart screening certification my sweet wrinkly black Prune has gone into heat.

She is a cat who is very quiet about it so it’s always been a case of watching for those little giveaway signs!

So, having fuelled our chariot & loading her beloved heat mat we went off on a magnificent journey today passing through multiple weather events swallowing the miles to reunite her with her handsome beau.

It turned out that he was rather eager to see her, dispensing entirely with any kind of social pleasantries before claiming her as his.

I came home solo & will return for her in a few days & have already begun the 21 day wait to confirm her (final) pregnancy.

Her amazing pure pedigree Sphynx kittens will be due in late May/early June . Contact us for details!

New photos taken yesterday. One kitten was not wanting to model. Can you spot which one? Now 8 weeks old, they received ...

New photos taken yesterday. One kitten was not wanting to model. Can you spot which one?

Now 8 weeks old, they received their 1st Vaccinations & microchips this week with not even a squeak. Such brave kittens! Their 2nd vaccinations on August 8th & they’ll be ready to go from 10th.

The kittens are growing amazingly fast & at almost 5 weeks, we’ve begun weaning. One kitten got the hang of it immediate...

The kittens are growing amazingly fast & at almost 5 weeks, we’ve begun weaning. One kitten got the hang of it immediately & is eager to eat each time I arrive with food. Over the last day two others have started to get the hang of it but I am having to remind them that they need to lower their heads…. I do this with food on my fingers and as they lean in to eat I lower and lower my hand until they are eating from the dish. They are fine then eating away until they put their heads up and forget how it’s done all over again. The fourth kitten however is stubbornly rejecting the idea of eating the solids preferring g mums milk. But, she is very much wanting to get them eating prey by bringing toy mice to the den frequently funny girl. We are persevering as he will soon come to appreciate the texture and taste of meat. It’s a messy process for sure!


So cute, these babies are now ranging between a hefty 150-161g each on day 6. One is a little confused in its body mapping, while the others are bunched up all hunting out the same tears! Love the way one is ousted nosed out and just crumples into a kitten puddle!

We greeted these 4 little beauties this morning. 3 solid blue (1 F, 2 M) plus 1 solid black (F). Mum is being an absolut...

We greeted these 4 little beauties this morning. 3 solid blue (1 F, 2 M) plus 1 solid black (F). Mum is being an absolute star as ever. Very proud and delighted

This beautiful girl is just days away from giving birth. I can see & feel her kittens stretching their limbs in the smal...

This beautiful girl is just days away from giving birth. I can see & feel her kittens stretching their limbs in the small amount of room left to them as they prepare to make their arrival. We can’t wait!

We are delighted to announce a successful pregnancy for gorgeous Prunella Prudence. We’re already counting the days with...

We are delighted to announce a successful pregnancy for gorgeous Prunella Prudence. We’re already counting the days with excitement & can’t wait to welcome her beautiful new kittens due around May 22nd!

To apply to welcome one into your home in August, please email [email protected] or contact us via WhatsApp..


Prune’s gone on a honeymoon. Kittens here we come 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

We only have 3 more weeks left to enjoy this years kittens. What a cute  pack of wrinkly raisins they are. Prune has bee...

We only have 3 more weeks left to enjoy this years kittens. What a cute pack of wrinkly raisins they are.

Prune has been the most gentle, patient & giving mum, I am seriously in awe of her & couldn’t love her more. Even at 9 weeks she is still allowing the boys to suckle her ( for short bursts) attempting to deter them by offering toy mice as a substitute (she and Noodle both do this!).

The boys smiled their best Hollywood smiles & while one boy was “pre-ordered”’the other 3 have captured the hearts of 3 additional fabulous families who will give them all the love that I would want them to have in their lives after they leave us at 12 weeks old.

The solid black kitten is named Humphrey & was very very popular with several interested parties asking after him, however as a solid black boy to be sold on active was a long-standing pre-order request from this incredible breeding line, he is set to become a sire for a cattery of sound repute.

The three solid blue lads are going inactive to live in various little pockets in the south.

Grogu (named after the Baby Yoda character in Star Wars & The Mandalorian chapters) is a first Sphynx for his family though, dare I say it, he will not their last or only one - Don’t those of us already blessed to share our lives with this breed know that they are not only life-altering but also dangerously addictive!

He isn’t moving far from us actually, just under 10 miles to Botley village. He will be living with a super family who have two lovely children so he will never be short of playmates, attention or love.

Next up is Basil, who is also a first Sphynx for his new family, but he most definitely isn’t their first pet. Long awaited by super-fit running-mad new mum, C & dad, N, his feline sibling (Otis) is a Tonk, plus he will have two canine siblings as well as a host of 5 Hooman siblings. I believe young Rose is eagerly counting down the days! Basil is moving to live in a townhouse in Bridgwater, Somerset. Stairs will be a new concept for him but being as there are three floors he will have to learn pdq! I think there’ll be never a dull moment with ample playmates in his multi-level playground.

Last, but never least, is Vincent Poe who is going off to live in South Heighton, nr Newhaven in East Sussex. His new family of hoomans is teacher mum A, and her two sons all of whom have been hypnotised by the breed having adopted their first Sphynx kitten earlier this spring. How very remiss that no one thought to warn them that one Sphynx is never enough!!

His feline sibling theres is called Gilbert. Those of you who are Sci~Fi movie buffs may already have spotted a spooky coincidental theme link here between two of the new families… let me explain (if I can)

Vincent Poe is the favourite character of Vincent’s new mum A. Now, forgive me, I’m not up to speed on all this, but my understanding is that Vincent Poe was a partner of some kind to the character called Gilbert Grogu, hence the two Sphinxes names Vincent & Gilbert have a hidden link to the film series (only spotted by Star Wars nerds I guess?)

But wait, you also spotted the name Gilbert Grogu - yes, this is the same Grogu character that I mentioned above for thekitten Grogu going to the family in Botley.

It’s a bit bizarre, at least to me who is not a sci-fi movie watcher, that two kittens from one litter that are going to two different families who do not know one another are named from the same film series! Before last week I’d not heard the word/name Grogu, now I’ve been using it as I chatter to the kittens it feels totally normal, not unusual at all!

I’m very happy with the families we’ve chosen & who in turn chose us. I do not ever take for granted the warm & loving homes that are offered to our NSCH kittens & cherish my kitten families always. Yes, it’s true I do feel a bit sad when the kittens leave, it’s a rollercoaster ride from mating, pregnancy & then the terrifying thrill of the births & the many sleepless nights that follow as they establish themselves outside of the womb. Those weeks are hard, it’s not glamorous, sometimes it’s horrible, but it’s also a massive honour & privilege- to be trusted so completely by my cats as they produce their babies and to support them in every way I can while they nurture them. In the final few weeks, the weaning, litter training and endless p**p scooping - but also the fun, frolics and joy.

I miss them very much, but I am able to continue to love them by supporting their new families & as they choose to share with me photos & stories of their many escapades throughout their onward journey into their new lives.

So, the clock is ticking… with a little less than 3 weeks before they begin to trickle away… I’m very excited for their new stories to begin.


The boys have their names. We have
Humphrey, Grogu, Basil & Vincent Poe
Thank you for choosing NSCH Kittens

Night xx

Night xx

Sweet Dreaming little lad!

Sweet Dreaming little lad!

Here’s the latest update to my blog. It includes 4 short videos clips, one for each 6 day old kitten. See what you think...

Here’s the latest update to my blog. It includes 4 short videos clips, one for each 6 day old kitten. See what you think & don’t forget to let me know if there’s something you’d like to see more of or know!

Purebred Pedigree Sphynx Cat & Sphynx Kittens in Hampshire UK. Meet Noodle, Prune & Fl**zy & learn all about the incredible Sphynx breed cat

Thought I’d show you how these little sausages are doing on day 4. Mummy Prune has her boys all lined up & is being a ve...

Thought I’d show you how these little sausages are doing on day 4. Mummy Prune has her boys all lined up & is being a very loving & patient mum.

The lads are very greedy & are right little guzzlers, feeding on mums milk as well as supplementary feeding by yours truly. The guide says kittens in week one should have 2-4ml per feed & 7 feeds over a 24 hour period (every 3 hours & 40 minutes) but no one has given these guys the memo. I have been giving each kitten 5ml 4 times a day & I have to physically stop them taking more. I want them to be slightly unsatisfied so that they’ll keep demanding mums milk which will make her produce more in response, but how much would they take if I didn’t stop them… between them on the last of my feeds was a total of 37ml of milk & this time I let them have their fill. I had about 8ml left when they were all milk-drunk. That was just before 6pm & they are already back up at the bar suckling at 7:30pm.

No eyes open yet but their sweet tucked down & sealed ears which the facial muscles cause to move back and forth as they suckle (cute!) are beginning to unfurl & bloom. Very soon they’ll be straight up like satellite dishes & the canals will be unsealing. Their shrivelled umbilical cords are still there but they’ll drop off very soon now.

They have such different faces… I don’t know if the sizes and shapes will continue to be so different, but there’s a definite facial difference in them which will, IF it stays that way, allow me to easily distinguish one from the other as they start to show their individual characters….

Mum & her sons! She is so proud of them, it’s a joy to hear her purring away with them scooped against her tummy.

Mum & her sons! She is so proud of them, it’s a joy to hear her purring away with them scooped against her tummy.


The long awaited kittens have (finally) put in their appearance.

If I’ve sexed them correctly (& I will check again later on) there are 4 boys, 3 are blue, 1 (last born & biggest) is black.

I didn’t see the first arrive - weirdly Prune had that one in a bed that she never, ever goes in - a black radiator hammock. When she got in itas she appeared cosy I let her stay there - but when I had a trip to the loo she moved - after then she was in a birthing box where she stayed and where she had what I now know to be the rest of the litter.

It was not until a short while ago when I heard a kitten yell from across the room that I discovered the kitten that came first all alone out of sight until I ran my hand in the hammock and uncovered him. Thank goodness for that yell as I’d never have known he was there!

The three I watched arrive all came breach, with the last two born soon after one another, and without a placenta coming between their arrivals (which is what should happen).

I was horrified that she stood up after each kitten came too, before placenta had delivered, with the kittens then dangling from their umbilical cords. When she stood with the two there attached they were yelling and squabbling like mad!

Throughout it all not a peep of pain from mum other then little short mews as her labour progressed and which were directed at me as if to seek comfort & to let me know to stay nearby. I did my best not disappoint her on that score however my Crohns was not assisting me much there, and as I had to keep leaving her she did keep calling & if I was too long, then getting up to come see me. I’m so sorry Prune.

Though I’ve disturbed her more than I would have wanted to, I don’t think there will be any more now as she’s been quiet now a fair while.

Never say never though, as cats can go a few days if they are disturbed so there’s a small chance of a late surprise!

They are good weights - from 82g smallest (1st) - to 91, 92 & 95 grams each for the others.

Well done beautiful Prune. You did a wonderful job my darling.

Feeling Prune’s babies moving. 2 weeks & 5 days to go!

Feeling Prune’s babies moving. 2 weeks & 5 days to go!

Kittens are Coming!!!!This is DAY 21; beautiful Prunella Prudence (Prune) has pinked right on time! Yayyyy!This means th...

Kittens are Coming!!!!

This is DAY 21; beautiful Prunella Prudence (Prune) has pinked right on time! Yayyyy!

This means that her kittens will be due to arrive around about July 7th

Prune is solid black & has intense yellow/green eyes. The sire is solid blue with stunning green eyes. This means that Prune’s kittens will all be solid coloured blue or black & will have with yellow/green or green eyes.

Timescale-wise, Sphynx Kittens always remain with their mother at the cattery until they are a full 12 weeks of age so they will be ready to collect having been microchipped & fully vaccinated at the end of September.

Should Covid allow it & I feel it is safe, masked & sanitised in person viewings will be opened from no sooner than 8 weeks of age after kittens have received their first (of 2) vaccinations.

As an alternative, video call viewings, & regular updates including photos & videos will be offered/available at any time once the kittens are established & settled.

I’m so excited to be welcoming new life into our home at last & can’t wait to share it with you!

If you are looking to provide a loving home to a Pedigree Sphynx Kitten & would like to consider one of my gorgeous “kittens-to-come” please feel free to email:

[email protected]

Or visit our website:



Prune is back from her “honeymoon”
Is she or Isn’t she?

Prunella Prudence (Prune) has kittens in the making - so watch this space for more detail over the coming weeks.Please f...

Prunella Prudence (Prune) has kittens in the making - so watch this space for more detail over the coming weeks.

Please feel free to send us a message if you are seeking a quality pedigree Sphynx Kitten with excellent health & heritage to join your family.

Parents are heart health certified. Dam: Prune is solid black, green/yellow eyes.
Sire: He is solid blue with green eyes.
Kittens: will be either solid black or solid blue and will have green/green-yellow eyes.



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