The voice of the animals

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The voice of the animals Helping you and your animal through a combination of holistic therapies - Animal Communication, Trus It recognises the individual and animal are equal.


Simply a feeling language working on the emotional level helping you understand how your pet is feeling and the reasons for their behaviour. I listen intuitively through the feelings of the animal, picking up accurate information about the animals character, physical and emotional wellbeing. I interpret the feelings, images or words I receive and translate them

to you. This gives you an insight of the animals perspective which can deepen your level of understanding and trust for your animal. TRUST TECHNIQUE

Mindfulness with you and your animal is a gentle, peaceful connection while in the present moment. Sharing mindfulness with your animal creates and builds a core bond, trust and confidence in each other.

When an animal or a person is over-thinking this can create emotional imbalances, making it more difficult to understand or connect with each other. This can have a negative impact on the relationship and ultimately may lower trust levels. Anxious over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people.

The trust technique is a mindfulness approach to help people and their animals overcome so called “behavioural problems”. There is always an emotional feeling behind these “behavioural problems” whether it be fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, guilt, sadness, grief, or over excitement.

The trust technique has the ability to break or change these emotion’s, giving time and space for the animal to re-learn how to behave in a peaceful way. When you help your animal in this way it improves trust and your animal will start to look to you for guidance in other situations which make them feel unsure or worried. Trust is everything in all relationships and daily practice of mindfulness shared with your animal will enhance your connection and bond.

The Trust Technique recognises that people and animals share feelings and daily practice of the Trust Technique creates a shared peace of mind – the opposite to over-thinking.

This dynamic approach moves past the, often hidden, dominance between people and animals. The animal is regarded as an intelligent being, able to work together with a human in trusted cooperation. The reward is a more truthful understanding of the animal’s opinions and allows for communication that manifests in shared well being.

As a Trust Technique Practitioner, I will be supporting people and their animals. The aim is to help both be more peaceful in their lives by introducing a daily therapeutic practice. The Trust Technique consultation delivers an integral structure of support while keeping within the laws and guidelines of professional practice. ANIMAL REIKI

Reiki is a non-invasive, natural, gentle but powerful healing technique working to promote the health and wellbeing of your pet. Reiki relieves stress and triggers the bodies natural healing abilities to improve and maintain health. The different hand positions are designed to channel energy to all organs, glands and energy points within the body. The Reiki received will work on the body or mind in accordance with the greatest need. The Reiki has a calming and peaceful effect on animals

Bring your pets energy vibration back to harmony when it has been unbalanced or lowered through illness, emotional stress or trauma. As your pet listens to the sounds, the sound vibrations are picked up via the nervous system transporting these impulses to nearly every organ, which stimulates the cells to receive the vibration. Increasing your pets body vibration can help keep your pet healthy or help it restore back to physical health. The sounds have a very powerful effect on animals sending most animals into a deep state of relaxation where healing can occur.

Good news of Millie - an extremely aggressive cat, Trust Technique was what was needed!Millie is a different cat now to ...

Good news of Millie - an extremely aggressive cat, Trust Technique was what was needed!

Millie is a different cat now to the vicious, scared cat Catherine came to see! Catherine saw her at her worst, a cat you couldn’t get near who would attack, she was terrified of shoes and boots so was really difficult to approach even to put food down. Millie had had a horrible neck and armpit injury from a collar where she had got her entire arm through her collar and nobody could see there was even a collar there, it had an old-fashioned buckle. We think she may have been like this for many weeks so would have been in agony as the flesh was growing around the collar. Her owner had gone into a home and neighbours were feeding Millie, we think she may have been kicked by people trying to protect themselves. She was just like a wild cat when I collected her with tremendous difficulty, not for the faint hearted, a brave vet operated on her.

I was at the end of my tether trying to look after Millie as she recovered, she wanted to attack my legs all the time, I was really frightened of her. Catherine came to my rescue as I’d heard about the Trust Technique. She was extremely patient and showed me and a colleague techniques of how to relax, clear our minds, stay calm and help Millie to not feel threatened by us. It was baby steps at first but we could see a calming effect immediately so we knew we would get there in the end. Cathereine could communicate with Millie to find out how she was feeling. The technique just needed practice and time. The results started to show gradually as Millie became more relaxed and got the message that we were trying to help her.

I am still fostering Millie but at the age of 14, she is difficult to rehome so she will stay with me. A few months later Millie is now lovely, very affectionate to me, totally bonded now and wants to be with me a lot of the day and have a cuddle on the bed at night. She loves being stroked and will climb on my lap. She has lost all of her awful aggression. She has a few quirks and hates one of the other cats here. We have a few bad habits over territory - spraying her mark sometimes as there are a few cats here but I can forgive her for that in her circumstances as she had such a rough time. She is very healthy now and loves the garden here and just being a cat in the sun. Thank you Catherine for your patience with Millie and me!

Catherine has been fantastic in really helping me work with my dog (a 4 year old cavapoo) in understanding what has been...

Catherine has been fantastic in really helping me work with my dog (a 4 year old cavapoo) in
understanding what has been going on for him with a chronic period of long-lasting illness,
stemming from a previously undiagnosed congenital condition, and crucially how to work with him to help him stabilise and start to regain health and wellbeing. Catherine’s
communication with both Wilf and myself has been a key element of his recovery, and with
the work and ongoing support with learning the Trust Technique, Catherine has given us the
tools to reinforce Wilf’s wellbeing which will be a fundamental part of managing his health
condition going forward. Many thanks to Catherine for her diligence and care.

I did it! I qualified as a Trust Technique Practitioner in September 2019. I am now offering Trust Technique consultatio...

I did it! I qualified as a Trust Technique Practitioner in September 2019. I am now offering Trust Technique consultations via skype helping people and animals.

Catherine helped me with animal communications for my dog Poppy. I emailed Catherine two pictures. From this she was abl...

Catherine helped me with animal communications for my dog Poppy. I emailed Catherine two pictures. From this she was able to give me a 100% accurate details of the problems that Poppy had, and the symptoms she shows. She also gave me an insight into her past history as Poppy is a rescue dog. Catherine is also going to teach me the trust technique to help Poppy. Catherine was very professional with a calm, and friendly demeanor. I would highly recommend her services. Thank you so much Catherine.

Another lovely testimonial so grateful 🙏 thank you. ❤🐕💗🐈So far I have asked Catherine to communicate with five of my pet...

Another lovely testimonial so grateful 🙏 thank you. ❤🐕💗🐈

So far I have asked Catherine to communicate with five of my pets over the past six years. Four cats and one dog. On every occasion she has been able to describe their individual characters and behaviours in a way only I would recognise.

Catherine has been able to relay facts about their lives and circumstances that I have not told her. This has left me in no doubt that she is in communication with them. Her help has proved to be invaluable in my care of their welfare and happiness.

If you have ever looked at your animal companion and wished you knew what they wanted or what they were thinking you have my assurance, Catherine can make it possible.

I always want what’s best for my animals and having Catherine to turn to is an enormous reassurance. I can not recommenced her highly enough.

FREE TRUST TECHNIQUE CONSULTATION I am looking for horses to help me complete the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma ...


I am looking for horses to help me complete the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with their animals: Trust Technique Practitioner Course. I am offering to work with you and your horse, free of charge, as in return you are giving me the experience I need to pass this amazing qualification.

The Trust Technique is based on the theory that deepening the connection between people and their animals this can transform the lives of both. It uses mindfulness as a basis for aiming to resolve problems for the animal and also for the individual.

When an animal or a person is over-thinking this can create emotional imbalances, making it more difficult to understand or connect with each other. This can have a negative impact on the relationship and ultimately may lower trust levels. Anxious over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people.

The Trust Technique recognises that people and animals share feelings and daily practice of the Trust Technique creates a shared peace of mind – the opposite to over-thinking. In the first stages, this connection builds a core bond of trust and confidence in each other, which can then develop and extend to other areas of our lives. When the relationship shifts from fear to trust, over-reactions are replaced with instinctual learning.

This dynamic approach moves past the, often hidden, dominance between people and animals. It recognises the individual and animal are equal. The animal is regarded as an intelligent being, able to work together with a human in trusted cooperation. The reward is a more truthful understanding of the animal’s opinions and allows for communication that manifests in shared wellbeing.

As a Trust Technique Practitioner, I will be supporting you and your animal(s). The aim is to help you both to become more peaceful in your lives by introducing a daily therapeutic practice. The Trust Technique consultation delivers an integral structure of support while keeping within the laws and guidelines of professional practice. If the animal has a particular problem I will support and help the animal and owner overcome this.

If you are interested I'd love to hear from you.

For more information about this course visit


This week I've been helping Monty the Lab over come his fear with thunderstorm noises and fireworks using the Trust Technique. The magic of this technique is when you apply it in the right way it can help break negative fear cycles in all types of situations. Can't wait for our next session next week. 🐶

A case study testimonial :) I have two male dogs, from the same litter, who were difficult to walk on the lead. Rascal, ...

A case study testimonial :) I have two male dogs, from the same litter, who were difficult to walk on the lead. Rascal, in particular, pulled constantly and the two of them were forever on the lookout for cats and would not greet other dogs very well. Catherine agreed to work with me and them using the Trust Technique. At 6 years old I thought it might be too late to adjust their behaviour but I was delighted to hear Catherine say it was possible. I followed the technique online and worked in person with Catherine. I am delighted to say that positive change has occurred. I learnt how to calm and communicate effectively with both dogs and can happily say that walking the dogs on lead is much more pleasurable for them and me. Rascal no longer pulls and they are much calmer generally. Catherine's calm and professional approach was amazing and I highly recommend her services.

I am looking for horses to help me complete the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with the...

I am looking for horses to help me complete the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with their animals: Trust Technique Practitioner Course. I am offering to work with you and your animal, free of charge, as in return you are giving me the experience I need to pass this amazing qualification.

The Trust Technique is based on the theory that deepening the connection between people and their animals this can transform the lives of both. It uses mindfulness as a basis for aiming to resolve problems for the animal and also for the individual.

When an animal or a person is over-thinking this can create emotional imbalances, making it more difficult to understand or connect with each other. This can have a negative impact on the relationship and ultimately may lower trust levels. Anxious over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people.

The Trust Technique recognises that people and animals share feelings and daily practice of the Trust Technique creates a shared peace of mind – the opposite to over-thinking. In the first stages, this connection builds a core bond of trust and confidence in each other, which can then develop and extend to other areas of our lives. When the relationship shifts from fear to trust, over-reactions are replaced with instinctual learning.

This dynamic approach moves past the, often hidden, dominance between people and animals. It recognises the individual and animal are equal. The animal is regarded as an intelligent being, able to work together with a human in trusted cooperation. The reward is a more truthful understanding of the animal’s opinions and allows for communication that manifests in shared wellbeing.

As a Trust Technique Practitioner I will be supporting people and their animals. The aim is to help both be more peaceful in their lives by introducing a daily therapeutic practice. The Trust Technique consultation delivers an integral structure of support while keeping within the laws and guidelines of professional practice.
Initially I need to do six sessions with the animal, which can take between one to two hours. Ideally for the sessions the animal needs to be in his or her own environment. The second part or the course is involving and teaching the owner mindfulness and how to share this with their animal. If the animal has a particular problem I will support and help the animal and owner overcome this.

If you are interested please leave a message on facebook or email [email protected]

If you would like to learn more about this course visit

Trust is everything

When I first heard messages from horses I was working as an equine nurse. One of my first animal communications was with...

When I first heard messages from horses I was working as an equine nurse. One of my first animal communications was with a horse that needed colic surgery. We were in theatre, one vet was monitoring the anesthetics, the other two vets scrubbing their hands. I was clipping and scrubbing the incision site and out of the blue I heard “I’ve had colic surgery before”. I asked the vets if the horse had history of colic before. The owners had only just brought the horse and were unsure about any medical history. The vets asked if I had found a scar, I said no but I think the horse has had colic surgery before. During the surgery the vets had found that a large quantity of gut had been resected in a previous surgery. This shocked me - the message I received was true. How on earth did I know that this horse had colic surgery before. I would receive messages from different horses like this while nursing and this become the norm. This kickstarted my interest in animal communication, and I started reading books about it. One of my very first books I read was called ‘What horses say, How to Hear, Help and Heal them’ by Anna Clemence Mews and Julie Dicker. Foreword by Joanna Lumley. When I miss having horses around I reach for this book.


I am doing the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with their animals: Trust Technique Practitioner Course. I am offering to work with you and your animal, free of charge, as in return you are giving me the experience I need to pass this amazing qualification. I am looking for animals, mainly Dogs and Horses.

The Trust Technique is based on the theory that deepening the connection between people and their animals this can transform the lives of both. It uses mindfulness as a basis for aiming to resolve problems for the animal and also for the individual.

When an animal or a person is over-thinking this can create emotional imbalances, making it more difficult to understand or connect with each other. This can have a negative impact on the relationship and ultimately may lower trust levels. Anxious over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people.

The Trust Technique recognises that people and animals share feelings and daily practice of the Trust Technique creates a shared peace of mind – the opposite to over-thinking. In the first stages, this connection builds a core bond of trust and confidence in each other, which can then develop and extend to other areas of our lives. When the relationship shifts from fear to trust, over-reactions are replaced with instinctual learning.

This dynamic approach moves past the, often hidden, dominance between people and animals. It recognises the individual and animal are equal. The animal is regarded as an intelligent being, able to work together with a human in trusted cooperation. The reward is a more truthful understanding of the animal’s opinions and allows for communication that manifests in shared wellbeing.

As a Trust Technique Practitioner I will be supporting people and their animals. The aim is to help both be more peaceful in their lives by introducing a daily therapeutic practice. The Trust Technique consultation delivers an integral structure of support while keeping within the laws and guidelines of professional practice.

Initially I need to do six sessions with the animal, which can take between one to two hours. Ideally for the sessions the animal needs to be in his or her own environment. The second part or the course is involving and teaching the owner mindfulness and how to share this with their animal. If the animal has a particular problem I will support and help the animal and owner overcome this.

If you are interested please leave a message on facebook or email [email protected]

If you would like to learn more about this course visit

Testimonial from Emma:I contacted Catherine because I was worried about my Greyhound Dolly. Every night she would urinat...

Testimonial from Emma:
I contacted Catherine because I was worried about my Greyhound Dolly. Every night she would urinate in the room that she slept in. I had her checked by the vet who did some tests
but found nothing physically wrong. The first night after the phone consultation, Dolly did not urinate. It has been two weeks now that she has not urinated during the time when she is left at
night. Also, since the communication Dolly is much more trusting. I have always wanted Dolly to keep me company on the sofa but she had been to weary of the possibility of my legs
touching her and hurting her. A week after the communication Dolly joined me on the sofa, curled herself in between my legs and lays her head on my bum. Amazing.

Hi all, it's been a while since posting, but here's a testimonial from a lovely owner and her special dog Jet. I was ver...

Hi all, it's been a while since posting, but here's a testimonial from a lovely owner and her special dog Jet. I was very happy that I could help. :)

I had left a long term relationship, after my partner had hit me and my dog Jet. We moved back with my parents for a while before I found a place of my own. Jet wasn't happy. He was stressed and he wanted to go back and live with my parents again. I was so upset with the situation but just wanted Jet to be happy. So I decided after crying a lot that It was the best thing for Jet's wellbeing that I let him stay with my parents. It broke my heart but I knew it was for the best.

I contacted Catherine for help. She was loving and understanding of my situation. Catherine was 100% accurate with Jets emotions, behaviour and personality. Catherine reassured me that Jet was really happy living with my parents and that he loved me as I love him, and understood what had happened. You have totally reassured me that I am doing the right thing for my beloved Jet's wellbeing.

You have given me great help and comfort that Jet is happy with his new life living with my parents and that he feels relaxed and content. I'm happy and Jet is too. I see him every week and I know that he's happy now.

You are a angel sent down to help people and more importantly the animal kingdom. You have an amazing gift with animals Catherine and I'm so grateful for your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and Jet thanks you as well. I will be telling all my friends how good you are, spreading the word.

I'm at The Healing Weekend in Somerset this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come and say hello, it would be lovely to see y...

I'm at The Healing Weekend in Somerset this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Come and say hello, it would be lovely to see you

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I am doing a workshop on the 5th July, were you can learn animal communication and how to use sound therapy to connect a...

I am doing a workshop on the 5th July, were you can learn animal communication and how to use sound therapy to connect and balance your animal.


Annie's owner would like me to share with your Annie's commnuication consultation worksheet. Hope you enjoy.


Lady Annie


Distant, nervous and wary of people, shy, loving, likes to curl up on the sofa, very quick when out on walks.

Nothing picked up

Nothing picked up, so assume all is okay.
I found it difficult to connect with Lady Annie, decided to connect with Sydney to see if that would help with the connection with Lady Annie.

A real character, busy, nosey, loves looking into things, gets under your feet, likes to know what's going on. Confident, loving, likeable, loves people, he's a real cool chap.
Sydney is top dog, he likes Annie and looks after her.

Likes her – but has to make sure she's not getting something that he's not.

Two people share the house with the two dogs.

Connected back with Lady Annie


I've done something wrong, old owners gave me up, concerned about the lady, would like her to know that I'm okay. Felt real emotion of sadness and heartache.

While Tina was describing Lady Annie's behaviour I picked up on anxiousness and nervousness. Couldn't get to the root cause, feel that we need to help Annie regarding her old owners and then work on the other emotions.

Tina filled me in about Annie's history, she was living with an elderly couple and their granddaughter was visiting. They didn't really take to the granddaughter and she upset Annie, so Annie bit her. Their son said if they didn't give the dog up then they wouldn't see him or the grandchildren again.
I felt the sadness again from Annie when Tina was informing me. Plan to release this emotion with the sounds. I connected with Annie and informed her what the son had said and the reason why the elderly couple had to find her a new home. I let her know that it was not her fault but the son.
It is important that the old owners are happy and at peace about Annie – if they aren't and still think about her daily and miss her then Annie will be picking this up from them.

Yes, she feels safe.

Why does Sydney take agility so seriously? Can you let him know that it is for fun and our special time together.
He is picking up on the competitive energy coming from the other owners and dogs. I let him know that it's just for fun and to enjoy it.

To send Annie the trauma release technique to help release the emotion she is feeling relating to her old home. Done Tuesday 17th at 12.30pm
Checked chakras – past chakras were all unbalanced – balanced them all using the sounds.
Re-check Annie on Thursday and re-do the trauma release technique if needed.
Tina to learn and practice trust technique to help build their bond and relationship. For the first week practice the technique on your own first.


1.Brings the animal into this non-thinking and peaceful state

2.Using the exercise to overcome the humans reactional state and create specific feelings that support and direct animals to learn and overcome their fears.

Animals that over think can not hear what you are asking of them because they are too involved in their own feelings.

When an animal is too involved in their own feelings they have limited trust in you, which can appear that the animal is not listening to you.

It doesn't mean that you have caused the problem but you do not have a strong enough feeling to teach the animal that the situation is not going to hurt them.

When you have trust, you have respect, and the animal will look up to you.

Follow up session:
Tuesday 24th March at 12pm.

A little story about Lady Annie, written by her lovely owner.Eight months ago I adopted a five year old Jack Russell Ter...

A little story about Lady Annie, written by her lovely owner.

Eight months ago I adopted a five year old Jack Russell Terrier with a lifelong history of isolation, physical and verbal abuse - plus one failed rehoming. She had completely shut down, with no expression, hid from people and was very reactive to other dogs. She took to my resident JRT immediately (and fortunately he adores her), so she looked to him for comfort and security. Socialisation lessons showed some small improvement, but I felt she had much deeper issues that needed dealing with before she was able to move forward. I made contact with Catherine who initially had to link with Annie via Sydney. It transpired that she was carrying a huge amount of sadness about her previous rehoming and Catherine was able to help her release some of this. There was undoubtedly a change in Annie's demeanour over the following days, but I felt that she would benefit from direct contact with Catherine and arranged an appointment at the Consulting Rooms. I took both Annie & Syd (her confidence giver) to the appointment and after some sound therapy the change was very obvious! Both dogs started playing and Annie became vocal for the first time! I am so very delighted to say that Annie has progressed in leaps and bounds since then. Catherine mentioned that Annie wanted to be included in the same activities as Syd and so I stopped the socialisation classes and started her with Agility. She is proving to be smart, fast and thoroughly enjoys her time in the ring, tail wagging constantly - and after only six lessons she is jumping a full course! I will leave it to Catherine to fill in the exact treatment details, but suffice to say that I am over the moon with the results - this little dog's life would have been so much different without her help. Thank you Catherine.

Had a great day at Boringden Hall meeting lots of interesting and friendly people 😊

Had a great day at Boringden Hall meeting lots of interesting and friendly people 😊


One Saturday morning in 2014 I had a phone call from a distressed lady, who had booked an appointment at the Vets to have her dog put to sleep. On the phone she described her situation, the dog had shown aggression towards her and her husband and now they were concerned about their children's safety.

That same afternoon I made a first connection with Troy using a photo. This is where I pick up on the animals character, physical and emotional well-being. That evening I spoke to the owner interpreting the feelings, images and words I had received. She confirmed that all the information was correct. The owner wanted to know why his behaviour had changed. I explained that I had picked up that there had been a complete breakdown of trust. His purpose as you intended him to be, is to protect you and your home, but now you do not want that of him, so he is confused. Troy communicated that he wanted to spend more time with his owner. To build trust I taught the owner a technique, which she did daily with Troy.

The next day I sent Troy a distance Suara Sound treatment to help release any stuck energy patterns behind the emotion. The Suara sound treatment brings the animals energy vibration back to harmony when it has been unbalanced or lowered through illness, emotional stress or trauma. The sounds have a very powerful effect sending most animals into a deep state of relaxation.

Before the treatment I checked Troy's past and present energy centres. The ones that were imbalanced made complete sense and tied in with how Troy was feeling and behaving. I used the sounds on each energy point to balance them. The outcome the next day was amazing.

'Troy slept really soundly on Sunday evening. In fact, we couldn't even get him up for a wee before bed. I'm absolutely fascinated by everything you've done with Troy. My husband is definitely not usually even slightly convinced by these things but even he has been turned!

I cannot thank you enough for your help, I hope to keep in touch and have a session with Troy and Lola in the flesh when we move back down to Devon. Without your help we would almost certainly not have our beautiful boy here with us.

Needless to say, we are over the moon!'


Perhaps it's the Energy Centres!

Is your Jack Russell barking more than usual? Does your horse have less energy in her step? Perhaps it's her energy centres! First have her checked by a veterinary surgeon to rule out any medical conditions. If she receives a clean bill of health, the next thing is to look for issues in her energy field. You may not be able to see it but it is often a source of physical, emotional and behavioural issues.

These Energy centres are a complex network of non-physical spinning vortices, which run throughout the entire body. Energy flows in and out of these energy points along the meridian system into the aura and into the physical body.

Every thought, act and emotion is a form of energy and will affect the energy centres, therefore each energy centre will correspond to an aspect of the self: thoughts, emotions, senses, instincts and so on.

Animals senses or instincts are more sensitive than humans, making their energy centres much brighter and larger than ours. Animals sixth sense comes from a minor energy point. There are 21 minor energy points located in different places such as at the nose, tail and ears, which are connected to the major energy points. The most important one is located at the bridge of the nose, below the third eye energy centre. Animals in the wild have to depend on this minor energy point for survival and animals are constantly absorbing and translating sensory information far more than us humans are. Companion animals are still using their minor energy point but instead of using them in the outside environment in nature, their energy points and physical bodies are taking in a lot of electronic energy from our home devices, such as the television, internet, mobile phones, fridges, microwaves - the list is endless when you start to think about it. The effect of the energy coming from these devices and the super sensitive bodies of animals cannot be a good mixture and these devices are likely to effect the balance of the animal's energy points.

It's not only energy picked up from devices that animals have to deal with, they are also able to pick up on how we are feeling, which in turn effects their energy centres. Often I have checked animals energy points and also their owners to find that they have the exact energy centre imbalances. If you and your animal are sharing the same imbalances for a long period of time, you and your animal will physically share the same aliments and diseases. I know people who are taking the exact medication as what they are giving their animal, treating the exact condition. Is this a coincidence? Energy centres are important to keep balanced not only for your health but your animal too.

Animals seem to naturally stimulate their energy centres by rolling, rubbing against a tree or even rubbing against their animal or human companions. It is beneficial to your animals health that regular checks on these energy points are made to see if there are any imbalances and balance them accordingly. Animals suffering from a mental, emotional or physical trauma may not be able to repair their energy centres, resulting in energetic imbalances, which in turn result in signs of disease. As a preventive treatment we should be taking a more proactive role in checking our animals energy centres and should also be balancing and checking our own.


Here are some testimonials from some lovely people that attended last years Animal Communication and Sound therapy workshop.

''Thoroughly recommended for the enhanced healing connection. A wonderful day and learning experience.''

''Thank you for a lovely day and an insight into using the sounds with your pets. I learnt a lot.''

''Such an interesting and informative day. So wonderful to connect with my pet and another. Here's to practicing more and getting to know my animal better. Thank you so much. Blessings. ''

See my page for details of my up and coming workshops.

I am doing two one day workshops where you can come and learn how to communicate with animals and how to use sound thera...

I am doing two one day workshops where you can come and learn how to communicate with animals and how to use sound therapy to bring peace and balance your pets energy points.



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