Shoes get blamed for a lot of problems with horses, which is weird, as they’re just an inert bit of metal applied externally. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying having metal on the bottom of your feet is a good thing, I’m just asking if the shoe is really the problem…
Shoes are usually applied to solve a problem. Which means, there’s a problem there already. I’d rather look to solve the root cause of the problem.
Applying a shoe solves the problem of there being no shoe.
Very rarely do I hear someone saying the problem is that their horses feet don’t have shoes. They tend to say the problem is the growth is too slow, or there’s too much wear, or wear is uneven, or the horse is footsore (lame – footsore means lame. Lame in all 4 feet).
All those problems can be covered up by a shoe, but not solved. By covering the symptom up, you allow the problem to persist and even deteriorate.
Hoof Health Laid Bare is a comprehensive course to help you understand how horse health affects the hooves, so you can worry less and get the strongest hooves possible. Find out more, here