Dog walking and pet sitting service covering Bedworth and surrounding areas.
Available services include:
Solo dog walks: offer one to one time spent with your dog on a walk, ideal for unsocialised pets or elderly dogs who are a bit slower.
Group dog walks: (max of 3) dogs must be well socialised.
Pet sitting service: block booking of hours available to suite your needs. late visits available from 8pm-12 which covers a 30 min local walk perfect for a night away from home or shift workers.
Drop in visits: covering toilet breaks, feeding, cleaning, medication administration, Companionship while you work.
I offer a wide knowledge of caring for pets ranging from dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, chickens, ferrets, hedgehogs etc. I currently live with 2 working dogs, 3 rabbits and have also worked at a boarding kennles, a stable yard and a cattery previously.
I am working towards a diploma in animal welfare and trained in animal first aid. Fully Insured and DBS checked.
All services will have a meet and greet appointment prior to visits commencing to make sure all your pets needs will be met, what you require and any additional Information you feel is important to us in regards your pet to ensure we provide the best service for you.