Look who joined me and wren for a quick walk today as a trial. She's a bit small for it really but it did allow her to see traffic, shop doors opening and of course people including a boy playing football. Because this is what's so important for young pups... EXPOSURE!!!
A big bit of advice I can give to puppy owners when the cute bundle of fluff turns into a piranha! Is rather than just redirect on to a toy for them to chew on.... sometimes hold it for them. Often they can't hold it still enough to really get a good chew going. Hold it still and let them move their mouth around where they need to be.... trust me your table leg will thankyou for it!!!
Yesterday we worked on our dogs relationship to food vs us. By placing treats on the floor and then asking them to do a simple command... can the dog concentrate enough to complete it and be rewarded by the food or do they remain obsessed by it. By doing exercises like this we ensure we are more valuable to the dog than the treats themselves
Learning some impulse control 🥰
Oh its scary how clever she is.... I'm definitely gonna have my hands full with this one!!!
Short sharp training is the way forward with puppies. I always say whilst your waiting for the kettle to boil is the perfect amount of time to begin with
Ignore the state of me.... but here is little skyla learning how to give her paw with the help of her big sisters
My top tips for a successful first night with your pup
I had the hall to myself tonight so I took the opportunity to do some training with my own dogs.
I can't tell you how pleased I am with bee learning this. Still a long way off the finished product and we get it wrong as many times as we get it right but it's all about the journey and I'm having a great time learning how to teach this 😃😃😃
So new years means resolutions and mine is to offer more videos and blogs... so here's my first one.... I warn you it's a long one but hopefully worth it.
Join me on part of my walk today whilst I share my views on choosing your breed of dog....
How clever is Rudi.... this is just his 3rd session learning about searching and finding a scent... and then check out that indication. I'd love to take credit for it but it just came super naturally for him... his stubbornness has its advantageous 🤣🤣🤣
Impulse control..... does your dog have any?
Teaching your dog to wait whilst a toy is thrown out can not only help with impulse control but is also a much safer way to play with them. Allowing them to run out after a toy and 'jump on it' or catch it in mid air can cause lasting damage to their back, joints and muscles.
By asking them to wait and then go and find it is a much safer alternative.
Adding this to multiple dogs is then a next level of ability so teach it on its own first