The Equine Method

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The Equine Method Helping horse owners becoming safer, more confident and more successful with their horses

How often do we judge a horse’s behaviour without the full picture?Last week, I shared a series of photos of Ruben and a...

How often do we judge a horse’s behaviour without the full picture?

Last week, I shared a series of photos of Ruben and asked you to analyse his body language. You all did an amazing job spotting the small details—ear position, muscle tension, lip lines—but here’s the catch: none of you had the full context.

Ruben wasn’t just standing around making faces for the camera. Another horse was creeping up behind him, and his body language shifted as he processed the situation and responded. One moment he looked relaxed, the next tense, then he threw a threat over his shoulder—and finally, once the other horse backed off, he relaxed again. Without that context, it’s easy to misinterpret what’s going on.

Here’s a breakdown of each picture:

📸 Picture 1: Ruben’s ears are out to the side and slightly back—possibly tuned out or listening behind him. It’s a sunny day, and his eyes are half-closed, but there are some wrinkles above his eye suggesting mild tension. His nostrils are small and soft, his lower lip has a slight downturn, and one front leg is slightly forward—great spot if you noticed that!

📸 Picture 2: His head has dropped, and he looks interested but still fairly relaxed. There’s a rug on the ground to his left, and you can see more muscle tension around his eyes. His lip line has straightened, but I’ll let you in on a secret—he was in the middle of chewing.

📸 Picture 3: Now he’s tense. His body position hasn’t changed, but his ears have turned back, his lip line has straightened, and his chin has become more tucked. He’s looking behind him, reacting to something—though without full context, it’s easy to assume he’s just randomly grumpy.

📸 Picture 4: The shift. His ears have come forward, his eyes look softer, and his overall facial tension has eased. Now you can see more of the rug on the ground, and crucially—he’s looking at me again.

So what was actually happening? I was checking Ruben in the field on a sunny day, rug off, quick body check, and some food. Another horse was creeping up behind him. Ruben noticed, threw a threat over his shoulder to tell them to back off, and once they did, he relaxed again. Classic horse conversation.

This is exactly why it’s so important to think like detectives when reading horse behaviour. A single snapshot in time doesn’t tell the whole story. Horses communicate constantly, and understanding them means looking at the bigger picture. Who’s around them? What’s happening in their environment? What’s just happened before? Let’s keep questioning, observing, and learning—because better understanding leads to better horsemanship.

Social media isn’t going anywhere, and we’re constantly being flooded with pictures that lack context. The problem? When we draw conclusions too quickly, it can lead to misinformation being shared on a much wider scale. If we want to be better horse people, we need to be better critical thinkers too.

So guys, tell me—did you enjoy this content?

Do you want more of these in the future?

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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There are supplements sold through vets that have no evidence and/or useless amounts of active ingredients.

The same goes for some that farriers recommend.

I called a pharma company about one once asking them to clarify the (useless) daily servings of actives and they admitted it was a product they took on when they acquired the company that originally sold it, and because it was still selling, they wouldn't stop or change it.

So please don't assume that because a feed supplement comes through a vet..or farrier, that it is superior, proven or efficacious.

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If everyone who sees this post could share and complete the survey that would be amazing! 🙏 You don’t need to add any pe...

If everyone who sees this post could share and complete the survey that would be amazing! 🙏

You don’t need to add any person details, email or anything. It’s quick and easy to complete

Please and thank you x

BHS Safety team is part of the Firework Working Group🎇, which is formed of Animal and Human Charities.

Redwings Horse Sanctuary🐴 is one of those members, and we would really appreciate you taking the time to complete their Firework survey. 🫶Closes on the 19 January 2025

Not forgetting to record any🎇incident on the BHS Horse i or website

We’re back! (Almost) if it wasn’t for the bleeding snow 😅 With this weekend’s work all fully rescheduled I’m taking a mo...

We’re back! (Almost) if it wasn’t for the bleeding snow 😅

With this weekend’s work all fully rescheduled I’m taking a moment to just accept what we have and enjoy the beauty of it.

It totally suck - don’t worry. I’ve not lost my mind 😅

But if my reflection from 2024, into 2025 is to slow down every now and again and name the positives
horse.hound and myself discussed this in detail in Series 2, Episode 1 of our podcast “Dangerous at Both Ends, Tricky In The Middle” . And the power of verbally naming our emotions, as we feel them.

Yesterday in the snow I felt …

- Frustrated at all the changes and cancellations
- Poorly (the Christmas bug finally caught me)
- Tired of everything taking longer than it should

And then, while messaging friends, taking pictures of the snow I felt

- Grateful, we have more snow than parts of Scotland and my friends are jealous 😅 their jealous made me realise that it is special at times, it is very pretty
- Thankful that I make the decision to move my horses to living conditions which are better supporting their mental and physical health
- Proud of myself for having hard conversations with clients and making decision re moving sessions or cancelling things (because I absolutely hate letting anyone down!)

So this post is an exercise to myself, and hopefully a blue print to my clients. We’re entering that part of winter where we are so tired and dreaming of spring.

Equine behaviour can become very challenging at this time of the year can be very challenging - you’re not alone.

It will come, it always does. But in the meantime, let’s build some positive habits while our options with our horses are limited. As always, small steps, progression not perfection. Let yourself feel the bad stuff, then remind yourself of how awesome you are 🥳

Habit formation is just like training a new behaviour 😉

Here’s to 2025 🙌🏻

Hi everyone!Yesterday marked my last day of seeing clients in Cheshire for the year, as I head back home to Scotland to ...

Hi everyone!

Yesterday marked my last day of seeing clients in Cheshire for the year, as I head back home to Scotland to wrap up 2024. I won’t be taking in-person appointments until January, but I’m still here behind the scenes for conversations, finishing up paperwork, and writing training plans.

For anyone who’s made a new inquiry recently, I’ll be in touch soon, and all bookings will now be scheduled for the new year.

What a year it’s been! Thank you to every single one of my clients for making it so incredible—I’ve loved working with you and your horses. I’m also looking forward to meeting those of you who are already booked in for January.

Lastly, remember: it’s okay to take a step back, rest, and just enjoy the season. Slow down, enjoy your Christmas and New Year, and let’s start 2025 refreshed and ready to go.

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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Struggling with loading or getting your horse into the wash bay? Here’s the thing: it’s rarely the trailer or the bay it...

Struggling with loading or getting your horse into the wash bay?

Here’s the thing: it’s rarely the trailer or the bay itself that’s the problem.

It’s usually the little details—like stepping on a strange surface, being in a tight space, or weird smells and sounds.

The trick? Break it down. Work out what’s actually worrying your horse.

Is it the ramp? The noise? The separation? Once you know, tackle it in small, manageable steps.

Confidence isn’t built by forcing things—it’s shaped bit by bit with patience and care.

Small steps, big progress. Start today.

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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On another grey winter day, let’s have a throwback to a sunny day of desensitisation training with one of my clients. Do...

On another grey winter day, let’s have a throwback to a sunny day of desensitisation training with one of my clients. Doing a wonderful job guiding her horse through a gentle course of obstacles and balloons 🥳

Let’s talk about the theory behind this. Real desensitisation is all about gradual exposure to things that might have been scary in the past. It’s about building confidence, not fear.

Here’s the key: we keep the horse “under threshold.” This means we’re working at a level where the horse isn’t overwhelmed or reacting with fear.

It’s a slow, steady process of increasing the level of “scary” stimuli—one tiny step at a time—until the horse is comfortable and relaxed.

This isn’t about forcing them to “deal with it” by making them scared or startled. That’s what’s called flooding, and it doesn’t teach confidence; it just creates more stress and can lead to explosive behaviours, or learned helplessness.

Desensitisation done right should barely cause a reaction. The goal is to help the horse feel okay about things in a way that feels safe.

A calm, relaxed horse isn’t just a happier one; it’s a SAFER horse for all involved. Because confidence simply can’t come from fear.

To learn more, get in touch

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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I'm still seeing some nutribaloney about soaking hay circulating.

Some Q&As to help...
Q: Does soaking hay strip it of nutrients?
A: Yes - that's the whole point (unless you're soaking for 10-15 mins for respiratory health) - we're long- soaking to reduce BOTH calories (energy) & water soluble carbs (sugar & fructan)
Q: Can we replace the useful nutrients lost e.g. minerals?
A: Yes - that's why we add a balancer or vitamin & mineral supplement to the diet, because soaking may reduce some mineral levels
Q: Do we soak for just sugar reduction?
A: No No No No!!!! For overweight horses & ponies or those with insulin dysregulation we soak hay to reduce calories (energy) as well as water soluble carbs (WSC) = sugar AND fructan!!

(Fructan is not sugar. It's made up of sugar units joined by bonds that are not broken by digestive enzymes, but fermented by gut microbes.

The reason some may get confused about fructan is they either think it's a sugar or they think it doesn't affect insulin response... both are incorrect).
Q: Is it safe to test hay for just sugar & starch and then feed it to laminitis / ID / EMS horses & ponies if it's under 12%?
A: Absolutely, categorically NO!! This is really important. Both calories and fructan (WSC) can be highly variable in hay and you could cause laminitis by feeding unsoaked hay of unknown energy (calorie) and WSC content. Furthermore, analysing hay is only an estimation of what that particular sample contained and results should be used with care.
Q: Do I need to be worried about soaking hay, about mineral losses??
A: Absolutely not. We just need to balance soaked hay with suitable products. Soaking hay is sometimes the only way we can get unhealthy overweight, laminitis-prone, EMS/ID horses & ponies to lose weight without half-starving them.

I hope this helps to calm the worry about soaking hay and clarify some nutibaloney.

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Some procrastination thoughts while I work my through a mountain of CPD today 🫣It’s so easy to get swept away by the fla...

Some procrastination thoughts while I work my through a mountain of CPD today 🫣

It’s so easy to get swept away by the flashy videos and “perfect” final moments that social media loves to push in horse training.

We see the impressive moves, the big behaviours, the fancy stuff that grabs attention—and somewhere along the way, the basics get left behind, or completely missed.

But here’s the truth: the basics aren’t just a phase to “tick off” on your to-do list. They’re the foundation.

And the riders or horse owners who truly excel? They’re the ones who cycle back to basics over and over.

The idea that you’re only progressing when you’re adding something new can be misleading.

Real progress happens when your foundations are rock solid—go, stop, turn, back, and all those “simple” cues that actually make everything else possible.

When these basics are consistent, clear, and reinforced, that’s when you’re setting your horse up for success, no matter what your goals are.

Whether you’re looking to take on dressage, go show jumping, or just want a reliable hacking partner, the basics are your real power moves.

They’ll keep you steady and adaptable in any situation, allowing you to move forward with confidence, knowing you’re supported by solid groundwork.

Ask yourself: are your horse’s baseline cues truly strong and rewarding for them? And how does your horse genuinely FEEL when you ask those questions?

Because if you want the “big” moments, it’s the basics that’ll get you there.

It’s been an amazing month here at The Equine Method – three of my clients have “graduated” after tackling some seriousl...

It’s been an amazing month here at The Equine Method – three of my clients have “graduated” after tackling some seriously tricky behaviours with their horses!

They’re now out there, enjoying every moment with
their horses, feeling safer, more confident, and successful. Seeing these transformations is exactly why I do what I do.

And now, with these recent successes, I’m excited to announce that I’ve got space to take on just *three new clients* in November.

If you’ve been considering reaching out, this is the last opportunity for 2024. After November, I won’t be taking on any new clients until next year.

So if you’re ready to work through your horse’s behaviour challenges, whether in-person around Cheshire or virtually from anywhere in the world, now’s the time!

Let’s make this your year of breakthrough with your horse. Don’t wait – spots are limited, and they’re going fast.

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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Winter’s here, and with it, a whole load of horse behaviour that can leave you feeling like you’re chasing your tail. Se...

Winter’s here, and with it, a whole load of horse behaviour that can leave you feeling like you’re chasing your tail. Seasonal shifts, changes in routine, darker days – it’s no wonder both horses and humans get a bit thrown.

But if your horse starts repeating a behaviour that’s driving you up the wall, there’s something important to remember: *what gets repeated gets reinforced*.

That gem’s from my friend Barbara Hardman over at Bright Horse, and it couldn’t be more true.

If we’re only saying “no” to our horses, it’s like giving them a brick wall. They’ll try something else – and that “something else” could be even more frustrating for you both. Instead, let’s focus on the behaviours we *do* want.

Find moments to reinforce those positive actions, give them a clear path, and use positive reinforcement where you can.

You’ll be amazed at the difference.

This season can make anyone feel like they’re failing – but you’re not. If it’s getting tough, reach out. I’m here to help.

Let’s work on finding those “yes” moments with our horses and turn this winter into a season of growth.

Owning horses is a journey with no finish line – there’s always more to learn.

📧 [email protected]
📞 07902 920 923

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Yesterday, I talked about how spooky moments can leave your horse feeling unsettled, but here’s the good news: you can help them face those fears head-on—and come out stronger! 💪🐴

Why does this matter to YOU?
By guiding your horse through new and unfamiliar situations, not only will you reduce their anxiety—you’ll also create a more enjoyable and safe riding experience. With your horse feeling confident, you’ll be able to go on adventures without the constant worry of unexpected spooks! 🌟

It's not just about that one spook, but building long term positive association with you when things don't go.. to plan.

3 Steps to Help Your Horse:
📌Stay Calm: Your horse takes cues from you. Show them it’s safe with your calm energy.
📌Go Slow: Break the situation down into small, manageable steps so your horse can adjust comfortably.
📌Reward the Little Wins: Positive reinforcement helps them associate new things with good experiences!

By following these steps, you can turn your horse’s anxiety into a confidence-building moment for both of you.

What has helped your horse overcome their biggest fears? Let’s share tips below!
✨ Build confidence one step at a time ✨




I'm thrilled to share an amazing giveaway with , where freedom is at the heart of everything we stand for. We’re inviting you to share what freedom with your horse means to you for a chance to win an unforgettable adventure!

🎉 Grand Prize
Two lucky winners will win a trail ride experience at the breathtaking Bakers Beach, Tasmania, with flights and accommodation included. Imagine the freedom of exploring stunning beaches on horseback!

👢 Runner-Up Prize
We’re also giving away a free pair of Scoot Boots to one runner-up who mentions a Scoot Boot Stockist in their entry. This is a fantastic way to support your local Stockist—don’t forget to mention me when you enter!

How to Enter:
1️⃣ Share a photo of your horse.
2️⃣ Tell us in 150 words or less what freedom with your horse means to you.
3️⃣ Submit your entry through the link in my bio, and make sure to mention me as your Stockist to help support my business! You’ll not only have a chance to win, but I’ll also receive store credit for every mention, which is greatly appreciated. 😊

Why Wait? Enter Now!
Celebrate the joy of freedom with your horse and grab a chance to win an adventure of a lifetime.


Don't forget to spread the word to friends who love Scoot Boots as much as you do!

I know it seems too far away but I have to bring up the "C" word... sorry!With the run down to Christmas and the clocks ...

I know it seems too far away but I have to bring up the "C" word... sorry!

With the run down to Christmas and the clocks going back at the end of this month, availability always gets tighter at this time of year.

The diary is open for December 2024 and bookings are being made.

My last day on the road seeing clients in person will be 16th December

To my 🌟 EXISTING CLIENTS - To avoid disappointment, please keep 2 future dates in the diary to ensure you don't miss your preferred days and times.

To 🧐 POTENTIAL CLIENTS - I only have space to take on ONE more new client this month (October) so if you're currently sitting on the fence - it's time to pick up the phone and get booked in.

At this time of year I'm seeing a lot of:

➡️ Clipper Fear
➡️ Needle/ Vet Fear
➡️ Leg Handling/ Farrier Fear
➡️ A range of handling difficulties as turnout starts to become restricted

If this sounds like your horse, get in touch and we can have a no obligations chat about how The Equine Method can help overcome equine behavioural challenges.

07902 920 923


“Be the reason another horse person feels inspired, uplifted, motivated, and ready to try new things.
Not the reason they want to quit”



Intake figures for forage are based on dry matter so don't forget to adjust

If you are going to weigh out your horse's forage based on percent bodyweight (BW) intake please remember that the figures we use - usually somewhere between 1.8% and 2.5% BW per day - are based on DRY MATTER (DM) not fresh weight.

This means that 10kg fresh hay is around 8.8 kg DM and 10 kg haylage is about 6.5 kg DM.

You can drastically underfeed if you forget that recommended intake figures are in dry matter, especially for wetter forages like haylage.

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