⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Go Fund Me Update⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
WOW 😱😱
We will never be able to say enough thank yous.
Thank you for every donation no matter how big or small, thank you for every share, thank you for every item donated, thank you for every item bought/bid on…
Just Thank you All
Our target has been reached and exceeded well before we even dreamed it would be. We are totally blown away by everyone’s generosity and support.
Currently we have the funds to cover 6 months kennel rent, insurance and bills but there will be other costs we haven’t currently budgeted for. The fundraiser will remain open until 30 November as every single pound or penny we can raise will make it easier to continue after the initial 6 months.
A million thanks for making a 20 plus year dream come true to help even more dogs.
If you wish to donate through PayPal or the bank details are below:
[email protected]
Fife Rottweiler rescue
Bank of Scotland
Thank you
Just for a bit of fun…. & the winner to get a treat box for your dog..
If your dog was allowed to get his/her own meals what’s the weirdest thing they’d eat/pinch?
Photos would be great too ( just because we like looking at all the amazing dogs you have ( we aren’t breedist so all breeds allowed)
Luna/tic would make herself broccoli sandwiches as she’s obsessed with broccoli & bread 😣
Can you believe as gorgeous as I is… no one wants to love me & play with my bestest snake withs me..
everyone at the rescue tells me what a gorgeous boy I am…
I likes other doggies … as long as they don’t grump at me..
I likes peoples..
I can’t live with kiddies but otherwise I’m pretty much perfect… …
I’m even getting a little better with getting close to my people cuddle wise….. providing they let me do it slowly & when I’m ready ( none of that huggy, kissy stuff .. yukkkk )
So why does no one right want me… I’m so sad
Loves Rio.. .. ( & I’d love my people to dance on the sand withs I loved the beach )
Please email the rescue peps if you think I might be a good match…please tell them all about you, your family & situation… & about the type of dog that you think is perfect for you..( the more they knows the better)
[email protected]
Many of you know Wee Jake …
Jake came to us in New Year’s Eve as an emergency as he couldn’t walk… he was sold this way by a breeder to a lovely family that weren’t aware he couldn’t walk…when they spoke to the breeder their answer was to get him out to sleep 😱
Thankfully they didn’t want that & just wanted Jake to have a normal life, they did all the right things & then contacted us..
We will shortly be doing a fundraiser to help with Jake’s treatment costs.. his treatment alone ( not including fuel,time or anything else ) costs the rescue over £500 a month… we cannot commit to any other dogs until we know we can cover Jake’s & their costs.
We have been told we should have had him pts & used the money for better reasons …we disagree with this.. Jake did not ask to be born or to of not received the right help from his breeder.. Jake is a very strong minded boy & is so determined..
He has made amazing progress & he needs our support..
So if you could please help by supporting our fundraising efforts if you could donate an item, if you could even just share our posts please..
we also have a few supporters that donate to us a small monthly sum, which is an amazing help.. even if it’s just the price of a cup of coffee/tea… that helps us to support Jake & dogs like him.
We are also looking for a very special foster home for Jake ..
He does have certain needs so it needs to be a very experienced & special person
He needs:-
Someone near to us.
No other dogs or a very chilled older dog.he ya dog friendly but he needs attention & time.
No children unless they are older as he needs a very calm house
Someone near to us that can take him to his treatment sessions, this is twice weekly & ongoing
Someone retired or that works from home & has flexibly.
He needs a very special person could you be Jake’s Angel..
please please only apply if you match the start of his criteria… he’s very special to us & this has to be 100% right for him
Wee Jake update…
Most of you know Jake came in as an emergency on New Year’s Eve.. Jake was nine weeks old & could only walk two wobbly steps before his back legs just collapsed.. his people had done all the right things but they felt out of their depth & the breeders only advice was to put him to sleep then ( he was sold in this condition but unknown to his owners ) now we couldn’t have that so a member of the team went to collect him on New Year’s Eve..
With the help of our fantastic vets & two amazing members of the team wee Jake has shown much improvement.. he is by no means out if the woods yet but he’s heading in the right direction..
it’s been hard going for him ( & them ) as well as learning to walk he needed to learn the normal puppy stuff.. even going to the toilet was more complicated… so his training has been very intense and at times he’s understandable been very frustrated… but he has the best two people in his corner encouraging him on… his hydrotherapy team are also amazing..
now all this has also come at a huge cost, his hydrotherapy alone has come up over £1000 ( not including getting him there & numerous tubes of primula 🫣) his vets bill double that…
But we couldn’t give up on him… he’s not perfect & never will be but he is a lovely wee boy that has the determination to fight this & have a very loved & happy life..
people have told us we should of had him put to sleep, that he’s a waste of rescue funds…
To us this is what we are here for.. to save the ones that find their way to us whatever their age or disability… & without you this wouldn’t be possible…
We are all part of this team as without you we couldn’t do this…. Without your donations whether they be money or items donated to the auctions/raffles on the fundraising page… without your shares letting others know what we are doing & the dogs looking for homes.. we couldn’t do this..
so thank you for being part of this team your suppor
Just such a beautiful girlie 💗