Fife Rottweiler Rescue

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Fife Rottweiler Rescue We take in and care for abandoned and homeless rottweilers, once in our care the dogs are assessed, vaccinated, microchipped and neutered prior to rehoming


Anymore please before I find a judge for the winning treat box ❤️


Thank you for all the messages… 🌸🌸🌸
We will hopefully get to them later tonight


WE NEED HELP PLEASE ( awaits the sarki comments from the back 🫣🤣)

We urgently need good foster homes..
Are you breed experienced?
Are you in our area?
Fancy having a chat to see what it entails?
Foster homes vary depending on the dog, many times we need the impossible ( pet free, child free, person working from home )
But occasionally we don’t….
But we really need people we can call that we’ve spoken to & met… when there’s a dog that needs help..
every dog out of kennels & into foster means we can take on another dog in need..

It’s very difficult to do if you have children as most of the dogs coming in have no history & we cannot risk children getting hurt.. but occasionally we do have history..

If you’d like to know more please message the rescue page & feel free to ask any questions, we will try our best to answer..

We do have a couple of special dogs needing foster..

We all have our own skill set, Sadly none of us are technically minded & we really need a website setting up…
Could you help please?

Do you have any amazing ideas…
Do you know any large company’s looking for a lovely Rottweiler charity to sponsor..
Fancy doing a sponsored skydive type thing
Even a cake stall, getting the kiddies to sell their old toys ( might as well clean their rooms whilst they are off 🤣)
Any ideas at all… just shout



There must be more funny eaters?
& photos of your dogs ….
Goodie box for the winning dog…& it’s free to enter 🥰


Just for a bit of fun…. & the winner to get a treat box for your dog..

If your dog was allowed to get his/her own meals what’s the weirdest thing they’d eat/pinch?

Photos would be great too ( just because we like looking at all the amazing dogs you have ( we aren’t breedist so all breeds allowed)

Luna/tic would make herself broccoli sandwiches as she’s obsessed with broccoli & bread 😣


we are very confused & very sad…

If we can’t rehome near perfect dogs we really need to think about closing the doors… we cannot keep dogs in kennels for their lifetime it just us not fair and is no life for any dog/animal

Neither Rio or Pudsey have had one serious enquiry…
Besides they can’t live with kids they are pretty much perfect Rotties …

So if we can’t rehome them what chance do we have with homing dogs that aren’t nearly perfect…
We have other dogs under assessment …
We also have two dogs that need very special homes …. One being Jake who is very urgent & needs someone very special to foster/adopt him. ( post to follow )

So please can you share their posts & try to find them their people… they really are the nicest boys and deserve the world..

Please 🙏 help us help them 😰

Some of our followers may remember the story of our Daisy, who was handed over to the police after a fight had broke out...

Some of our followers may remember the story of our Daisy, who was handed over to the police after a fight had broke out🤷‍♂️.
A few weeks later Daisy threw a gr***de when she revealed she was actually pregnant and just a few days later give birth to a litter of 9 cross bred puppies🤦‍♀️.
Fortunately we have managed to successfully rehome all pups except for one wee female “gingerweiler” who is still looking.

As usual Mum is always last to be rehomed but 🎼drum roll🎼😁😁🥰Daisy has gone and bagged herself the most amazing home😍😍😍

We cannot thank Liz and Bobby for offering her the home we so envisaged for her❤️❤️

Here’s to an amazing future Daisy you so deserve it…..but a lot of folks will miss you ###xx


Can you believe as gorgeous as I is… no one wants to love me & play with my bestest snake withs me..
everyone at the rescue tells me what a gorgeous boy I am…
I likes other doggies … as long as they don’t grump at me..
I likes peoples..
I can’t live with kiddies but otherwise I’m pretty much perfect… …
I’m even getting a little better with getting close to my people cuddle wise….. providing they let me do it slowly & when I’m ready ( none of that huggy, kissy stuff .. yukkkk )

So why does no one right want me… I’m so sad

Loves Rio.. .. ( & I’d love my people to dance on the sand withs I loved the beach )

Please email the rescue peps if you think I might be a good match…please tell them all about you, your family & situation… & about the type of dog that you think is perfect for you..( the more they knows the better)

[email protected]


We seem to be having intermittent issues with the rescue email..
if anyone has sent an email regarding Rio or pudsey please can you message the rescue page with a copy of the email. Then we can check we have your application has been received.
Thank you 🌸


Hiya peeps…. My name is Rio (& yes I love the sand but not dancing )
I’m looking for a new family & wondered if you could help..
my home must be an adult only home..
I enjoy my walks & playing/training but I’m not the kind of boy that likes fuss & cuddles.. please don’t think you will change my mind on this I just don’t like that kind of affection at all…
I like walking & love being outdoors..
I do like other dogs & so could happily live with a chilled dog that would take me exploring with our people..
I do need ongoing training as Rotties do as my home prior to rescue didn’t have much time to guide me & help me enjoy life as I should.
My ideal ideal people would be an older couple without kids/grandkids.. that maybe one person works from home or part-time ( then I can get use to living in a home again )
That live in a semi rural ish village & love the outdoors life/walking ( I’m happy to call at the pub on the way home as long as people don’t want to fuss me… I really don’t like that lovey dovey stuff )
If you think you have a Rottie shaped space for me & fit my criteria.. I promise we can have lots of fun adventures..
please message the boss lady, heading your email ❤️RIO❤️… on

[email protected]

Thank you Rio ( no kisses as I hates them 🫣)


So we have some Amazing dogs looking for both permanent and foster homes..
I’m going to add a couple of them this evening ..
**please only apply if you fit the criteria given**.

The dogs have been assessed. Assessing a dog gives us an insight into the kind of home that they need. This does not mean they are perfect & don’t need additional help/guidance, no dog is perfect as no person is. But we try to find the best match for these amazing dogs as we can.
( this is where knowledgeable foster homes help greatly )
Please understand that if we say No other dogs,kids,cats, furries or pet dragons .. we have a reason for this…
Many of the dogs come from pounds as people dump them… this means that there is no history on that dog. Had these people waited for rescue places they then could if told us information & so helping us help their dog.. sadly most don’t.. so we have to start from scratch but we will NOT then rehome them with children… this is only because we do not want to see any child potentially hurt & a dog loose its life because we weren’t responsible…
If however we have history on a dog & know he/she has happily lived with children & we are then able to check this out we will rehome with older, dog experienced children…..
it is not because we are being funny… its because we care.
Please also understand this is a very, very small team.. & we don’t have anyone sitting around just waiting for messages… the dogs come first..
As a rescue the team don’t just go play with the dogs & that’s it.. ( we wish )
We have to :-
Respond to the many calls, messages & emails that come in daily begging for places & then deal with the abuse when we have to say no.. ( we are not government funded & cannot fill kennels we do not have sorry ) we are literally all day every day, none stop getting messages begging for help 😢
Arrange for any dog coming in to get here, this can be a mammoth job & can take hours of arranging with owners/pounds/transporters.. as well as trying to raise funds to cover the transport.
Get any dog into the kennels or foster & spend time with them to help them decompress after their long journey.
Get them to the vets to get a health check, chat about any issues & organise them being neutered once decompressed & if their bodies are healthy enough… if not to plan a course of action & arrange future vet checks.
Get them back to kennels/foster, chat to the foster family about how they are getting on.. plan training. Once at kennels do some assessments & training..
ongoing training & general exercise to assess what they like, hate, enjoy.
Check ups on foster dogs
We currently have a dog that is having ongoing hydrotherapy.. he needs collecting, taking to his session ( one hour ) twice or three times weekly & then back home.
Arranging homechecks
Doing homechecks
Doing follow up checks
Doing meet & greets.. if other dogs are involved this needs to happen a few times to ensure everyone is happy
Covering social platforms ( we will get better if we ever get time )
Fundraising ( an endless & difficult job )
Sending out begging letters… we do not get any funding from any governing body… just to keep paying for kennels & food is a fortune a week…
For an average size Rottie to be spayed is about £350 vaccinations £75…
So if we take a dog that needs transporting from mid country that’s been dumped in the pound our costs look like

Transport £200 ( ish depending where )
Vet consult £40
Worm & flea treatment £25
Vaccinations £75
Spay £350
Kennels 3weeks £270 ( usually longer )

That’s just under £1000
& I haven’t added things like collars, fuel for taking them about, food, any vet treatment they may need & the fact they are usually here much longer than 3 weeks..

So every dog that leaves us we are financially on a big loss, a massive loss to be honest.
We do not do this for money but I just wanted you to see why we are often fundraising..
fundraising takes so much time as we appreciate everyone is struggling .. all the rescues are fighting to keep their doors open. The number of dogs needing help is colossal. So many dogs are being put to sleep daily from the pounds as us rescues have no space..
young dogs, beautiful dogs… dogs that have no issues other than they got bought by people that hadn’t put enough thought into having a dog ( though we know there are some genuine cases it is a very small percentage)
These dogs do not deserve the abuse, neglect & disrespect they have been given & we are here ti help the ones we can…
For us to help them we need your help & greatly appreciate the support we receive..
But we really are struggling…. Seeing what we do is heartbreaking & takes its toll on everyone in the team.. but then to get the abuse we do ( yes people decide they want that dog & then kick off big time when we say they aren’t suitable for that dog & suggest another or that we will contact them when we have one suitable )
So we need you more than ever to understand everything that goes on behind the Facebook photos, behind us being lighthearted….
Besides rescue we all have families, our own dogs ( that are ones that have to many issues to Rehome so aren’t easy dogs ) cats, rabbits, geese & job… we run off coffee & 4 hours sleep.
So please have some patience & please help us anyway you can… even if it’s just sharing a post, please 🙏
all our supporters ( whether you adopt, foster, dog walk, donate items,food or money .. transport or even just share posts.. you are all part of the team, without you this wouldn’t be possible, so from the bottom of our hearts we Thank you…

WeeJakey here’s… I haz been toldid that it’s abouts time I earned my own keeps as I cost lots of pennies for my swimdidi...

WeeJakey here’s… I haz been toldid that it’s abouts time I earned my own keeps as I cost lots of pennies for my swimdiding. So todays I haz to tell yous about some of my buddies in the rescue
He’s goes..

My firstest pal is a luvli fun boy…
He likes me & other doggies
He can’t live with kiddie winks
He is lots of fun & can run very fasted, well he out run’d mes…
He also went to vet man & comedid back with two bits missing… now he can rundid even faster he tolds me..

My nextest pal is another boy
He likes other doggies too… I try to chase hims but he’s to quick even for my long leggies..
He can not live with kiddie winkles but could possibly live with those naughty cat creatures ( they always picks on me )
Also has two bits missing after vetman visit but it didn’ts make hims go faster..

We haves a couple more dogs in but thems still under assessment ( parently this means being watchedid for what they’d likes & doesn’t likes )

Boss lady knows more bout my buddies so if you’s looking for a new best friend please email the rescue and telldid her abouts you & others that lives with you & what kind of dog you think would suited you’s life..
I knot doing all her jobs she can do that one herself…

Right I iz exhausted’s now so gonna go pinch a sweetie & snooze 💤

Thank yous Loves wee Jakey

Email address

[email protected]


Many of you know Wee Jake …
Jake came to us in New Year’s Eve as an emergency as he couldn’t walk… he was sold this way by a breeder to a lovely family that weren’t aware he couldn’t walk…when they spoke to the breeder their answer was to get him out to sleep 😱
Thankfully they didn’t want that & just wanted Jake to have a normal life, they did all the right things & then contacted us..
We will shortly be doing a fundraiser to help with Jake’s treatment costs.. his treatment alone ( not including fuel,time or anything else ) costs the rescue over £500 a month… we cannot commit to any other dogs until we know we can cover Jake’s & their costs.
We have been told we should have had him pts & used the money for better reasons …we disagree with this.. Jake did not ask to be born or to of not received the right help from his breeder.. Jake is a very strong minded boy & is so determined..
He has made amazing progress & he needs our support..
So if you could please help by supporting our fundraising efforts if you could donate an item, if you could even just share our posts please..
we also have a few supporters that donate to us a small monthly sum, which is an amazing help.. even if it’s just the price of a cup of coffee/tea… that helps us to support Jake & dogs like him.

We are also looking for a very special foster home for Jake ..
He does have certain needs so it needs to be a very experienced & special person
He needs:-
Someone near to us.
No other dogs or a very chilled older dog.he ya dog friendly but he needs attention & time.
No children unless they are older as he needs a very calm house
Someone near to us that can take him to his treatment sessions, this is twice weekly & ongoing
Someone retired or that works from home & has flexibly.
He needs a very special person could you be Jake’s Angel..
please please only apply if you match the start of his criteria… he’s very special to us & this has to be 100% right for him

Applications by email only …

Videos & photos to follow as fb only allows us to add one video 🤷‍♀️

**Added payment details as requested**

[email protected]
Fife Rottweiler rescue
Sort code 800809
Account number 06002916

PLEASE ONLY APPLY IF YOU FIT THE CRITERIA My brother, sisters, mummy & I are looking for our forever loving home.. our m...


My brother, sisters, mummy & I are looking for our forever loving home..
our mummy is a Rottie but we have no idea who or what daddy is as he did a runner 😢
Mum was a stray & so the rescue people have no information on her & had no idea she was carrying us as she was so thin when she ended up at the pound..the rescue then got her to the vets for a health check & three days later we appeared..
the type of home we need must be:-

Experienced in large breed dogs…

Be able to commit to having a dog in their life for potentially 10/12 years…

Be aware we are puppies & will need training ( some peoples think us puppies train ourselves )

Be aware we need a few days to settle & that they will need to be home to help..

know that we cannot be left for more than four hours & will need someone to let us out to play if you work full time.

will need landlord permission if in rented accommodation ( proof will be required)

Be aware that we have sharp little teefs & like human babies we chew when we are teething.this isn’t biting we just need guidance.

We will need neutering/spaying when old enough & after the vet has agreed we are grown enough.

Insurance is highly recommended due to vets costs.

We would be happy going to training sessions as soon as we are allowed out… it’s great for our socialisation & learning… plus we love lots of friends…

As large dogs we need a decent food, especially to help with our growth

We can be Rehomed with older dog savvy children that will be calm around us & help with our training & make it fun ( we lovessss fun )

So if you can commit to us for 10 years… knowing that if you change jobs, move house, have a child, leave your partner .. you will do so ensuring we will still be with you please apply to the rescue lady by email ONLY ( any contact other than this will not be answered )

[email protected]

Please tell them all about you, your family and why you think you would be our perfect home..

All homes will be home checked, vet checked & must agree to follow up visits & keeping in contact with the rescue peeps

Mummy would love a rural home please… preferably where she can be the centre of attention… she’s not had a great life so deserves the bestest one from now on


Wee Jake update…
Most of you know Jake came in as an emergency on New Year’s Eve.. Jake was nine weeks old & could only walk two wobbly steps before his back legs just collapsed.. his people had done all the right things but they felt out of their depth & the breeders only advice was to put him to sleep then ( he was sold in this condition but unknown to his owners ) now we couldn’t have that so a member of the team went to collect him on New Year’s Eve..
With the help of our fantastic vets & two amazing members of the team wee Jake has shown much improvement.. he is by no means out if the woods yet but he’s heading in the right direction..
it’s been hard going for him ( & them ) as well as learning to walk he needed to learn the normal puppy stuff.. even going to the toilet was more complicated… so his training has been very intense and at times he’s understandable been very frustrated… but he has the best two people in his corner encouraging him on… his hydrotherapy team are also amazing..
now all this has also come at a huge cost, his hydrotherapy alone has come up over £1000 ( not including getting him there & numerous tubes of primula 🫣) his vets bill double that…
But we couldn’t give up on him… he’s not perfect & never will be but he is a lovely wee boy that has the determination to fight this & have a very loved & happy life..
people have told us we should of had him put to sleep, that he’s a waste of rescue funds…
To us this is what we are here for.. to save the ones that find their way to us whatever their age or disability… & without you this wouldn’t be possible…
We are all part of this team as without you we couldn’t do this…. Without your donations whether they be money or items donated to the auctions/raffles on the fundraising page… without your shares letting others know what we are doing & the dogs looking for homes.. we couldn’t do this..
so thank you for being part of this team your support is very appreciated..

Wee Jake also says thank you to the couple of people that have sent him pressies..

Just to add as I’ve been asked a couple of times.. Jake has Hydrotherapy twice a week for an hour a time at £75 an hour.. he has also just started laser therapy ( awaiting costs ) so we are currently paying £200 a week at least to keep him heading in the right direction….
If anyone would like to help towards Wee Jake’s cost we & he would be very grateful…( he likes to know he’s special so if you could mark any PayPal payments “ for Jake” please

PayPal ..
[email protected]

Bank details
Fife Rottweiler rescue
Account 06002916
Sort code 800809

Thank you all 🌸🌸🌸🌸

As requested …. Updated for mum & pups ( loving seeing the photos of your gorgeous dogs on the post… so please pop them ...

As requested …. Updated for mum & pups

( loving seeing the photos of your gorgeous dogs on the post… so please pop them on & we don’t mind what breed, shape, size … of even if it’s a photo of a hen )

Sorry we’ve been made aware Amazon is playing up re the address to send food.. if needed just shout & I can give you one of the volunteers address & they will get it to the foster where mum & pups are….
Thank you 🌸🌸



Sorry to say we CAN NOT currently take on any more dogs..
financially we are at breaking point…
Every dog we Rehome we are financially at a loss with, obviously we don’t do rescue to make money… but people don’t see the costs incurred.
Just to get a dog neutered or spayed costs more than the donation we get for their adoption. Add to that vaccinations £75, kennel costs a day, food for the long term & normal foster dogs, vets visits( Jake’s hydrotherapy & physio a week comes to more than £100 ) transport to get dogs to us, time…
As some of you know a couple of weeks ago this beautiful girl found her self handed in to the police station..we were asked to help her. It didn’t appear as if she’d had a great life & she was looking very bedraggled & skinny..whilst on a vet check the vet wanted to scan her stomach to check all was ok… the boss was in rather a shocked state when the informed that in her skinny belly were at least 4 pups that were due any began a mad search for her a foster home close by..a few days later out popped these beauty’s.. before anyone asks we have no idea where she came from or any of her history & she flatly refuses to say who dad is… but she is a wonderful mum & obviously has been through this before…
But we are now financially responsible for 9 dogs more than we planned.. they need good food to get them off to the best start.. & obviously vaccinations once old enough.. basically the best we can provide of everything to get them to be the healthiest, happiest & most socialised pups they can be..
Please DO NOT start pinging the page saying “ I want one “ they are not ready to be Rehomed yet… or asking “ what is dad “ as we have no idea …. We don’t even know where she came from as she wasn’t chipped..
we do know she is a beautiful young girl & she is being an amazing mum.. that alone is the most important thing to these gorgeous wee guys ..

We will be posting dogs that are looking for homes.. a couple require specific homes so shares would be muchly appreciated..

Also please if anyone has any fundraising ideas or has any business contacts that would like to donate anything please kick one of us..
or if you’d like to send one of the pups a pressie Gail will be updating the Amazon wish list & I’ll post it later..

Or if you’d like to donate the price of a cup of coffee .. with 30 cups we can buy a good quality bag of food for mum ( she’s eating like a horse but needs it ) & a bag for the pups ..
Thank you all for your support in every form 🌸🌸

[email protected]

Bank info…..
Fife Rottweiler rescue
Sort code 800809
Account no. 06002916



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