Hovis says: have a twinkly Christmas and a Happy New Year! 😊
Thank you to all our clients for your support in 2024. Looking forward to pawsteps forward with you and your dogs in 2025 🌟🎄🐾
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincolnshire #howtocalmyourdog #advancedsocialinteractionskillsclasses
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #advancedsocialinteractionskillsclasses
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #dogbehavioursolutions #dogtraininglincolnshire #howtocalmyourdog #buddydogwork #buddydogtraining
#fernemberdogbehaviour #puppyprogramme #puppytraininglincoln
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #dogbehavioursolutions
These three ❤️❤️❤️ have come such a long way. They're different ages - from under a year to over two years - and they all have their own stories about why other dogs have made them unsettled in the past. Classes have built their confidence and given them the skills to manage other dogs on walks and out and about!
We loved this session 🥰🐾
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #dogbehavioursolutions #howtocalmyourdog #socialskillswithdogs
We love it when things come together 🥰. Murphy started puppy classes as a bit of an uncertain pup. And, like many daxies, that uncertainty came out with quite a few barks!
His mum and family have worked hard to build his confidence and self-control. His mum manages everything to help him practise his Thinking-Dog 3 Cs so that he can be Calm, Connected and Comfortable = self-controlled.
And it's all paid off 😊🐾
#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #dogbehavioursolutions #howtocalmyourdog #puppysocialskills
Puppy play goes best when puppies have their Thinking-Puppy heads on 😊🐾 How do we do it - especially with sensitive puppies?
SMALL GROUPS - tiny groups so that play can be controlled
SHORT PLAY - so that puppies don't get over-stimulated and so play doesn't get rough
WELL MATCHED - by age, temperament and size so that no puppy feels overwhelmed
PLENTY OF TRAINERS FOR SUPPORT - so that experienced handlers can manage play
FOCUSED OWNERS - who are ready to pay their puppies every time they come away from another pup so that interactions stay short and calm
When you have all these things you have Thinking-Puppy play: Calm, Connected, Comfortable = self-Controlled 🥰
#goodpuppyplay #fernemberdogbehaviour #puppytraininglincoln
This little gang are fab 🥰 #fernemberdogbehaviour #puppysocialskills #dogtraininglincoln #puppyclasses
A lovely week of waggy tails and smiley faces #fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #dogtraininglincolnshire #dogbehavioursolutions #howtocalmyourdog #thinkingdogbehaviourprogramme
Puppy class: second class for these wee ones and they've been practising nicely at home. They all had their Thinking-Puppy heads on: calm, connected, comfortable = self-controlled all the way! 😊🐾#fernemberdogbehaviour #dogtraininglincoln #puppysocialskills #thinkingpuppy