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Your friday photos and our longest joke yet! In the photos : Monty looks taken a back after Tilly grabs him for a smooch...

Your friday photos and our longest joke yet! In the photos : Monty looks taken a back after Tilly grabs him for a smooch!; Barney leads the charge; and Indie looks…….bedraggled! Now, get a drink, get comfortable and fill your boots with this gag submitted by our Irish fan club:

A rabbit walks into a pub and says to the barman:

‘Can I have a pint of beer, and a Ham and Cheese Toastie?’

The barman is amazed, but gives the rabbit a pint of beer and a ham and cheese toastie. The rabbit drinks the beer and eats the toastie. He then leaves.

The following night the rabbit returns and again asks for a pint of beer, and a Ham and Cheese Toastie. The barman, now intrigued by the rabbit and the extra drinkers in the pub, (because word gets round), gives the rabbit the pint and the
toastie. The rabbit consumes them and leaves.

The next night, the pub is packed. In walks the rabbit and says, ‘A pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie, please barman.’
The crowd is hushed as the barman gives the rabbit his pint and toastie, and then burst into applause as the rabbit wolfs them down.

The next night there is standing room only in the pub. Coaches have been laid on for the crowds of patrons attending. The barman is making more money in one week than he did all last year. In walks the rabbit and says, ‘A pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie, please barman’.

The barman says, ‘I’m sorry rabbit, old mate, old mucker, but we are right out of them Ham and Cheese Toasties..’.

The rabbit looks aghast. The crowd has quietened to almost a whisper, when the barman clears his throat nervously and says, ‘We do have a very nice Cheese and Onion Toastie.’ The rabbit looks him in the eye and says, ‘Are you sure I will like it?’

The masses’ bated breath is ear shatteringly silent.
The barman, with a roguish smile says, ‘Do you think that I would let down one of my best friends. I know you’ll
love it.’
‘Ok’, says the rabbit, ‘I’ll have a pint of beer and a Cheese and Onion Toastie.’

The pub erupts with glee as the rabbit quaffs the beer and guzzles the toastie. He then waves to the crowd and leaves….

One year later, in the now impoverished public house, the barman, (who has only served 4 drinks tonight, 3 of which were his), calls time. When he is cleaning down the now empty bar, he sees a small white form, floating above the bar.

The barman says, ‘Who are you?’, to which he is answered, ‘I am the ghost of the rabbit that used to frequent your public house.’

The barman says, ‘I remember you. You made me famous. You would come in every night and have a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie. Masses came to see you and this place was famous.’

The rabbit says, ‘Yes I know.’

The barman said, ‘I remember, on your last night we didn’t have any Ham and Cheese Toasties. You had a Cheese and Onion one instead.’

The rabbit said, ‘Yes, you promised me that I would love it.’

The barman said, ‘You never came back, what happened?’

‘I DIED’, said the rabbit.

‘NO!’ said the barman. ‘What from?’

After a short pause. The rabbit said…


Have a great long weekend all x

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: 5 of the gang enjoying the sunshine today; Bella and her back up ...

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: 5 of the gang enjoying the sunshine today; Bella and her back up dancers Ralphie and Jude; and after 2 years, Fudge is back! To the gag:

I've just had a 2 people at the door for over an hour telling me the benefits of brown bread...

Blooming Hovis Witnesses!

Have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday (olympic themed) gag. In the photos, i’ve no idea what Ralph is going in the first ph...

Your friday photos and your friday (olympic themed) gag. In the photos, i’ve no idea what Ralph is going in the first photo! and the 2nd and 3rd photos show what a mixed week of weather we had this week. To the gag:

3 friends are outside the Olympic stadium but they haven't got tickets. They decide to pretend to be athletes to get past security. The 1st man picks up a manhole-cover, tucks it under his arm and walks to the gate. "Thompson, Great Britain” he says, "Discus", and in he walks. The 2nd picks up a length of scaffolding and slings it over his shoulder. "Franklin, USA” he says, "Pole vault," and in he walks. The 3rd looks around, picks up a roll of barbed wire and tucks it under his arm. "Jones, Australia” he says, "Fencing...

Have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Hay Hay Monty; Bath time for Charlie and so much more in another ...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Hay Hay Monty; Bath time for Charlie and so much more in another fab week with the gang! to the gag:

I had to run to the loo after being served pancakes by a ghost in a French haunted house….

…it scared the crepes out of me!

have a great weekend all xx

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, 2 sweet sweet pictures to start…..and then a charging Clyde and a...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, 2 sweet sweet pictures to start…..and then a charging Clyde and a hungry Millie! To the gag:

I got banned from the zoo yesterday for making a parrot laugh by touching it

It's polly tickle correctness gone mad!

Have a great weekend all x

A Euro’s football flavour to this week’s photos and gag! in the photos - Yet again Gus’ owner did not have the heart to ...

A Euro’s football flavour to this week’s photos and gag! in the photos - Yet again Gus’ owner did not have the heart to tell him the result….you couldn’t tell that face could you! Ear ear says Clyde, Millie and Oboe give each other the colliwobbles and Bella takes a mud bath. To the gag, this week submitted by our welsh fan club!

A man saw a magic lamp lying by the side of the road, gave it a rub, and sure enough, a genie popped out. “i’ll grant you one wish” said the genie. “I want to live forever “ said the man. “sorry “ said the genie “i’m not allowed to grant wishes like that” . “fair enough, i want to die when England next win a football tournament “ said the man. “you crafty sod!” said the genie

Have a great weekend all x

Great photos, and, for once, a decent gag! In the photos: Girls trip! Oboe and Mara relax by the lake; Barney takes a le...

Great photos, and, for once, a decent gag! In the photos: Girls trip! Oboe and Mara relax by the lake; Barney takes a leap of faith and beautiful Bella is back with us - we’ve missed you girl. To the gag:

I was in a cafe this morning happily dipping my biscuits in other people's tea and they called the police...

Said I was dunkin' disorderly!

Have a great weekend all x

Got your scooby doo impression handy? good, you’re going to need it for today’s gag! In the photos, Ollie decides there’...

Got your scooby doo impression handy? good, you’re going to need it for today’s gag! In the photos, Ollie decides there’s only one way to stop Raffi gossiping about him; Stanley does his best angry Basil Brush impression, and Ralph gets the troops in line…..and then gets bored and rushes the camera! Right, ready for that gag? get your scoob voice ready

Thelma is doing a quiz for Fred, Daphne & Shaggy…”can you name one of Africa's big 5 animals?"


"I know you do Scooby, but it's not your turn!”

Have a great weekend all x

Hot days for most of the week meant shorter walks, shade and lots of water fun for the gang. Enjoy the photos and here c...

Hot days for most of the week meant shorter walks, shade and lots of water fun for the gang. Enjoy the photos and here comes a truly terrible animal gag!

Q. How do Monkeys travel across the sky?
A. By hot air baboon

have a great weekend all x

it’s Black and White Friday! we’ve not done it for a while, but now we have 4 black labs we want to know if their owners...

it’s Black and White Friday! we’ve not done it for a while, but now we have 4 black labs we want to know if their owners can tell them apart 😀. To the gag:

Just been sacked from the pasta factory...

All I did was make a fusili mistakes!

Have a great weekend all x

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Clyde crosses the bridge over the green slime: Raffa just loves a...

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Clyde crosses the bridge over the green slime: Raffa just loves accessorising: Molly reacts to today’s gag, and, as ever, much much more! To the gag:

The Indian restaurant I work for is so secretive I had to sign a legal agreement that I wouldn't share the flatbread recipe…

Just their standard naan disclosure agreement!

Have a great weekend all x

Sooooo many good photos this week! i couldn’t really narrow them down. so you get them all, you lucky things! To the gag...

Sooooo many good photos this week! i couldn’t really narrow them down. so you get them all, you lucky things! To the gag:

It cost me £500 to get my sheep sheared…

I think I've been fleeced!

Have a great weekend all xx

Lovely week with the gang…….just look how happy they all are! To your friday gag……betcha groan!What do you sing to a Qua...

Lovely week with the gang…….just look how happy they all are! To your friday gag……betcha groan!

What do you sing to a Quattro Formaggio Pizza on its birthday?

Four Cheese a jolly good fellow!

have a great weekend all x

Fab fab week with the gang! In the photos, Build me up Buttercup Tilly!; Oboe opens wide; Clyde spots a UFO and is abduc...

Fab fab week with the gang! In the photos, Build me up Buttercup Tilly!; Oboe opens wide; Clyde spots a UFO and is abducted by it; Charlie makes a splash and much more! To the gag:

I'm playing cricket against my local fish & chip shop later…

Their fielders and bowlers aren't that good, but their batter is brilliant!

Have a great long weekend all x

Another lovely week with the gang……look how happy they all are! right, to your friday gag:Want to know if your partner o...

Another lovely week with the gang……look how happy they all are! right, to your friday gag:

Want to know if your partner or your dog loves you more?

Just lock them both in a crate for a few hours and see which one is happy to see you once you open it.

Have a great weekend all x

Sunny days ☀️ finally! - and boy did the gang enjoy it! In the photos - Junior sunbathes and let’s it all hang out and l...

Sunny days ☀️ finally! - and boy did the gang enjoy it! In the photos - Junior sunbathes and let’s it all hang out and lots of happy faces. To your friday gag:

What’s better than Ted Danson?
Ted singing and Danson!

have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Molly does her best Mick Jagger impression; Oboe struts her funky...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Molly does her best Mick Jagger impression; Oboe struts her funky stuff; Ralphie takes the plunge and ollie rolls with it. To the gag:

A guy walks into a psychiatrist’s office butt naked other than being wrapped head to toe in cellophane. The psychiatrist takes one look at him and says, 'Well, I can clearly see your nuts”

Have a great long weekend all x

Dancing dogs, prancing dogs - we’ve got them all in a fab week with the gang as well as a truly terrible friday gag! Str...

Dancing dogs, prancing dogs - we’ve got them all in a fab week with the gang as well as a truly terrible friday gag! Straight to it then:

Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Pixar collection, except one. He’s never gonna give you Up.

Have a great weekend all x

over 7000! That’s the number of walks we have now completed after passing through the milestone earlier this week. And i...

over 7000! That’s the number of walks we have now completed after passing through the milestone earlier this week. And in the photos this week…… of the perks of the job is seeing how happy the gang are to see you - here’s Riddler waiting for me in the window; Blue Skies enjoyed by Oboe; And Jude hands out kisses then receives one; and much much more fun with the gang. To the gag:

I met this bloke with a didgeridoo and he was playing Dancing Queen on it. I thought, ‘that’s Abba-riginal.’

have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! There was actually some days where it didn’t rain much - woooooo! As you’ll see ...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! There was actually some days where it didn’t rain much - woooooo! As you’ll see in the photos. the gang looked mischievous this week! To the gag:

My boss asked me today, “Do you believe in life after death and the supernatural?”
I replied, “Yes, I think so.”
“I thought you would,' he said. 'Yesterday after you left to go to your grandmother’s funeral, she phoned up to talk to you."

Have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, Stanley has a Mexican stand off with Oboe, and you’ll see who won...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, Stanley has a Mexican stand off with Oboe, and you’ll see who won on the second photo (run away!); Monty asks is it a bird, or a plane? and lots more with the gang. To the joke:

Q) What do you get if you cross human DNA with pig DNA?

A) Escorted off the farm!

Have a great weekend all x

Your, er, Thursday photos and your thursday gag! In the photos, Barney gives a cheeky wink to the camera knowing he’s go...

Your, er, Thursday photos and your thursday gag! In the photos, Barney gives a cheeky wink to the camera knowing he’s got too much speed to get caught; Riddler tries to prove him wrong and Charlie…..well, I wish he hadn’t gone a** over t** in the mud!! bonkers weather all week, but a fun week nonetheless. To the gag:

It's illegal to laugh out loud in Hawaii…

You have to keep it to a low ha!

Have a great long weekend all x

A new furry friend and a naughty friday gag! In the photos, please say a big hello to handsome Clyde! He’s been a pleasu...

A new furry friend and a naughty friday gag! In the photos, please say a big hello to handsome Clyde! He’s been a pleasure to walk and we look forward to lots of fun with him. Also this week, we have some beautiful photos of the gang: Charlie does his impression of an otter; Tilly and Monty have fallen for each other and have been kissing all week (i’m being serious!) and lots lots more. To the gag:

The actor who played Captain Kirk in Star Trek has announced that his female lingerie business has been a total failure...

In hindsight, maybe Shatner Knickers wasn't the best name for the venture!

Have a great weekend all x

Chase time! the gang were full of energy this week - i was the bedraggled, soaked one, marvelling at their enthusiasm wh...

Chase time! the gang were full of energy this week - i was the bedraggled, soaked one, marvelling at their enthusiasm whilst sinking in a sea of mud! You didn’t think i’d forget your friday gag did you? here it is:

My wife – it’s difficult to say what she does. She sells seashells on the seashore

Have a great weekend all xx

Your Friday photos and your friday gag 😀 Lots of posing from the gang this week as we all wondered what that big yellow ...

Your Friday photos and your friday gag 😀 Lots of posing from the gang this week as we all wondered what that big yellow thing was in the sky! To the gag:

Every time I drink Thatchers or Strongbow I start swearing like a trooper…

They should warn you before drinking them about the cider fecks!

Have a great weekend all x

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, please say a big hello to our newest furry friend, the very lovel...

Your Friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos, please say a big hello to our newest furry friend, the very lovely Jude! Jude joins our other black labs Gus, Charlie and Ralph. Their names make it sound like they are in a K-pop band and they want to be known as 4BL (possibly, or maybe i spend too much time on my own!). In the other photos, Stanley and Charlie enjoy mud facials and much more in another wet and wild week! To the gag:

I’ve just finished playing darts with a Zombie and an Alien…….

Onnnnnee undead and ET!

Have a great weekend all x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos - Bella does her drill sergeant impression again, this time on poo...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos - Bella does her drill sergeant impression again, this time on poor new recruit Ralphie “don’t you eyeball me boy!”; Junior, monty and Molly can tell spring has sprung; and, oh my word, it’s the wettest week we’ve known - check out some of the things we’ve had to walk through! And finally, just the oddest thing we’ve found, presumably washed away (last photo). To the gag:

Why did the dog lose his job as an engineer?

Paw Maintenance!

Have a great weekend all xx

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos - despite the constant rain, the gang still had a fab time…..thoug...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos - despite the constant rain, the gang still had a fab time…..though Ollie’s brakes failed on the mud and he crashed into me after i’d taken this photo! To the gag:

The police came to my door holding a picture of my wife.

They said, "Is this your wife?"

Shocked I answered, "Yes".

They said, "We are afraid it looks like she's been hit by a bus".

Outraged, i shouted “you cheeky blighter! i think she is beautiful and she’s great with the kids”

Have a great weekend all x

A new furry friend, a joke, and a question - we are really spoiling you today! in the photos: please say a big hello to ...

A new furry friend, a joke, and a question - we are really spoiling you today! in the photos: please say a big hello to Charlie, a lovely little puppy who has joined our gang. Did i say little? he’s already HUGE! Also, i slipped on a walk this week… you will see i could have chosen a better place to fall! To the gag:

Last night me and my girlfriend watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one facing the telly.

And your question;

How do you keep an idiot in suspense?

Have a great weekend all 😀 x

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Monty is looking sheepish as he’d only read this sign after doggy...

Your friday photos and your friday gag! In the photos: Monty is looking sheepish as he’d only read this sign after doggy paddling out to his super yacht without the required paperwork; Nooshie stands still long enough for a selfie with yours truly; and Gus flaps his ears and starts to take off. To the gag

If there's one thing that always makes me throw up...

It's a dart board on the ceiling!

Have a great weekend all x



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