Let’s get Fun February going! It’s safe to say that this little Yorkie’s bite will be worse than his bark!
Your Friday.....video and Friday gag! No photos this week (normal service will be resumed next week), so I thought I would share one of my fams videos with their puppy. Make sure the sound is on so you can hear how quickly the gorgeous boy has picked up a certain word! To the gag
I met my wife when she was working on the London Stock Exchange.........we went on a date and she started playing FTSE with me under the table!
Have a great weekend all
Ever so slightly wet today!
A little mid week fun! Make sure the sound is on
Your Friday pho......video! And of course your Friday gag, woooo! In the video we see the old never ceases to be amusing ‘pretending to throw the ball’! To the gag:
My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right.
Have a great weekend all, stay safe x
That feeling you get just after a torrential rain storm hits and you don’t have time to get your waterproof troooosers on! Blast!
Running with the dogs cam is back! Jarvis, Lottie and Raffi star in this particular production!
This is how much fun your dog could have with new furry friends if Mendip Dog Walking takes them out!
The return of DOG CAM! Starring Jarvis, Lottie and Raffi - what a lovely environment for them - safe, stimulating and empty!
Exploring a path new to us this morning, part of Burrington Combe. Safe, Stimulating, deserted - marvellous!
Dog Cam: Running with the pack!