Apollo went for a wander and found a lovely spot to enjoy some much needed winter sun 🌞
Winter is always tough when you run a sanctuary. The workload is hard and running costs are sky high. We are already feeling battered by this winter but a little bit of winter sun reminds us that spring is on its way.
Please become a #Pigoneer to help support our large herd of rescued pigs. You can join the #pigoneer club as little as £2.50 a month!
Thank you ❤️ x
#animalsanctuary #animals #pigsanctuary #pigsave #rescuedanimals #kindnessmatters
#farmrescue #farmedanimalsanctuary #piglove
#pigoftheday #pigsofinstagram #pigsofig 🐖
Pigtastic Pigs 🤗
Apologies for the lack of media and also to all the people that have messaged me. I apologise, I haven't been able to reply. I've had to step back from other tasks due to exhaustion and the need to just concentrate on the animal care side of things.
I'm trying to find more staff to help with the daily work and I'm especially looking for help with the supervising of the daily work. There's a huge amount to learn and masses of detail to take on board for the safe running and caring for all of the animals. So finding the right people to help in a very low populated and rural area is challenging.
Unfortunately I'm still waiting for the barn roof to be repaired 😔 I'm on a waiting list and really hope it will be fixed in the next few weeks. The contractors in this area are all so busy. Massive thank you to everyone that has donated towards the repairs 🙏
I'm also hoping I can find someone to replace Annie and Tansys damaged roof in the next few weeks.
Please help us keep our sanctuary going, we aren't meeting our monthly outgoings so must increase the funds coming into the Sanctuary.
If you can help, please become a #Pigoneer 🐷
Sponsor a resident 🐑🐴🐕🐷🐈
Or make a one time donation towards our hefty winter running costs 🥶
Thank you everyone for your support and patience.
Sasha ❤️ x
#animalsanctuary #pigsanctuary #animalrescue
#animals #pigstagram #animalsofinstagram #farmanimalsanctuary #pigs #piglove #pigoneers
Cccccccold 🥶
We've been super busy making sure everyone has lots of hay and straw in the freezing weather. With an extra push today ready for snow and more freezing conditions. We have many pig areas as well as the piggy barn and of course the sheep and horses etc. So it's a mission to get everyone cosy with plenty of hay and straw.
I've got all the sheep in tonight so they're all cosy inside if it does snow heavily.
We are still working around damage from the storm before Christmas. It's going to take us quite sometime to get everything fixed. So we are stuck for now with huge holes in the piglet end of the piggy barn roof. And still problems with holes in the roof of Annie and Tansy's shelter from the felling of nearby trees. There are still lots of unsafe trees overhanging the Sanctuaries fencing and the few precarious remaining trees next to Annie, Tansys, Reggie and Ferns area.
I'm also very short staffed and I am working around the clock. Winter here is very hard graft even at the best of times.
You can help from just £2.50 a month ✨️
Please become a #Pigoneer or sponsor a resident to help support them. Hay and straw costs are huge and we get through thousands of pounds a month just on hay and straw costs.
Become a Pigoneer 🐷 https://globalvegancrowdfunder.org/pigoneer-2000-club/
Sponsor a resident 🐷🐑🐴🐕🐈
Or help with a one time donation
Thank you ❤️ x
#animalsanctuary #farmanimalsanctuary #pigsanctuary #animals #animalslover #animalrescue #piglove #rescuefarmanimals
Merry Pigmas from the Piggy Barn 🐷
Thank you to the Pigmas Day animal care team 🙌
Maura, Alex, Leigha, Kevin and Janice, thank you so much for coming in today to help care for the sheep, horses, cats and of course pigs 🙏
Hope everyone has had a beautiful day. Thank you all for helping to keep our residents alive with your support, donations and monthly subscriptions. Without you there would be no Pigmas Day 😱
Pigmas Day is also a great day to become a #Pigoneer 🐖🎄🐖🎄🐖🎄🐖🎄🐖
Thank you ❤️ x
#farmanimalsanctuary #animals #pigstagram #piglove #pigoneers #animalrescue #kindnessmatters #pigs #veganchristmas
We are in the middle of another storm 🌪
It's been going for over 24 hours but it's getting stronger tonight. It's pretty wild out there.
So we've always lived around the trees and woods and of course you get trees coming down sometimes. The difference now is they are felling the woods because of Larch die back. But for some reason over the last 8 weeks they have left a thin layer of shallow rooted, diseased trees all along the perimeter adjoining our land.
These trees are insanely tall but they have shallow roots and they come down easily as stand alone trees. They work perfectly as a woodland packed in with other trees.
After a battle we managed to get them to take the remaining little line of trees behind the barn down. I'm sure at least one of them would have come down on the barn again otherwise in this storm and would have taken out the electric supply and possibly injured our animals or a person.
Unfortunately they have left a little corner right by Fern, Reggie, Annie and Tansy's area and along our fence line.
We are very worried about one of these trees coming down now they don't have the protection from the rest of the woods.
We have already had more damage by the reckless woodsman dropping massive trees near or on the root ball of the tree that was across the gate into Fern, Reggie, Annie and Tansys area. The tree bounced 4ft in the air and smashed back down again sending branches flying and one landed through Annie and Tansys roof. So their shelter is now leaking 😞
We still need someone to come urgently and fix the barn and now also someone to fix the Annie's roof.
There may be more damage tonight but let's hope not 🙏
Costs of repairs are continuing to escalate. Please help out if you can 💗
Thank you to everyone who has helped so much already, very grateful to you ✨️
#StormDamage #StormDarragh #pigstagram #farmanimalsanctuary #animals #pigs
#pigsave #anima