Always a pleasure to help some new faces find their own @perfectfitharness - especially when they're as friendly and sweet as little Noni here! 🐶 ❤️
Just look at that tail go! @sir_cabbage_the_wiggy
The Perfect Fit harness is soft, fleece lined, light-weight and fully adjustable.
Suitable for all shapes and size. Available in LOTS of wonderful colours. 🌈
Message me to book a time for a harness fitting.
Let's find the perfect fit for your pup!
#perfectfitharness #dogharness #puppyharness #dogtrainingtelford #riansdogtraining
Bell Training!
University Group 🎓
One of the things we work on is Paw and Nose target differentiation 🤓
Here is Mylo smashing both his targeting goals on our trusty Bell targets.
I absolutely adore seeing these kids work their brains 🧠 ✨ . They are so clever, and really do gain so much enjoyment from training. It's fun for us too! 💙
The next Uni Group starts:
Thursday 14th November, 6pm, K-Nine Kingdom Madeley. 3 Spaces available. This is open for re-sits too! If you have done Uni Group once and fancy working back through the content to higher standards - let me know... It would be great to see you there!
£85 for the 4 week course (first time sitting the course)
£45 for the 4 week course (re-sitting the course)
#dawleydogtraining #riansdogtraining #shropshiredogtraining #dogtrainingtelford #dogsocialwalks #socialwalksfordogs
Thinking of joining us on the next Social Walk❓
We'd love to have you with us!
📆 : Saturday November 2nd
📍: Appley Woods
❗Booking is essential to ensure the best friendships can be made based on personality, play style and size, so message me ASAP if you're interested, please! 🐶 ❤️
And if you have any questions at all, my inbox is open for that, too, of course!
See you there? 🙋
#dawleydogtraining #riansdogtraining #shropshiredogtraining #dogtrainingtelford #dogsocialwalks #socialwalksfordogs
Are your pups struggling with loud noises like thunder storms? ⛈️
I think we would be, too, if we didn't understand what was going on! Here's something I do with my two that goes a long way when it comes to getting them soothed and regulated again...
Licki mats and a pouch of wet food is all you need!
Delivering this combo to your dogs with each thunderclap can help them to associate a normally scary sound with something nice! Licking also encourages the release of endorphins, too!
I keep close by whilst the Thunder is at it's loudest, then pop the tv or radio on to dampen the sound once it's a bit farther away. It works a treat with fireworks season coming up soon, as well...💥
#riansdogtraining #dogsandfireworks #dogsandthunder #telforddogtrainer #dogtrainingtips
Remember Buffy❓ 🐶
She's back with us in Primary Group after completing Nursery Group some time ago.
Buffy is a Batersea rescue. She was a young teenager, found as a stray. Loved people and other dogs, so much that she would scream and shout in pure excitement! Being on lead was hindering to her and she would quite literally roll her eyes if you asked anything of her.
Her journey with me started with Nursery group. Sadly this was quite overwhelming for her as she struggled to eat food, she was very heavily distracted being around new people and dog friends and didn't have the attention span to focus on any tasks.
We then set too and had a bundle of 1:1 sessions together. During which we built some solid foundations away from distractions. Gradually exposing distractions from a distance at a rate that Buffy could cope with without getting SO EXCITED.
The last few months Buffy and her wonderful pawrent have been enjoying each others company and putting into place all the skills they learnt with me.
You wouldn't believe the Buffy that has just attended Primary Group.. she completed the course with flying colours!!
Engaged, able to eat food, solidly worked around the other dogs in the class... I found myself watching them work with my mouth open, in total awe!
She's doing SO incredibly well and I'm so pleased to have this wonderful team back in group training classes.
Huge well done to this fantastic team who have grafted and put so much work into their relationship.
Long-term progress like this is one of the absolute best parts of my job. 🙏
Well done, Buffy - I can't wait to see you at Secondary Group in the New Year ! 🎉
#dawleydogtraining #riansdogtraining #shropshiredogtraining #dogtrainingtelford #1on1dogtraining
An important update from Betty Bear and I! 📣 🐾
Thank you all SO much for all the donations and support for Betty's Gofundme so far. I can't tell you how much it means. 🙏
Her operation was originally schedule for the 17th of September, but unfortunately we've not raised enough money yet. BUT we're going to continue saving & fundraising with the hope to be able to go ahead with the surgery as soon as possible. 🙌
Much love from me and Betty, we'll keep you all updated with what the next steps are. In the meantime, if you haven't already, please do consider donating via the link below if you are able. Every little helps and it really is greatly appreciated. 💕 🔻
#telforddogtrainer #dogtrainertelford #dawleydogtrainer #dogtrainerdawley #riansdogtraining #bettybearsgofundme #fortheloveofdogs #shropshiredogs
Wilson waiting in reception for classes to start last week! 🙊
If training doesn't bring them this much joy, you're not doing it right. 😜
Being sent clips like this from Pawrents really makes my day! 🙌
Too cute not to share... 🥰
#riansdogtraining #dogtrainingdawley #dogtrainingtelford #telforddogtrainer #dogtrainingreel #puppytrainingreel
Swimming with Bailey and Maverick! 🌊
Working on listening to their owner's cues and getting rewarded for it - with a proper good splash!
This concept is what's known as the Premack Principle and it can work in so many different environments - and really, anything that your dog sees as a reward! 🏆 For example:
- sniffing / weeing on a lampost
- greeting another dog
- running off to play over a large open space
- access to go dig, play in water, roll on grass
It's especially great for teenage dogs who start to find humans, treats and toys boring but have strong desire to sniff, urinate, socialise etc...
Rewarding them with experiences is also a great way to enrich BOTH of your lives together, too! 🥰
#shropshiredogtraining #riansdogtraining #premackprinciple #telforddogtraining #dogtrainingtelford
From baby steps, to BIG leaps!👏
Secondary Group put in the work last month and it's lovely to see them progress their skills - at their own pace, of course! 🙊
July's classes have already started and I'm so excited to meet some new faces and welcome some returning ones, too. Will we be seeing you there? 🙋♀️
#newdogsnewtricks #shropshirepuppytraining #shropshiredogtraining #riansdogtraining #dogtrainingreel
Another week, another adorable training compilation... 🙊
Nursery Group taking to their "spin" exercise with ease - we love to see it! 🌀
Seeing these pups learn AND have so much fun at the same time NEVER gets old. I really do have the best job ever. 🥰
#newdogsnewtricks #shropshirepuppytraining #shropshiredogtraining #riansdogtraining #dogtrainingreel
"On your bed" training with the lovely Dottie! 🥰
This exercise is perfect for getting your pups ready for waiting rooms, or ANY situation where they'll need to stay put while you're out and about...
If you think your dog could benefit fom this sort of training, get in touch! There's a VERY limited amount of space remaining for classes in July, so let's see if we can get you booked in! 🙌
#onyourbedtraining #telforddogtraining #telforddogtrainer #dogtrainertelford #dogtrainingtelford
Are you looking for puppy training classes? 🐶 ❓
Enrolment is now open for Nursery Group! Get your place booked for this super foundation, puppy training course.
📆 Tuesday 2nd at 6pm - K-nine Kingdom
📆 Wednesday 3rd at 6pm - Dawley Town Hall
📆 Sunday 7th at 9am - K-Nine Kingdom
Any questions, just shoot me a message. We'd love to have you with us! 🐾
#riansdogtraining #kninekingdommadeley #dogtrainingshropshire #dogtrainingdawley #shropshiredogtraining #kninekingdom